アート:Art History of music and music of the West and East History of music Music is thought to have originated in antiquity as a means of communication, used to imitate ... 2024.10.13 アート:Artキリスト教仏教:Buddhism心理学:psychology歴史音楽:Music
仏教:Buddhism Simulation hypotheses and classical and non-classical logic simulation hypothesis In THE UNIVERSE IN A BOX, the 'simulation hypothesis' describes the possibility that ever... 2024.07.27 仏教:Buddhism哲学:philosophy神道禅:Zen
仏教:Buddhism Human creativity and AI symbiosis – unconsciousness and priming Unconsciousness and memory Two systems can be envisaged in our minds, one being a quick, automatic, unintentiona... 2024.06.15 仏教:Buddhism哲学:philosophy禅:Zen
仏教:Buddhism Human creativity and AI symbiosis – unconscious and memory Behavioural economics and human thought systems "The economy is driven by 'emotions'" describes behavioural econ... 2024.05.25 仏教:Buddhism哲学:philosophy禅:Zen
アルゴリズム:Algorithms Deconstruction and graph neural networks History of philosophy and pattern recognition in artificial intelligence technology In the introduction... 2024.05.18 アルゴリズム:Algorithmsグラフ理論セマンテックウェブ技術:Semantic web Technologyマルチエージェントシステム仏教:Buddhism哲学:philosophy機械学習:Machine Learning深層学習:Deep Learning
仏教:Buddhism Nichiren and Kuonji Temple INTRODUCTION Travel is the act of human beings to visit new places and experience different cultures and historie... 2024.01.14 仏教:Buddhism歴史紀行
仏教:Buddhism Kukai, Shikoku Pilgrimage and Pilgrimage to Santiago Introduction Travel is an act for human beings to visit new places and experience different cultures and historie... 2023.12.17 仏教:Buddhism旅歴史紀行
仏教:Buddhism On the Road: Okhotsk Highway (Wakkanai, Etorofu, Rinzo Mamiya and Shiretoko) Summary Travel is an act for human beings to visit new places and experience different cultures and histories. Th... 2023.11.05 仏教:Buddhism旅歴史紀行読書
仏教:Buddhism On the Roads of Eizan (Saicho and the Tendai Sect) Summary Travel is an act for human beings to visit new places and experience different cultures and histories. Th... 2023.10.29 仏教:Buddhism旅歴史紀行読書
キリスト教 Meditation, enlightenment (awareness) and problem solving Zen, D.T. Suzuki and Mindfulness As described in "Zen Philosophy and History, Mahayana Buddhism, Taoism, and Ch... 2023.10.14 キリスト教仏教:Buddhism哲学:philosophy禅:Zen課題解決:Problem solving