On the Road: Akita Stroll, Matsuo Basho, Masumi Sugae, and Ningyo Dosojin

Ryotaro Shiba's Kaido Yuku, Akita Stroll and Matsuo Basho and Masumi Sugae (Rikkakunan, Hara Kei, Takahashi Koresei, Kano Ryokichi, Naito Konan, Shonai Plain, Zogata, Scaphana Temple, Ningyodo Soshin, Oga Peninsula, Kanpuyama, Former Nara Family Residence, Kurita Sadanosuke, sandbreak forest, Kazuno City)

On the Road – Strolling in Yokohama and the History of Kannai and Yokohama Port

Yokohama Stroll and History of Kannai and Yokohama Port from Ryotaro Shiba's Kaido Yuku

On the Road -Geibi no Michi

Ryotaro Shiba's Road to Geibi (Aki, Bingo, Hiroshima, Jodo Shinshu, Mori Motonaga, Amago Tsunehisa, Ouchi, Yoshida Town, Miyoshi, Kofun, Izumo, Hiroshima Prefecture)

On the Road – Kobe Walk

Kobe Stroll from Ryotaro Shiba's Kaido Yuku (Old Foreign Settlement, Yamanote, Kobe Oriental Hotel, Hong Kong Shanghai Bank, Ikuta River, Katsu Kaishu, Cape Wada, Battery, Water of Rokko, Nunobiki Waterfall, Shin-Kobe Station, Sannomiya, Port Island, Kobe Portopia Hotel, Nagata Ward, Giant Robot, Million Dollar Night View)

On the Road – Miura Peninsula Chronicles

Miura Peninsula and Kamakura Shogunate from Ryotaro Shiba's Kaido Yuku Minamoto no Yoritomo, Yokohama Prince Hotel, Atami, Kamakura, Mikasa Park, Asahina Cut-through, Miura Daikon, Enoshima, Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, Wakamiya-oji, Kanazawa Hakkei, Hiroshige Utagawa, Mt.

Reading Haiku from a Haiku History and Communication Perspective

History of haiku (renga, Matsuo Basho, Yosa Buson, Kobayashi Issa, Masaoka Shiki, Takahama Kyoshi, Kawahigashi Hekigoto, Taneda Yamatoka, Ozaki Hoya) and reading haiku from a communication perspective (breaks, broken letters, seasonal words)

On the Road: The Northern Highway, Its Side Routes and the Mysteries of Ancient Japan

From Ryotaro Shiba's Kaido Yuku, the Northern Highway and its side roads, from Kaizu on the northern shore of Lake Biwa to Tsuruga and Takefu in Fukui, Emperor Tsugitai and the mysteries of ancient Japan.

Kukai, Shingon Buddhism, Seals, Mandalas, and Buddhist Statues

Kukai Kobo-Daishi and Shingon Buddhism Toji Temple in Kyoto, Kongobuji Temple on Mt. Koya, Esoteric Buddhismand three-dimensionality by mandala and Buddhist images five wisdom buddhas, five great bodhisattvas, five great kings, heaven

Setouchi International Art Festival

Setouchi International Art Festival: Art Chichu Art Museum, Lee Ufan Museum, Teshima Art Museum, Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum, James Bond 007, and Udon noodles on the islands Naoshima Benesse Hotel in the Seto Inland Sea Naoshima, Teshima, Takamatsu

On the Road – Tamba-Sasayama Highway

Ryotaro Shiba's Kaido Yuku, more about the Tamba-Sasayama Highway (Nagaokakyo and Oharano Shrine, Ronozaka and Tamba Kameyama Castle built by Mitsuhide Akechi and Oomoto Kyo, Tamba Fog, Tachikake and Tamba Ware, Muneyoshi Yanagi, Arima Hot Springs)
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