On the Road – Roads, History and Ironman Races in Kosai

From Ryotaro Shiba's Kaido Yuku, history and travel in ancient Japan and the Warring States Period around Lake Biwa, and a triathlon race that was held on Lake Biwa

Dogen Zen master

Summary The book, "Dogen Zenji" by Izumi Kyoka Prize for Literature and Shinran Prize winner Tatematsu Wahei, is ...

Zen, Temples, and the History of Kamakura (Rinzai Zen and the Five Mountains of Kamakura)

An introduction to Rinzai Zen, one of the roots of Japanese Zen, and the Five Temples of Kamakura (Kenchoji, Engakuji, Fukujuji, Jochiji, and Jomyoji), as well as Eisai, Rankei Doryu, and Mugaku Sougen.
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