

Overview of Quantum Computers and Reference Information/Reference Books

  What is a quantum computer? A quantum computer is a form of computer that processes information using th...

Travel , History , Sports and Arts

About Travel , History , Sports and Arts The quality of digital game character AI is also determined by the basi...

On the Road – Koshu Kaido and the Edo Shogunate

From Ryotaro Shiba's Kaido yuku, it describes the vastness of Musashino as recited by Ota Dokan, the Bando people in "Sarashina Nikki", the story of Hideyoshi and Ieyasu's companion, Hachioji Sen-nin Doshin and Isamu Kondo and finally Tokugawa Yoshinobu.

On the Road: Takeuchi Kaido and Ancient Japan

Ryotaro Shiba's Kaido Yuku to Takeuchi Kaido Journey and Ancient Japan (Nara, Yamato Imperial Court, Mt. Miwa, Ogami Shrine, Ishigami Shrine)

Fusion and AI Technology

Fusion of fusion, a next-generation energy technology, deep learning, and stream technology

On the Road – Roads, History and Ironman Races in Kosai

From Ryotaro Shiba's Kaido Yuku, history and travel in ancient Japan and the Warring States Period around Lake Biwa, and a triathlon race that was held on Lake Biwa

Dogen Zen master

Summary The book, "Dogen Zenji" by Izumi Kyoka Prize for Literature and Shinran Prize winner Tatematsu Wahei, is ...
web技術:web technology

Workflow & Services Technologies

   About Workflow & Services Technologies Workflow and service technology play an important role in busin...

Zen and Art

Zen and Art Introduction to Zen as life tips & miscellaneous information. As I mentioned on Rinzai Zen and th...


The history of surfboards, an important surfing gear (wood boards, fiberglass boards, molded (epoxy) boards, soft boards)
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