課題解決:Problem solving

課題解決:Problem solving

Scientific Thinking (3) Confirmation Bypass and Quadrant Tables

Verification of scientific reasoning hypotheses by quadrant tables and rebuttals, explanation of confirmation bypass using the four-card problem as an example, and application of the quadrant method to verification experiments.

Scientific Thinking (2)Inference patterns for hypothesis testing

Reasoning methods for hypothesis testing, deduction and four non-deductive reasoning methods (induction, projection, analogy, abduction) and the role and use of each reasoning method
課題解決:Problem solving

Scientific Thinking (1) What is science?

The elements necessary for scientific thinking. What is science, theories/hypotheses and predictions, and who explains them.
課題解決:Problem solving

Fermi Estimation for Problem Solving

Problem solving using hypothetical thinking, framework thinking, and abstract thinking on Fermi estimation and ground rules that can be applied to problem solving in the workplace.
検索技術:Search Technology

Examples of KPI

Specific examples of KPIs for digital transformation (DX) and machine learning (ML) problem setting and problem solving

On “thinking”

Introduction to Philosophy, On Thinking

Veganism and

Learning from the classics, leadership theory and the art of getting by with the vegan tales and grunts


The nature of communication through psychological interpretation of Ende's MOMO

Problem solution

Overview of PDCA for digital transformation (DX), machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI) problem setting and problem solving
組織活性化:revitalize an organization

About KPI,KGI,OKR(2)

The rudiments of KPI, KGI and OKR for problem setting and problem solving for Digital Transformation (DX), Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
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