

Education and AI

Education and AI Artificial intelligence (AI) has great influence in the field of education and has the potenti...

Financial Engineering, Black-Scholes Model and Artificial Intelligence Technology

Financial Engineering Financial engineering (FE) is the discipline that applies mathematical and statistical met...

Writing papers/reports

Writing papers/reports There are many steps involved in writing a paper or report, i...

Tex/Latex, the world’s standard tool for writing papers, and Mathjax, the web math display tool

Tex/Latex, the world standard tool for preparing papers for external presentation in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks, and Mathjax, a web math display tool (CloudLatex, SublimeText, plugins, LatexTools, DVI, PDF, Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming)

Generative Art, Programs and Algorithms

Generative Art and Programs and Algorithms (clojurescript, javascript, compilation, quil templates, python mode, java mode, processing, ArtBlock, blockchain, curation, ken rilando, autopoiesis, robots, teamlab, algorithms, art, Clojure/Conj, complex systems, information theory, mathematics)
web技術:web technology

Workflow & Services Technologies

   About Workflow & Services Technologies Workflow and service technology play an important role in busin...
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