データ圧縮/セキュリティ:Data compression and security


Overview of access control techniques and examples of algorithms and implementations

  Access Control Technology Access Control (Access Control) technology is a security technique used to control a...

Overview of data compression and examples of various algorithms and implementations

  Data Compression Data compression is the process of reducing the size of data in order to represent informatio...

Overview of data encryption and various algorithms and implementation examples

  Data Encryption Data encryption will be a technique for irreversibly transforming data and protecting it from ...

Encryption and security technologies and data compression techniques

Encryption, Security and Data Compression Technologies for Digital Transformation (DX) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tasks
IOT技術:IOT Technology

Protected: Location Privacy -k-anonymization and anonymization with hidden Markov models

Information anonymization using k-anonymization and hidden Markov models (HMMs) for location privacy to be used in digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.

Protected: Digital Signature Algorithm

Fundamentals of digital signature algorithms for secure communications, HTTP, public key cryptography, RSA algorithm

Protected: public-key cryptography algorithm

Public Key Cryptography Algorithms for the Education of Beginners
データ圧縮/セキュリティ:Data compression and security

Protected: error-correcting code algorithm

Overview of Error Correcting Code Algorithm, Self Correcting Error Algorithm, Hamming Code, Checksum Trick, Two Dimensional Parity

Protected: Data Compression Algorithms(2)Lossy compression

Data Compression Algorithm Overview, Lossy Data Compression Algorithm, Exclusion Trick, Content Summary

Protected: Data compression algorithm(1)Lossless compression

Overview of Data Compression Algorithms, Lossy Data Compression Algorithms, Rule Length Encoding: Continuous Length Compression, ZIP Code Compression, FAX Compression, Memory Compression
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