

Protected: Application of Variational Bayesian Algorithm to Matrix Decomposition Models with Missing Values

Application of variational Bayesian algorithm to matrix factorization models with missing values as a stochastic generative model computation for use in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks

Protected: Application of Nonparametric Bayesian Structural Change Estimation

Nonparametric Bayesian structural change estimation using Gibbs sampling as an application of probabilistic generative models for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks

Protected: Stochastic Generative Models and Gaussian Processes(2)Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Estimation

Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Estimation Overview for Probabilistic Generative Models and Gaussian Process Fundamentals Used in Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning Tasks

On the Road – Kobe Walk

Kobe Stroll from Ryotaro Shiba's Kaido Yuku (Old Foreign Settlement, Yamanote, Kobe Oriental Hotel, Hong Kong Shanghai Bank, Ikuta River, Katsu Kaishu, Cape Wada, Battery, Water of Rokko, Nunobiki Waterfall, Shin-Kobe Station, Sannomiya, Port Island, Kobe Portopia Hotel, Nagata Ward, Giant Robot, Million Dollar Night View)

The Lotus Sutra with a model change to the teachings of the Prajnaparamita Sutra

Lotus Sutra as a model change between Sakyamuni's Buddhism and the Prajnaparamita Sutra, Kajo's theory, Tominaga Nakaki, the One Buddha Vehicle, Kuonjitsujo, Nyorai Jujitsu, the Seven Metaphors of the Lotus Sutra, the Metaphor of the Fire House of Three Persons, the First Turning of the Lotus Wheel, the Three Vehicle Thought, the Voice, Arhat, Bodhisattva and Dokagaku Vehicles

Integration of Clojure with Javascript and node.js and web frameworks

Implementation of Clojure integration with web frameworks (javascript, React, node.js, etc.) used for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks using Clojurescript

Clojure and Python integration and machine learning

Implementation of a library (libpython-clj) and sample code (transformers, lime, autoencoder, etc.) for integration with Clojure for Python modules used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks

GPy – A Python-based framework for Gaussian processes

GPy Gaussian regression problem, auxiliary variable method, sparse Gaussian regression, Bayesian GPLVM, latent variable model with Gaussian processes, a Python-based implementation of Gaussian processes, an application of stochastic generative models used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks.

Implementation of Gaussian Processes in Clojure

Implementation of Gaussian processes in Clojure using fastmath as an extension of stochastic generative models utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks

Python development environment in SublimeText4

Launch of Python development environment in SublimeText4 and VS code for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tasks
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