A Textbook of Algorithms in Python

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Python will be a general-purpose programming language with many excellent features, such as being easy to learn, easy to write readable code, and usable for a wide range of applications Python was developed by Guido van Rossum in 1991.

As a relatively new language, Python can utilize a variety of effective programming techniques, including object-oriented programming, procedural programming, and functional programming. It is also widely used in web applications, desktop applications, scientific and technical computing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other fields because of the many libraries and frameworks available. Furthermore, it is cross-platform and runs on many operating systems such as Windows, Mac, and Linux, etc. Because Python is an interpreted language, it does not require compilation and has a REPL-like structure, which speeds up the development cycle.

This section describes the implementation of various algorithms using Python based on the “Textbook of Algorithms in Python: Acquire Lifelong Knowledge and Skills”.

In this issue, I will discuss those reading notes.

A Textbook of Algorithms in Python

This book covers the basics of Python programming and building basic algorithms, as shown in the table of contents below.

I think it is better to find and copy the main code for each purpose from the web, but I think it is suitable as reference information for writing algorithms and codes when modifying them.

Chapter 1 Programming Basics 
Lesson1-1 Input and Output 
Lesson1-2 Variables 
Lesson1-3 Conditional Branching 
Lesson1-4 Repetition 
Lesson1-5 Functions 
Lesson1-6 Arrays 
Chapter 2 Developing Programming Skills 
Lesson2-1 Finding the Average 
Lesson2-2 Adding 1 to n 
Lesson2-3 Calculating the Ninety-Nine Formula 
Lesson2-4 Finding Prime Numbers 
Lesson2-5 Finding the Factorial of n (n!) 
Chapter 3 Learning Data Structures 
Lesson3-1 Stacks 
Lesson3-2 Queues Lesson3-3 Lists 
Lesson3-4 Trees 
Lesson3-5 Graphs 
Etra Lesson3-1 Working with Stacks and Queues 
Etra Lesson3-2 Saving Data 
Chapter 4 Searching 
Lesson4-1 Linear Search 
Lesson4-2 Binary Trees 
Lesson4-3 Tree Search 
Lesson4-4 Calculators 
Learn about Etra 
Lesson4-1 Landau's Symbols 
Etra Lesson4-2 Guess the Number Game 
Etra Lesson4-3 Learn Bitwise Operations 
Chapter 5 Sorting 
Lesson5-1 Sorting 
Lesson5-2 Selective Sorting 
Lesson5-3 Bubble Sorting 
Lesson5-4 Insertion Sort 
Lesson5-5 Quick Sort 
Lesson5-6 Merge Sort 
Lesson5-7 Heap Sort 
Etra Lesson5-1 Outputting the Regression Process of Quick Sort 
Etra Lesson5-2 Merge Sort Using the Recursive Function 
Etra Lesson5-3 Python's Sort Instructions and Using the heapq Module 
Etra Lesson5-4 Amount of Calculation and Calculation Time for Sorting 
Chapter 6 Hashing 
Lesson6-1 What is Hashing 
Lesson6-2 Hash Functions 
Lesson6-3 Hash Tables 
Lesson6-4 Avoiding Collisions 
Etra Lesson6-1 Cryptography 
Chapter 7 Hash Functions 
Lesson7-1 Euclidean Reciprocity 
Lesson7-2 String Search 
Lesson7-3 Shortest Path Problem 
Etra Lesson7-1 Hints for Understanding Algorithms 
Chapter 8 Visualizing Algorithms 
Lesson 8-1 Drawing the curve of an nth-order function 
Lesson8-2 Drawing fractals 
Lesson8-3 Drawing the process of solving a maze 
Etra Lesson8-1 Using different algorithms 
Etra Lesson8-2 Drawing the Mandelbrot set 
Appendix 1 How to install Python 
Appendix 2 Text Editor and Integrated Development Environment 
Appendix 3 Python Writing Rules


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