Search tool :ElasticSearch: reference books

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Search tool :ElasticSearch: reference books

This section introduces reference books on Elastic Search.

As a reference book, there is “ElasticSearch Server, a high-speed scalable search engine” in Japanese.

The contents of the book include

Chapter 1: Introduction to ElasticSearch Clusters, 

Chapter 2: Searching for Data,

Chapter 3: Extending Structure and Search,

Chapter 4: Better Search,

Chapter 5: Combining Indexing, Analyzing, and Searching,

Chapter 6: Beyond Search,

Chapter 7: Cluster Management,

Chapter 8: Dealing with Problems.

Although some of the information is a little outdated, it is an easy book to use for learning the basic concepts.

For a more in-depth study, there is Packt’s “Elasticsearch: A CompleGuide”.

The contents of the book include、

Module 1

Chapter 1: Getting Started with Elasticsearch、

Chapter 2: Understanding Document Analysis and Creating Mappings、

Chapter 3: Putting Elasticsearch into Action、

Chapter 4: Aggregations for Analytics、

Chapter 5: Data Looks Better on Maps: Master Geo-Spatiality、

Chapter 6: Document Relationships in NoSQL World、

Chapter 7: Different Methods of Search and Bulk Operations、

Chapter 8: Controlling Relevancy、

Chapter 9: Cluster Scaling in Production Deployments、

Chapter 10: Backups and Security)、

Module 2

Chapter 1: Introduction to Elasticsearch、

Chapter 2: Power User Query DSL、

Chapter 3: Not Only Full Text Search、

Chapter 4: Improving the User Search Experience、

Chapter 5: The Index Distribution Architecture、

Chapter 6: Low-level Index Control、

Chapter 7: Elasticsearch Administration、

Chapter 8: Improving Performance、

Chapter 9: Developing Elasticsearch Plugins)、

Module 3

Chapter 1: Introduction to ELK Stack、

Chapter 2: Building Your First Data Pipeline with ELK、

Chapter 3: Collect, Parse and Transform Data with Logstash、

Chapter 4: Creating Custom Logstash Plugins、

Chapter 5: Why Do We Need Elasticsearch in ELK?、

Chapter 6: Finding Insights with Kibana、

Chapter 7: Kibana – Visualization and Dashboard、

Chapter 8: Putting It All Together、

Chapter 9: ELK Stack in Production、

Chapter 10: Expanding Horizons with ELK)

The book is quite comprehensive and is an appropriate reference for a deep understanding of ES.

In terms of utilization, “Elasticsearch Blueprints” also by Packt is a good reference.

The contents include

Chapter 1: Google-like Web Search, 

Chapter 2: Building Your Own E-Commerce Solution,

Chapter 3: Relevancy and Scoring,

Chapter 4: Managing Relational Content,

Chapter 5: Analytics Using Elasticsearch,

Chapter 6: Improving the Search Experience,

Chapter 7: Spicing Up a Search Using Geo,

Chapter 8: Handling Time-based Data

which provides information from the perspective of actual solutions.

Other reference books include “Elasticsearch Cookbook second edition”

and “Elasticsearch Server Second Edition” also by Packt,

and “Elasticsearch in Action” by Manning.

As reference books for kibana, a tool for visualization, there is “Kibana Essentials”,

and as reference books for Lucube, the base of full-text search technology, there is “Lucene4 Cookbook” and “Lecene in action”.

In the next article, we will discuss a simple start-up of Elasticseach.


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