deftype:Handling mutable data in Clojure

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There are two functions for handling classes in Clojure: defrecord and deftype. deftype has a use for handling mutable variables. I will summarize them below. First, the pattern using definterface.

(definterface IPoint
  (getX [])
  (setX [v]))

(deftype Point [x]
  (getX [this] x)
  (setX [this v] (set! (.x this) v)))

(def p (Point. 10))

(.getX p)
;;-> 10
(.setX p 20)
(.getX p)

In the old sample, the setting of “x” in the deftype was “[^{:volatile-mutable true} x]” and it was said that it did not work unless it was set as a mutable variable.

The following is an example of using defprotocol.

(defprotocol IPoint2
  (getX [this])
  (setX [this val]))

(deftype Point2 [^{:volatile-mutable true} x]
  (getX [_] x)
  (setX [this v] (set! x v)))

(def p2 (Point. 10))

(.getX p2)
;;-> 10
(.setX p2 20)
(.getX p2)

It works in the same way. Finally, we show an example of setting multiple protocols.

(defprotocol IPoint3
  (getX1 [this])
  (setX1 [this val])
  (getX2 [this])
  (setX2 [this val]))

(deftype Point3 [^{:volatile-mutable true} x
          ^{:volatile-mutable true} y]
   (getX1 [_] x)
   (setX1 [this v] (set! x v))
   (getX2 [_] y)
   (setX2 [this v] (set! y v)))

(def p3 (Point3. 10 20))

(.getX1 p3)
;;-> 10
(.setX1 p3 "hello")
(.getX1 p3)
;;-> "hello"

This means that mutable class data can be constructed.


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