Search User Interfaces

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User Interface for Information Retrieval

The user interface for information retrieval serves to provide a means for users to effectively find the information they need, and has the following general concepts and elements

  • Search box: This will be a text box for the user to enter keywords or phrases. The search box should be clear, clearly arranged, and easy for the user to enter.
  • Search Results Display: The search results should display relevant information in a list or grid format. Information is typically provided in the form of titles, summaries, and links, and it is helpful if the results display is organized to make it easy for the user to scan the information and has appropriate sorting and filtering capabilities.
  • Navigation menus: When an information retrieval system has multiple categories or topics, it may provide navigation menus. This allows users to easily access information related to a particular category.
  • Search Options: It is important to provide options for users to narrow their search results. This includes filtering, sorting, timeline settings, etc., allowing users to customize search results to fit their needs.
  • Feedback: It is also important to provide users with the ability to provide feedback on whether they are satisfied with their search results. By allowing users to click and rate specific results, the system can better understand their needs and help improve future search results.
  • Auto-Complete/Suggestions: Suggestions can be automatically presented as the user is typing, allowing the user to efficiently formulate search queries. Autocomplete suggests frequently searched keywords and phrases, as well as related topics to the user.
How to evaluate the search user interface

Search user interface evaluation methods serve as a means to measure and improve usability and effectiveness. The following describes some common evaluation methods.

  • Usability Testing: Usability testing can be a method of evaluating the usability and ease of use of a system with real users. Test participants are asked to perform a specific task, and the task completion time, number of errors, etc. are recorded and analyzed. Usability testing can help identify problems and areas for improvement and find specific actions to improve usability.
  • Surveys: Providing users with a survey would be a way to gather their opinions and satisfaction with the use of the search interface. Surveys can help obtain feedback on factors such as ease of use, quality of information, and appropriateness of search results. Open-text questions and rating scales can also be used to gather more specific information.
  • Eye Tracking: Eye tracking technology is used to record how users move their gaze across the screen. This allows analysis of which elements users focus on, their visual priorities, and the distribution of their attention. Eye tracking provides insights into design improvements and attention grabbing.
  • Log Analysis: Server logs and user activity logs can be analyzed to understand how users are using the search interface. Log analysis can provide insight into user search query trends and patterns, click-through rates, time spent, and other data to help improve the search experience.
  • Contextual Feedback: It will also be important to explore how the system can adapt to context by leveraging feedback and behavioral data provided by users. Providing personalized search results and recommendations based on individual user preferences and past behavior is expected to improve the user experience.
On the model of the information search process

A model of the information search process provides a framework for explaining the sequence of steps and actions that users take to find information. Kuhlthau’s information search model, one of the most representative information search process models, is described below.

  1. Question Formation (Initiation): The user identifies an information need or question. In this step, the user may perceive a lack or shortage of information or search for a solution to a specific problem.
  2. Selection: The user initiates an action to search for information. This may include using search engines, browsing library resources, or consulting with experts. Selecting Resources and Means for Gathering Information.
  3. Information Positioning (Exploration): Users explore search results and gather relevant information. They use multiple sources and databases, browse and read information in detail, judge the quality and appropriateness of the information, and identify the information they need.
  4. Formulation: The user evaluates the information gathered and selects a specific direction or approach. They organize and refine the information to identify the information that best meets their needs and objectives.
  5. Information Use (Collection): Users use the information they have narrowed down to solve a problem or fulfill an information need. This includes summarizing and organizing information, analyzing data, and writing reports.
  6. Presentation: Users organize collected information as needed and create presentations or reports to communicate results to others. Formats and methods are selected to ensure that information is appropriately communicated.

Kuhlthau’s information seeking model emphasizes that information seeking proceeds through a series of emotional states and cognitive processes. Beginning with the formation of information needs and questions, and extending comprehensively to the collection, evaluation, use, and sharing of information, the model may guide and support users in understanding the challenges and emotional changes they face during information seeking.

About query specification in information retrieval

Query specification in information retrieval is a method of creating search queries used by users to accurately retrieve the information they need, and appropriate query specification can improve the quality and relevance of search results. The following are the key points of query specification.

  • Keyword Selection: Keywords used in the query should be words or phrases that are highly relevant to the search subject. The use of specific and concrete keywords may yield more relevant results, and synonyms and thesauruses can also be taken into account to cover a wider range of results.
  • Use of logical operators: Logical operators such as AND, OR, and NOT can be used to explicitly specify query conditions: AND retrieves results that contain multiple keywords, OR retrieves results that contain any of the keywords, and NOT retrieves results that exclude the specified keywords. Combining these logical operators allows more sophisticated query specification.
  • Use of Phrases: By including certain phrases in a query, you can search for exact combinations of multiple words. Phrases are specified by enclosing them in double quotes (“). For example, to search for information containing the phrase “artificial intelligence,” use the query “artificial intelligence.
  • Field specification: You can also limit your search to specific fields (title, author, date, etc.). Field specification is done by prefixing the keyword with the field name followed by a colon (:). This would be like, for example, specifying title:Artificial Intelligence to search for information containing the keyword “artificial intelligence” in the title.
  • Use of search options: Search engines and information retrieval systems provide search options such as filtering, sorting, and time period specification. By using these options, search results can be narrowed down or sorted based on specific criteria.
Displaying Search Results in Information Searches

The display of search results in information retrieval is an important factor in making it easier for users to quickly understand information. The following describes how search results are typically presented.

  • Title: The title of each search result is an important element in summarizing the information and its content. The title should preferably include keywords that are relevant to the search query, and the title should appear as a clickable link that allows the user to access more information.
  • Description/Summary: Below the title, a summary or description of each search result may be displayed. This provides more detailed information to the user and helps them determine the relevance of the results. The summary includes the search query and relevant keywords to help the user understand the content of the information.
  • URL: The URL of each search result is an important factor in indicating the credibility of the information source or website. Users can look at the URL to determine the source of the information or to select a reliable source.
  • Search result format: Search results may be displayed in a variety of formats, including text, images, video, and news articles. The display format and layout may vary depending on the type of results. For example, image searches may display thumbnail images, which can be clicked on for a larger image.
  • Additional Information: Additional information or metadata may be displayed in the search results. This may include date and time of submission, ratings, number of ratings, and relevant links, which can help the user select results.
  • Pagination: Pagination may be provided when there are many results. This allows the user to navigate through multiple pages of results.

The display of search results should be optimized to help users quickly identify the information they need, with key elements such as summarizing information, displaying relevant keywords, ensuring credibility, and providing additional information. It will also be important for search engines and information retrieval systems to collect user feedback and use it to improve search results.

Query Modification in Information Retrieval

Query modification in information retrieval is the process of improving a search query and searching again when the user did not obtain the desired results with the initial search query. Query modification is an important step in finding more relevant information.

  • Adding synonyms or related keywords: If information is missing from the initial query, the search can be broadened by adding synonyms or related keywords. This increases the likelihood of finding relevant information.
  • Eliminate unwanted keywords: If your initial query returned a wide range of results, you can improve the accuracy of your search by eliminating unwanted keywords. This could be done, for example, by excluding information not related to a specific brand or region.
  • Change logical operators: The logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) used in the initial query can be changed to narrow or broaden the search results. Using different logical operators can change the relevance and comprehensiveness of the information.
  • Using search options: Search engines and information retrieval systems provide search options. These options allow the search results to be narrowed down based on specific criteria, for example, to search for a specific time period, format, language, etc.
  • Utilizing Feedback: If the initial search results are not desirable, users can use the feedback feature to provide feedback. This allows search engines and information retrieval systems to understand user needs and preferences and to improve search results.

Query modification is important as a means to improve the information retrieval process when initial search results are not satisfactory, and it is important for users to be flexible and modify their queries to find more relevant information through trial and error.

On Supporting the Search Process in Information Retrieval

Various methods and tools are used to support the process of information retrieval. The following is a list of some of the most common ones.

  • Autocomplete/Suggest functions: These functions automatically suggest related keywords and phrases based on the keywords being typed into the search box. The autocomplete feature helps users create more specific queries and facilitates an efficient search process.
  • Query Extension: Query Extension is a method of interpreting a user’s query and adding relevant keywords. It uses natural language processing and machine learning techniques to understand the intent and context of the query and suggest relevant keywords.
  • Filtering and sorting options: By providing filtering and sorting options for search results, users can narrow down the results or display them in the proper order. Examples of filtering options include limiting results by language, date, format, etc.
  • Correlated Search/Related Articles: The Correlated Search and Related Articles displays suggest information and similar articles that are relevant to the user’s search query. This allows users to find interesting and relevant information.
  • Crowdsourcing: Crowdsourcing platforms allow users to evaluate search results and provide feedback on relevance and relevance. This allows search engines and information retrieval systems to improve results based on user feedback.
  • Personalized search: This would be a method of providing personalized search results by leveraging a user’s past search history and behavioral data. This will prioritize information that is highly relevant to the user and support access to information tailored to individual needs.
Integration of Navigation and Search in Information Retrieval

Integration of navigation and search in information retrieval is an important element in improving the user experience when users search for information. Several approaches to integrating navigation and search are described below.

  • Integrated search box: In an information retrieval system, integrating the navigation menu and the search box makes it easier for users to find information within the same interface. This allows users to access information in multiple ways, including selecting from navigation menus and utilizing drop-down lists, in addition to typing keywords.
  • Faceted Navigation: Faceted navigation, which appears on the side of search results, provides users with filtering options to narrow their search results. This allows users to narrow results by specific categories and attributes, and combine navigation and search to find more specific information.
  • Auto-Completion and Presentation of Relevant Information: The auto-completion feature complements navigation and search by suggesting keywords and phrases that are relevant to the query the user is typing. It also helps users access other information of interest by displaying related information and related articles.
  • Recommendations and Personalization: Help users navigate to information based on their interests and needs by providing personalized recommendations that leverage a user’s past search history and behavioral data. This allows users to quickly access more relevant information.

The integration of navigation and search provides an effective means for users to find the information they need. Integrated navigation and search improves the discoverability and accessibility of information and helps users find information smoothly.

Personalization of Information in Information Retrieval

Personalization of information in information retrieval is a method for users to receive information tailored to their own preferences and interests. The following describes the concept and specific methods of information personalization.

  • Personalized search results: Personalized search results leverage users’ past search history and behavioral data to provide results tailored to their interests and needs. Search engines and information retrieval systems may understand the user’s profile and preferences and prioritize the display of highly relevant information.
  • Showing related articles and recommendations: When a user accesses a particular article or piece of information, the system provides information tailored to the user’s interests by showing related articles and recommendations. This allows users to more easily access interesting information.
  • Query expansion and use of synonyms: Interpret the user’s search query and supplement the user’s search by adding relevant keywords and synonyms. This allows users to find highly relevant information.
  • Collect feedback and ratings: Feedback and ratings from users may be collected and information personalized accordingly. This collects data to customize information based on the user’s preferences and interests, and make recommendations and filtering based on this data.
  • Custom settings and filtering options: by providing users with custom settings and filtering options, users can narrow down the search results to information tailored to their own preferences and needs. This could be, for example, filtering results by specific categories, languages, regions, etc.

Personalization of information is a technique that can help users find more relevant information and improve the efficiency and satisfaction of their information search. Personalization allows users to easily find information that meets their own needs.

On Information Visualization for Search Interfaces

Information visualization for search interfaces uses visual methods and tools to make information easier for users to understand, and information visualization is the conversion of complex data and information into visual representations, such as graphs, charts, and dashboards, to help users grasp information quickly Information visualization is the process of converting complex data and information into visual representations, such as graphs, charts, and dashboards, to help users grasp information quickly. Below we describe several methods of information visualization for search interfaces.

  • Tag cloud: A tag cloud is a visual representation of keywords and tags. More frequently used keywords and tags will be displayed in larger font to indicate their relevance and importance, allowing users to quickly identify keywords and topics of interest using the tag cloud.
  • Charts and graphs: Charts and graphs can be an effective way to visually display data and statistics. Charts such as bar, line, and pie charts allow users to understand patterns and relationships in data at a glance. For example, a bar chart showing the distribution of search results by category can help users get an overview of results.
  • Dashboard: The dashboard will be a tool that brings together multiple pieces of information and metrics on a single screen. Dashboards provide a summary of search results, related articles, topic distribution, etc., to help users see the big picture.
  • Maps and maps: Displaying information on a map provides a visual understanding of geographic relationships and locations. For example, marking the location and regional distribution of search results on a map makes geographic information more accessible to users.
  • Network Diagram: A network diagram can be a way to represent multiple elements and relationships with nodes and links. By displaying related topics, keywords, web pages, etc. as a network diagram, users can easily understand the relevance and connections of information.

Information visualization is an effective way to help users understand information, and by using visual displays and graphics, users can quickly grasp information and gain important insights. Incorporating information visualization into the search interface is expected to improve the user experience and information exploration.

Reference Book “User Interface for Information Retrieval


This book is a translation of Search User Interfaces (Cambridge University Press, 2009), which systematically discusses user interface technologies for users to obtain necessary information appropriately and without stress when they use Web search engines and information retrieval systems such as Google, Yahoo! University Press, 2009), which systematically discusses user interface technology to appropriately and stress-free retrieve necessary information when using web engines and information retrieval systems. The author, Marti A. Hearst, is a professor at the School of Information, University of California, Berkeley, and has made significant achievements in the field of user interfaces. He has also conducted research at Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) in Silicon Valley, U.S.A., which is famous for inventing many of the basic technologies of computers. In this sense, the original work is an epoch-making masterpiece in the era of Web information retrieval.

User Interfaces for Information Retrieval by Marti A. Hearst, translated by Kazutoshi Kakutani and Katsumi Tanaka.


Chapter 1 Search User Interface Design

1.1 Keeping the Interface Simple
1.2 Historical Changes in Search Interface Design
1.3 Process of Search Interface Design
1.4 Guidelines for Search Interface Design
1.5 Providing Efficient and Useful Feedback
1.6 Balancing Automatic Actions with User Own Control
1.7 Reducing Burden on Short-Term Memory
1.8 Provide Shortcuts
1.9 Reduce errors
1.10 Understand the Importance of Details
1.11 Important Aesthetics in Design
1.12 Summary

Chapter 2 Evaluating Search User Interfaces

2.1 Standard Evaluation Methods for Information Retrieval
2.2 Informal Usability Testing
2.3 Formal Studies and Controlled Experiments
2.4 Longitudinal Studies
2.5 Analyzing Search Engine Server Logs
2.6 Usability Testing Based on Large-Scale Logs (Bucket Testing)
2.7 Special Considerations in Evaluating Search Interfaces
2.8 Summary

Chapter 3 Models of Information Search Process

3.1 Standard Models of Information Seeking
3.2 Cognitive Model of Information Search
3.3 Dynamic Model (Berry Collection Model)
3.4 Information Search by Stage
3.5 Information seeking as a strategic process
3.6 Semantic Formation: Search as Part of a Larger Process
3.7 Information Requests and Query Intent
3.8 Summary

Chapter 4 Query Specification

4.1 Query Specification via Text
4.2 Query Specification via Input Form Interface
4.3 Dynamic Question Word Recommendation During Query Specification
4.4 Query specification using Boolean and other operators
4.5 Query specification using command language
4.6 Summary

Chapter 5 Presentation of Search Results

5.1 Document Surrogates
5.2 KWIC or query-oriented summary text
5.3 Highlighting query words
5.4 Other Features of Search Result Lists
5.5 Effects of Search Result Ordering
5.6 Visualizing Search Results
5.7 Summary

Chapter 6 Query Modification

6.1 Need for Query Correction
6.2 Spelling Recommendation and Spelling Correction
6.3 Automatic Word Suggestions
6.4 Popular Destination Suggestions
6.5 Conformance Feedback
6.6 Presentation of Relevant Documents (More Like This)
6.7 Summary

Chapter 7 Supporting the Search Process

7.1 Starting Point for Search
7.2 Starting Point for Web Search
7.3 Starting Points for Searching Online Catalogs
7.4 Interactive Dialog as a Starting Point for Search
7.5 Support for Search History
7.6 Support for the Entire Search Process
7.7 Integration of Semantic Formation and Search
7.8 Summary

Chapter 8 Integration of Navigation and Search

8.1 Categories for Navigation and Refinement
8.2 Categories for Grouping Search Results
8.3 Categories for sorting and filtering search results
8.4 Organizing search results via views
8.5 Reducing hierarchical navigation of web content
8.6 Faceted Navigation
8.7 Navigation via social tags and social bookmarks
8.8 Clustering in the Search Interface
8.9 Clustering vs. Categories in the Search Interface
8.10 Summary

Chapter 9 Personalization of Information in Search

9.1 Personalization through explicit preferences
9.2 Personalization by Implicit Preference
9.3 Combining Implicit and Explicit Information
9.4 Searching with Personal Information
9.5 Summary

Chapter 10 Information Visualization for Search Interfaces

10.1 Laws of Information Visualization
10.2 Techniques for Interactive Visualization
10.3 Effects of Data Type in Information Visualization
10.4 Difficulties in Visualizing Nominal Data
10.5 Visualization of Query Specifications
10.6 Visualizing Query Terms in Long Documents
10.7 Visualizing Query in Search Results
10.8 Visualizing Faceted Navigation
10.9 Visualizing Search Results with Clusters and Star Fields
10.10 Three-Dimensional Visualization in Search
10.11 Summary

Chapter 11 Visualizing Information for Text Analysis

11.1 Visualization for Text Mining
11.2 Visualizing Document Concordance and Word Frequency
11.3 Visualization of document and citation relationships
11.4 Summary

Chapter 12 Emerging Trends in Search Interfaces

12.1 Mobile Search Interface
12.2 Multimedia Search Interface
12.3 Social Search
12.4 Hybrid Command-Based and Natural Language Search
12.5 Summary


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