About WoT (Web of Things) technology

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WoT (Web of Things) Technology Overview

This section describes WoT (Web of Things) technology used in artificial intelligence and IOT technologies. For specific implementation of WoT, please refer to “Specific Examples of WoT Implementation.

WoT is an abbreviation for Web of Things, which was defined by W3C, an Internet standards organization, to solve existing IoT issues and means “Web of Things.

The IoT (Internet of Things; Internet of Things) is a system in which things communicate with each other via the Internet using IP (Internet Protocol), so that the connected things themselves have IP addresses or are connected to devices that have IP addresses, and they are connected via servers, etc. The Internet of Things functions by connecting to each other via the Internet.

IoT is expected to be combined with AI (Artificial Intelligence) to dramatically increase efficiency, safety, and convenience in daily life and industry. In the area of daily life, services that enhance convenience, comfort, safety, and health are expected to be developed and provided, especially in the healthcare market.

In the industrial field, IoT functions are being attached to devices used by users in manufacturing, construction, transportation, retail, insurance, finance, crime prevention, medical care, and other fields to improve the efficiency of operations such as facility maintenance, abnormality detection, safety management, health diagnosis, billing and settlement, traffic control, and crime and disaster prevention.

The history of IoT dates back to 1990, when John Romsky, an American software and network expert, and Simon Hackett, an Australian computer scientist, connected a toaster to the Internet during a conference and switched it on and off online. The term “IoT” is also used to refer to the Internet.

The term “IoT” was also coined by Kevin Ashton of MIT in 1991 to describe passive RFID tags, which are RDFIDs (radio frequency identifiers) that allow devices to read and write tag data without contact.

The challenges associated with the IoT include (1) security and data protection of the large amount of data generated by the IoT and (2) mismatch in performance requirements, such as lack of compatibility and reduced power consumption, which has led to a slower-than-expected spread.

WoT addresses one of these issues, lack of compatibility (at present, sensors, platforms, or operating systems often work only with specific systems), by using existing web technologies (HTML, Javascript, JSON, etc.) and protocols that are already widely available. By using protocols to provide IoT services and applications, we can increase interoperability of devices and add features such as security and access control at the application level, as well as semantic use of data combined with Semantic Web technologies. The goal is to enable the creation of a wide variety of services by providing interoperable devices and applications.

The W3C, a Web standards organization that advocates the WoT, states that the advantages of the WoT are that it uses open standard Web technologies that are widely used around the world, thus enabling a large number of developers without waiting for new standards to be established, and enabling venture companies, etc. to create a wide variety of services.

The differences between existing IOT and WOT technologies are illustrated below.

The WoT will mainly standardize the top-level application layer, specifically HTML5/JavaScript, a widely used language that will be used to connect devices to the network in an OS/hardware-independent manner.

The basic image of the WoT system is as follows (basically, the hardware configuration will be the current web-based network devices themselves) (see Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications WoT document)

The details of the standardization target in W3C are as follows. (Reference Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications WoT documents)

The following is an example of a Thing Description handled by http describing a device. (Adapted from an example originally proposed on October 21, 2018)

  "description":"MyLampThing uses JSON-LD1.1 serilization",
  "@type": "iotSwitchStatus",
  "description":"Shows the current status of the lamp",
   "description":"Turn on or off the lamp",
   "description":"Lamp reaches a critical temperatue(overheating)",
WoT Technology Challenges

Technical Challenge include the following

  • Unify the schema of the vocabulary to be described

Thing Description refers to an external unified vocabulary definition as “schema. The systematization and combination of “common vocabulary” and “industry-specific vocabulary” at this time will be a challenge to realize.

  • Security、Privacy、Safety

Develop privacy management and cost-effectiveness standards for Safety

  • Streamlining the enormous state management process
WoT Application Examples

Specific applications of WoT are described below.

  • Smart Home: The WoT can be used to more easily control a smart home. Different devices and sensors in the home can be connected to the Web and controlled centrally through a Web application.
  • Smart Grid: The WoT is also applied to building a smart grid as part of energy management. Smart grids can coordinate energy demand and supply and distribute energy efficiently. See detail in “Electricity storage technology, smart grids and GNNs
  • Factory Automation: The WoT can also be used for factory automation. Different manufacturing equipment can be connected to the Web to monitor and, if necessary, automatically control the manufacturing process.
  • Smart cities: The WoT can also be applied to control and monitor urban infrastructure. Different systems such as public transportation, lighting, traffic systems, and garbage collection can be connected to the Web for automation and optimization.
  • Vehicle control: WoT is also used to control vehicles. Sensors and actuators installed in vehicles can be connected to the Web for more flexible vehicle control.

PoCs are also being conducted to connect applications from various companies to various devices via WoT. (Reference: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications WoT materials)

Using WoT, what has actually been siloed in the IoT to date (see Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications WoT materials)

The system will be integrated as follows

Organization for WoT

Below we share information on several organizations for WoT.

The Web of Things (WoT) seeks to combat the fragmentation of the IoT by using and extending existing standardized web technologies. By providing standardized metadata and other reusable technical building blocks, W3C WoT enables easy integration between IoT platforms and application domains.

W3C Web of Things (WoT) is a standard for interoperability between IoT platforms using Web technologies. WoT is unique in that it does not define a new platform to be implemented, but allows existing IoT platforms to be interconnected by describing them in a machine-readable document called a Thing Description.

This site will provide the following information:
Information and reports on events related to WoT
Technical documents for developers who are interested in applying WoT to various IoT systems

The Internet of Things connects physical devices that provide sensing or actuation to their surroundings. The ever-growing capabilities of devices allow us to imagine new architectures that include devices as first-class citizens. We can then envision new value-added applications for smart agriculture, smart buildings, smart cities, energy and water management, e-health, and aging. using the Web of Things (WoT), we can describe the semantics of devices to bridge the gap between different domains and services, bridging the gap between the description of different domains and services. In today’s WoT architecture, physical devices can be located away from the system performing the reasoning. A centralized approach does not take advantage of the device’s capabilities, causing next best data transfer as well as server overload. Besides, many devices now discover each other, exchange data, and make decisions collectively; the goal of CoSWoT is to propose a distributed WoT-enabled software architecture embedded in constrained devices. It has two main features

    1. Use an ontology to declaratively specify the device’s application logic and the semantics of the messages exchanged.
    2. Add reasoning capabilities to devices to distribute processing tasks across devices. Doing so greatly simplifies the development of applications involving devices in the WoT. Our platform enables the development and execution of intelligent, distributed smart WoT applications despite the heterogeneity of devices.

In CoSWoT, WoT applications rely on a platform that hosts basic services. In addition to traditional services, it hosts extensions that address two scientific barriers.

    1. Use of ontologies as a generalized model for exchange between heterogeneous devices. a joint statement from AIOTI WG3, IEEE P2413, oneM2M, and W3C positions ontologies as a key enabler of semantic interoperability in the WoT. However, research questions remain regarding (i) the appropriation of existing ontologies to target application domains. (ii) The applicability of theoretical principles developed in different protocols and standards in the context of data streams. (iii) Discovery of heterogeneous devices, their services, and methods to seek them out.
    2. Distributed and embedded incremental inference. Devices will be powerful enough to provide storage and processing. New architectures based on edge computing will emerge that include devices such as sensors and actuators. The data stream provided by the sensors will need to perform incremental inference tasks. Research questions include. (i) How to incorporate inference into devices of varying capacities. Specific optimizations are needed. (ii) How to distribute inference tasks efficiently across devices. Smart agriculture is a typical application domain for such a WoT architecture, where monitoring of cultivated land requires a variety of sensors that push streaming data. These sensors need to be collected and reasoned with in order to make decisions that are executed by actuators. Smart buildings are another typical application domain where value-added application services include other areas such as energy management, e-health, or aging in place. Define use cases and requirements for smart agriculture and smart buildings, run simulations, and then lead real experiments.

The CoSWoT platform facilitates the separation of software development from hardware development and facilitates the emergence of a new economic sector in the digital industry centered on WoT application development decoupled from the development of the smart devices themselves.

Project CoSWoT is funded by ANR under reference ANR-19-CE23-0012


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