Introduction and configuration of Apache Spark for distributed data processing

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From “Introduction to Apache Spark”. In the previous article, we discussed the distributed data processing model of Apache Spark. In this article, we will discuss how to prepare the environment in which Spark runs.

Spark is designed to run on a cluster. However, if you want to check the behavior of an application you are creating or perform functional tests, it is possible to run spark on a single machine, as building a cluster environment is a large and troublesome undertaking. In this article, we first describe how to build an environment on a single machine, and then describe the procedure for building a cluster environment.

Machine Configuration
  • spark-client : machine acting as a client, responsible for deploying applications to the cluster and directing their execution (only use this machine in a single-machine environment)
  • spark-master : The machine that centrally manages the resources in the cluster. Master node
  • spark-worker : Provides the resources required to run the application, such as CPU cores memory, etc. Plays the role of a worker node in a cluster

The cluster environment uses the Hadoop cluster management system YARN. The distributed file system HDFS is mainly used as the data source for Spark. These are built on spark-master and spark-worker. In addition, spark-client is used to submit, browse, and retrieve files from HDFS.

Spark Packages

In addition to the binary community version distributed by the Apache Software Foundation, Hadoop distribution packages from vendors such as Cloudera and Hortonworks are available for Spark installation.

Using vendor packages, not only Spark, but also HDFS, YARN, and other Hadoop components can be easily installed via RPM. The vendor packages also include backported patches for bug fixes, and are based on the community version of Spark with some improvements of their own. On the other hand, since the release cycle of Spark and the release cycle of each vendor’s distribution are different, the latest version of Spark tends to be included in the package a little after the community version is released. This time, we will install the community version of Spark.

Setting up the Spark development environment

Spark supports operation on Linux, Mac, and Windows. This time, we will discuss the case using CentOS. The environment construction and operation checks will be performed by creating a general user and running on that user. For Linux, download the RPM package of the JDK for 64-bit Linux from Oracle’s web page, and install the RPM package (downloaded to /tmp) using the downloaded RPM package. Downloaded) and install using the downloaded RPM package.

>sudo rpm -ivh /tmp/jdk-<HDK version>-linux-x64.rpm

Next, set the environment variables JAVA_HOME and PATH. Here, create the file /etc/profile.d/ with root privileges and edit as follows

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/default
export PATH="$JAVA_HOME"/bin:"$PATH"

After editing is complete, reflect the settings.

> source /etc/profile

After configuration is complete, confirm that the java command is available.

> java -version
java version "<JDK version>"
Install Spark

Next, install Spark. This procedure is performed using only spark-client. You can obtain pre-built binaries of the community version from the following page.

When Spark is used with HDFS or YARN, Spark acts as a client for them; Spark uses the HDFS and YARN client APIs internally to utilize HDFS and YARN. Binaries are required for the versions of Hadoop on which they are based. In this case, we will use the HDFS and YARN environments bundled with CDH5.4.

Since CDH5.4 is based on Hadoop 2.6, download the Spark 1.5 binary built for Hadoop 2.6 or higher.

Install the downloaded file in the /opt/spark directory.

> sudo tar zxvf /tmp/spark-1.5.0-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz -C /opt/
> cd /opt
> sudo ln -s spark-1.5.0-bin-hadoop2.6saprk

Next, set the environment variable SPARK_HOME. Here, create the file /etc/profile.d/spark/sh with user privileges and edit it as follows

export SPARK_HOME=/opt/spark

When editing is complete, reflect the settings.

> source /etc/profile

After configuration is complete, verify that spark-user can use Spark commands.

> ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit -- version
Welcome to 

Next, we will check the operation of Spark, which has several sample programs built into it. Among them, we will use a sample program called SparkPi, which calculates the approximate value of pi using the Monte Carlo method.

> ${SAPRK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit -- class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi

Pi is roughly 3.14162

After starting, the operation check is complete when the approximate value of pi is output.

This completes the construction of an environment for running Spark on a single machine.

Additional steps for Spark cluster environments

Additional steps to build HDFS and TARN are described. We will also configure additional settings to add HDFS and YARN to the client.

HDFS is a Hadoop distributed file system. HDFS is also designed to run in a clustered environment and consists of a master node called NameNode and multiple worker nodes called DataNodes.

The NameNode is the master node of HDFS, and it can store huge data (several GB or PB) by dividing a file into blocks and distributing each block to DataNodes for storage. Compared to general file systems, the default block size is 128 MB, which is large and designed to achieve high I/O throughput for huge data.

HDFS can easily scale out I/O throughput and storage capacity by adding DataNodes, which are slave nodes. In addition, by default, blocks are stored in three DataNodes in a redundant manner, so that data is not lost even if a slave node fails.

It also manages information such as the metadata of files stored on HDFS and which DataNode manages the fragments (blocks) that divide the actual state of the stored files.

DataNode is a worker node of HDFS that manages blocks of files stored on HDFS.

Generally, DataNode and NodeManager are installed on the same machine. NameNode and ResourceManager may be installed on the same machine or on physically different machines, taking into consideration the availability and operational efficiency.

In this case, both NameNode and ResourceManager will be installed on spark-master. In addition, since spark-client accesses files to HDFS and checks the status of HDFS and YARN, we will install components for HDFS and YARN clients.

Registration of Yum repository in CDH

Use CDH Series 5.4 for installation of HDFS and YARN; register Yum repository provided by Cloudera for all machines for installation of CDH Series 5.4 packages.

Then, open the registered Yum repository configuration file (/etc/yum.repos.d/cloudera-cdh5.repo) with root privileges and edit it to refer to the CDH5.4 series repository as follows.

/redhat/6/x86_64/cdh/5.4/  ← change 5 to 5.4
/6/x86_64/cdh/RPMGPGKEYcloudera gpgcheck = 1

In order to ensure that the CDH 5.4 series repository is minimized in the subsequent installation procedure, the following command is executed.

> sudo yum clean all

This completes the registration of the Yum repository.

Building a master node

Install Name-node and ResourceManager on saprk-master. First, install NameNode as follows

> sudo yum install -y hadoop-hdfs-namenode

Then install ResourceManager.

> sudo yum install -y hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager
Building worker nodes

Next, install DataNode and NodeManager on spark-worker. First, install DataNode.

> sudo yum install -y hadoop-hdfs-datanode

Next, install NodeManager.

> sudo yum install -y hadoop-yarn-nodemanager
Building Clients

Install components to operate HDFS and YARN in the aforementioned single client, spark-client, to submit and reference files to HDFS and to manage HDFS and YARN status.

> sudo yum install -y hadoop-hdfs hadoop-yarn

Also, create spark-env.vsh in $SPARK_HOME/conf as root user and set the variable HADOOP_CONF_DIR to use HDFS.

HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf. ← add this sentence
HDFS and YARN environment settings and operation check

Finally, create the necessary directories, configuration files, and other environmental settings on all machines.

Edit core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml and yarn-site.xml located under /etc/hadoop/conf as follows with root user privileges respectively.

// core-site.xml


// hdfs-site.xml


// yarn-site.xml





Then create the directories necessary for HDFS and YARN to work on the OS

> sudo mkdir /hadoop
> sudo mkdir /hadoop/hdfs
> sudo chown hdfs:hadoop /hadoop/hdfs
> sudo chmod 775 /hadoop/hdfs
> sudo mkdir /hadoop/yarn
> sudo chown yarn:hadoop /hadoop/yarn
> sudo chmod 775 /hadoop/yarn
> sudo mkdir /hadoop/tmp/
>sudo chmod 777 /hadoop/tmp

Just as regular file systems require formatting, HDFS requires formatting immediately after construction.

> sudo -u hdfs hdfs namenode -format

Create a directory on HDFS for YARN to use and for spark to use. First, start HDFS. First, start DataNode on spark-worker.

> sudo service hadoop-hdfs-datanode start

Then start NameNode on spark-master.

> sudo service hadoop-hdfs-namenode start

After starting the NameNode and DataNode, confirm that HDFS has started.

> sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfsadmin -report

After HDSF starts, create various directories.

> sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /hadoop/tmp
> sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chmod 777 /hadoop/tmp
> sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir /tmp
> sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chmod 777 /tmp
> sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /hadoop/yarn/app-logs
> sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chmod 777 /hadoop/yarn/app-logs
> sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/<General username>
> sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chown <General username>:<General username>/user/<General username>

Then start YARN. First, start NodeMamaner on spark-worker.

> sudo service hadoop-yarn-nodemanager start

Then, start ResourceManager on spark-master.

> sudo service hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager start

After all startups are complete, confirm that YARN is operational.

> sudo -u yarn yarn node -list -all

After executing the above command, if all NodeManagers are in the status of RUNNING, YARN is running.

This completes the environment required to run Spark.

In the next article, we will discuss application development and execution as a use of Apache Spark.


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