Special Lecture on “What is Philosophy Aimed at?” from “The Apologetics of Socrates

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Philosophy can be defined as a means to pursue the essence and truth of things, to think deeply about questions and problems, to stimulate intellectual curiosity and inquisitiveness, and to pursue meaning and purpose in life. Dialogue with others becomes essential to the exploration of philosophical issues. Through dialogue, one can deepen one’s own thinking and recognize one’s own limitations, and by understanding the thinking of others, one can refine one’s own thinking and gain a more multifaceted perspective. In this section, I will discuss this philosophy and dialogue based on NHK’s 100 Minutes de Meisaku Special Lecture “Socrates’ Dialogue.

Bessatsu NHK 100 min de Meitoku Yomiuri no Gakko (School of Reading) Nishi Kenkyu Special Class "Socrates' Dialectic
	Introduction: Why Philosophy Now?
	Lecture 1: What is Philosophy?
		A defense to the death
		Philosophy is a dialogue
		Are science and religion philosophy?
		Philosophy began with trade
		Conditions for philosophy to begin
		All you need is money, time, and letters
		What is the world made of?
		What is really valuable
		Nihilism in affluence
	Lecture 2: The Starting Point of Philosophy
		The Sophist's Clever Tale
		The Sophist and Socrates
		The Truth-Teller
		What Plato wanted to convey
		What is Wisdom?
		Awareness of ignorance is wisdom
		Philosophers question common sense
		Philosophers who defied common sense
		What lies beyond "awareness of unknowing
	Lecture 3: The Purpose of Philosophy
		Attention to the soul
		What is human virtue (alethee)?
		Is "the goodness of the soul" really important?
		What is important is "the power of longing
		Can we get answers through dialogue?
		Socrates' "Method of Inquiry
		What are the commonalities among examples?
		What is "courage"?
		Answers for first-year college students
		Philosophy is to Question the Essence
	Lecture 4: The Significance of Dialogue
		What happens in dialogue?
		Questioning Common Sense with Common Sense?
		First of all, to understand
		Diversity and commonality come into view
		Living in Dialogue
	Socrates' aphorisms

Dialogue is about sharing opinions and ideas and interacting with others while respecting their positions and opinions, and the act of listening to others’ opinions, deepening one’s own thinking, and defining a common understanding with others through dialogue from a philosophical perspective is thought to provide hints for how communication should be in various collaborative workplaces. This is the first time we have discussed philosophy in this article. In this article, as an introduction, we will discuss what philosophy aims to achieve.

On “Socrates’ Apologetics” and What Philosophy is All About

Socrates’ Defense” is a record of how Socrates, accused of “corrupting the young and not believing in God,” appealed to people who had no idea why he had engaged in philosophical dialogues and why philosophy was important.

This work has become “the prototype of the image of what it means to philosophize” for Europeans. It is an invitation to philosophy.

There are two important key words in “Socrates’ Defense.

The first is “awareness of ignorance. It used to be translated as “knowledge of ignorance,” but nowadays it is more often translated as “awareness of ignorance. When we are asked what we mean by good things (valuable things) such as “courage” and “justice,” we are at a loss. Socrates said that the gods of knowledge, who think they know, do not know better. To realize that we do not know what is valuable is the “awareness of unknowing. This awareness is the starting point of philosophy, and Socrates believes that we should proceed from there.

The second key word is “care for the soul. This is sometimes translated as “care for the soul.” Dialogue in philosophy means that each of us should bring our ideas to each other and examine such themes as “what is courage,” “what is justice,” “what is beauty,” and so on. The reason why they do so is because they wish to make their souls (minds) “good,” and Socrates believes that the purpose of philosophy is for each person to care for and take care of his or her own soul in order to make it “good.

There is a different view of philosophy from Socrates. The question of existence, “Why does the world exist?” is the fundamental question of philosophy, or philosophy is the search for the ultimate truth of the world and the soul. Socrates, however, did not pay attention to “existence” or “objective truth. They only give various answers depending on how one takes a point of view. Rather, he believed that the most important question in human life is the question of the basis of “goodness” (value), and that a common answer can be given to this question.

Philosophy is the art of orienting oneself (ourselves) by establishing a common understanding of human values. What is the value (goodness) of human beings here? Courage,” “justice,” and “beauty,” as mentioned above, are also values that people hold, but “what we like,” “what is fun,” and “what is cool” are also values.

This simply means that what people want is “good = valuable” and what they don’t like is “not good”. People try to satisfy their hunger, but so do all animals. Most animals, when they are full, fall asleep and do not move. Some people work hard to please others, chat with people they like, enjoy sports, and even want to make themselves “valuable. They may wish to be courageous, right-minded, or kind.

In this way, value is what people want, and when this is not clear, they lose energy. On the other hand, if they know that this is what is valuable, they will be energized and will try to achieve it. This is why it is necessary to ask about the basis of value (why it is valuable and in what way).

Here, we will attempt to establish a common understanding of “courage,” one of the values held by human beings. Some people believe that philosophy is a series of unanswerable questions, and that each value is unique. Questions about existence, such as the ultimate truth of the universe and whether or not there is an afterlife, are such questions. However, if we ask “Why do people wonder about the world and accidents?” or “Why are we so curious about the afterlife?

Changing the subject, when we think about values, what is regarded as justice varies from person to person and from era to era. Although the standard of justice is naturally different for each person, there seems to be a generality in the concept of justice and injustice, and it seems that people in any society live with the concept of what is right and what should not be done. If so, the question, “Why do people have concepts of justice and injustice?

In this way, it can be said that philosophy has been thinking about “how to formulate a question that will lead to a common understanding. In this article, I would like to discuss such “how to ask questions and come up with ideas in philosophy” while reading Socrates’ apologetics.

This approach is very important, because if there is a common understanding that can be derived through questions such as “Why should we care about justice?” then we can orient our way of life and the state of our society.

In the words of Friedrich Nietzsche in the 19th century, “The truth you are looking for is nowhere to be found. There is only you wanting the truth. You are not looking for the truth, you must ask what gives you the greatest pleasure. You have to find the answer yourself. You have to ask yourself, that’s all there is to it.

In these words are hidden “the questions of philosophy and the way of thinking. Human beings have different ways of living, and they have different problems and pleasures. However, they are not completely different, but have some commonality, and one of the purposes of philosophy is to think about and answer these commonalities.

In order to think about this commonality, it is not enough to stay in one’s own world and deepen one’s own thoughts, but to come into contact with many people, and when there are people who are happy with what one does, and when one can see the meaning and necessity in it, one will naturally feel the desire to work hard, which leads to a certain “value. This is further strengthened by a sense of mission, according to Xi Zhou, who wrote a special lecture entitled “Socrates’ Defense.

In the next article, we will discuss what is philosophy? I will discuss the following.


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