Dual problem and Lagrange multiplier method

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Dual problem

Dual problems are an important concept in mathematical optimization theory. In optimization problems, when considering the problem of minimizing or maximizing an objective function under given constraints, there exists a related dual problem.

The dual problem has the same properties as the original optimization problem, but the roles of the constraints and the objective function are exchanged. Specifically, if the original problem is to minimize the objective function, the dual problem is to maximize the objective function.

The concept of the dual problem is based on the Lagrange multiplier method. The Lagrange multiplier method is a method for solving optimization problems that take constraints into account and introduces a Lagrange function that incorporates the constraints into the objective function.

In the dual problem, the original optimization problem is called the Primal problem, and its corresponding complementary problem is called the Dual problem. The principal problem and the dual problem are related to each other, and the duality theorem allows one problem to be solved to obtain the solution of the other problem.

Duality problems play an important role in the theoretical analysis of optimization problems and in the development of algorithms. It is also a widely used method in applied fields such as economics and constraint optimization. By solving the dual problem, one can gain a deeper understanding of the properties and characteristics of the solution of the original problem.

Duality theorem

The duality theorem (Duality theorem) is a theorem that formulates the relationship between the main problem and the duality problem in an optimization problem, and the duality theorem provides the optimal solution or optimal value of the main problem and the duality problem.

The general forms of the optimization problem and its dual problem are shown below.

Main problem: Minimization problem: minimize f(x) Constraints g(x) ≤ 0, h(x) = 0

Maximization problem: Maximize f(x) Constraints g(x) ≤ 0, h(x) = 0

Dual problem: Minimization problem: minimize g*(λ, µ) constraint h*(λ, µ) ≥ 0

Maximization problem: maximize g*(λ, µ) with constraint h*(λ, µ) ≥ 0

where f(x) is the objective function of the main problem and g(x) and h(x) are functions representing the constraints. g*(λ, μ) and h*(λ, μ) are Lagrangian dual functions of the dual problem, and λ and μ are Lagrange multipliers. multipliers) and must satisfy the non-negative condition.

The dual theorem shows the following relationship.

  • Weak duality: For the optimal solution x of the main problem and the optimal solution (λ, μ*) of the dual problem, the following inequality holds: f(x*) ≥ g*(λ*, μ*)
  • Strong duality: If certain conditions are satisfied, the optimal solutions of the main and dual problems coincide: f(x*) = g*(λ*, μ*)

In general, there are conditions for strong duality to hold, such as optimality conditions and Slater’s condition in convex optimization problems. When these conditions are satisfied, the optimal solutions of the primal and dual problems are equal.

The important significance of the dual theorem is that by solving both the primal and dual problems, the solution to the original optimization problem can be understood in more detail. The dual theorem is also an important basis for the theoretical analysis of optimization problems and the development of algorithms.

Lagrange multiplier method

The Lagrange multiplier method is a method for solving optimization problems that take into account constraints. This method handles constraints by introducing a Lagrange function.

When considering an optimization problem, the goal is to minimize or maximize the objective function, but in the presence of constraints, the objective function must be optimized while satisfying the constraints. The Lagrange multiplier method defines a Lagrange function that combines the objective function and the constraint conditions, and seeks the optimal solution by minimizing or maximizing the function.

Specifically, consider an optimization problem of the following form

Objective function: f(x)
Constraint condition: g(x) = 0

where f(x) is the function to be minimized or maximized, g(x) is the function representing the constraint condition, and x is the variable vector.

The Lagrangian function is defined as follows

L(x, λ) = f(x) + λg(x)

where λ is a scalar value called the Lagrange multiplier, and the Lagrange function has the form of a combined objective function and constraint condition.

To minimize or maximize the Lagrange function, a solution is sought that satisfies the following conditions

  1. The partial derivative of the objective function is zero: ∇f(x) + λ∇g(x) = 0
  2. The constraint condition holds: g(x) = 0

By finding a solution that satisfies these conditions, an optimal solution can be obtained.

The Lagrange multiplier method is a general method that can be applied regardless of the number and type of constraint conditions, and can also be extended to cases where the constraint conditions include not only equality constraints but also inequality constraints (e.g., KKT conditions).

The Lagrange multiplier method is widely used in the fields of mathematical optimization and constraint optimization and plays an important role in the analysis of various problems and in the development of algorithms.

Computational steps of the Lagrange multiplier method in a simple example

The specific computational steps of the Lagrange multiplier method are described using a simple example. Here we consider the following minimization problem.


Function to be minimized: f(x, y) = x^2 + y^2
Constraint: g(x, y) = x + y – 1 = 0

In this case, to find the optimal solution to the primal problem, the Lagrangian function is defined as follows

L(x, y, λ) = f(x, y) + λg(x, y) = x^2 + y^2 + λ(x + y – 1)

where λ is the Lagrange multiplier.

The computational steps in the above case are described below.

  1. Calculate the partial derivative of the Lagrange function

∂L/∂x = 2x + λ
∂L/∂y = 2y + λ
∂L/∂λ = x + y – 1

 2. solve for the condition that the partial derivative for each variable of the Lagrangian is zero

2x + λ = 0
2y + λ = 0
2x + λ = 0 2y + λ = 0

3. solve the above simultaneous equations

From the first equation we obtain λ = -2x
From equation 2, we obtain λ = -2y
Substituting this into equation 3, we get x + y – 1 = 0
-2x + -2y – 1 = 0
2x + 2y + 1 = 0
y = -1/2 – x

4. express y as a function of x

y = -1/2 – x

5. find the optimal solution by substituting into the original objective function

f(x, y) = x^2 + y^2
f(x) = x^2 + (-1/2 – x)^2

This optimization problem is a function of one variable, and the minimum value can be found using ordinary differential and quadratic equation solving methods.

<Implementation in Python>

The following is a Python implementation of the above calculation.

from scipy.optimize import minimize

# Objective Function Definition
def objective(x):
    return x[0]**2 + x[1]**2

# Definition of Constraints
def constraint(x):
    return x[0] + x[1] - 1

# Solving Minimization Problems with the Lagrange Multiplier Method
def lagrange_optimization():
    # Initial Solution Setting
    x0 = [0, 0]

    # Setting Constraints
    con = {'type': 'eq', 'fun': constraint}

    # Formulation of the minimization problem by the Lagrange multiplier method
    res = minimize(objective, x0, constraints=con)

    # Output Results

# Calling the main function

When the above code is run, the following results are output.

 fun: 0.5
     jac: array([1.00000001, 1.00000001])
 message: 'Optimization terminated successfully'
    nfev: 10
     nit: 3
    njev: 3
  status: 0
 success: True
       x: array([0.5, 0.5])
Application examples of dual problem

The dual problem is widely applied as one of the approaches to optimization problems. The following are some examples where the dual problem is applied.

  • Linear programming problem: A linear programming problem described in “Overview of linear programming and examples of algorithms and implementations” is an optimization problem with a linear objective function and linear constraints. By applying the dual problem, the optimal solution or optimal value of the original problem can be obtained more efficiently, and the dual variables (Lagrange multipliers) obtained from the dual problem can be used for constraint values and sensitivity analysis.
  • Applications in Economics: In economics, the dual problem has been widely applied to the analysis of economic models such as demand and supply, cost minimization, and revenue maximization. Dual-pair problems can provide economic insights such as price sensitivity and utility maximization of demand and supply curves.
  • Convex optimization problem: A convex optimization problem is an optimization problem in which the objective function and the constraints are convex functions. In convex optimization problems, the duality problem facilitates the analysis of the original problem and the evaluation of the optimal solution. The dual variables obtained from the dual problem also provide information about the nature of the problem and sensitivity analysis.
  • Applications in Statistics and Machine Learning: Dual-pair problems are also widely applied in statistics and machine learning. For example, in classification problems such as Support Vector Machine and Logistic Regression, optimal separation hyperplanes and weight vectors can be obtained by solving the dual problem.
extension of a dual problem

The dual problem is a widely used approach to optimization problems, but the concept can be further extended. Some extensions of the dual problem are described below.

  • Dual of the Dual Problem: One can also consider the dual of the dual problem. If the original optimization problem is the main problem and its dual problem is the dual of the dual problem, then the dual of the dual problem equals the original main problem. This extension allows for a better understanding of the interrelationship between the original optimization problem and its dual problem.
  • Slack Variables in Dual Problems: Slack variables can be introduced in dual problems when constraint inequalities exist. Slack variables are used to convert constraints into equations and can indicate the degree of relaxation or leeway of the constraints. The introduction of slack variables changes the form of the dual problem and may lead to different interpretations of the optimal solution or optimal value.
  • Nonlinearity of the dual problem: The dual problem can be applied to nonlinear problems as well as linear programming problems. Even for optimization problems with nonlinear objective functions and constraints, information about the properties of the original problem and its optimal solution can be obtained by formulating the dual problem, but the analysis and solution of nonlinear dual problems generally require more complex numerical computations and optimization methods.
  • Expanding the range of applications of the dual problem: The dual problem can be applied not only to optimization problems, but also to other mathematical problems and application areas. For example, the dual problem is used in areas such as graph theory, combinatorial optimization, and constraint satisfaction problems. Dual-pair problems also play an important role in various application areas such as economics, control engineering, and communication engineering.
Libraries and platforms available for dual-purpose questions

Various optimization libraries and platforms can be used to solve duality problems. The following are examples of libraries and platforms that can be used for some duality problems.

Python Libraries:

    • SciPy: SciPy is a scientific computing library in Python that provides the scipy.optimize module for optimization problems. It includes functions and algorithms for solving dual problems.
    • CVXPY: CVXPY is a Python-based convex optimization library that provides a concise way to describe convex optimization and dual problems.


MATLAB and Octave are programming environments dedicated to numerical computation and optimization. The optimization toolbox in MATLAB and the optimization package in Octave can be used to solve dual problems.


Julia is a high-performance, general-purpose programming language with a rich set of distinctive libraries for numerical computations in optimization problems. Examples include JuMP, an optimization modeling language, and Optim.jl.

Solvers with MATLAB, Python, and Julia support:

    • Gurobi: Gurobi is a commercial optimization solver that provides fast and effective solutions to mathematical optimization problems with interfaces for Python, MATLAB, and Julia.
    • CPLEX: CPLEX is an optimization solver from IBM that provides functionality for solving advanced linear and integer programming problems with interfaces for Python, MATLAB, and Julia.

These are just a few examples; a variety of optimization libraries and platforms support dual problems. It is also possible to formulate the dual problem using mathematical optimization modeling languages (e.g., AMPL, GAMS) and use a variety of solvers, independent of specific programming languages or tools.

Reference Information and Reference Books

For more information on optimization in machine learning, see also “Optimization for the First Time Reading Notes” “Sequential Optimization for Machine Learning” “Statistical Learning Theory” “Stochastic Optimization” etc.

Carnegie mellon univ, Berkley, and other universities also provide educational materials.

Reference books include Optimization for Machine Learning

Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science

Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning: A Textbook”


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