Elasticsearch and Machine Learning

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Using machine learning techniques in elastic search

Elasticsearch is an open source distributed search engine for search, analysis, and data visualization that also integrates Machine Learning (ML) technology and can be leveraged to achieve data-driven insights and predictions. It is a platform that can be used to achieve data-driven insights and predictions. This use of machine learning technology in Elasticsearch includes the following methods

  • Anomaly Detection and Monitoring: Elasticsearch’s machine learning capabilities can be used to detect anomalous patterns and movements and monitor anomalous events in systems and applications. This could be, for example, automatically detecting anomalies in network traffic, fluctuations in server logs, security incidents, etc.
  • Prediction of time-series data: Elasticsearch’s ML capabilities can be used to analyze time-series data and predict future trends and patterns. This is useful for business scenarios such as demand forecasting and inventory management.
  • Improving the customer experience: Elasticsearch can collect data such as user behavior history and search queries, and use this information to tailor the customer experience to the individual user. Machine learning can be used to make recommendations based on user preferences and needs, and to provide personalized search results.
  • Text Analysis and Natural Language Processing: Elasticsearch’s ML capabilities can be used to analyze text data and perform natural language processing. This includes, for example, extracting topics and sentiments from text data, classifying text classes, and performing entity extraction.
  • Image Analysis: The latest version of Elasticsearch also introduces functionality for image analysis. This allows for analysis of image data, object detection, feature extraction, and more.

Elasticsearch’s machine learning capabilities are integrated into Elastic’s X-Pack (now part of the Elastic Stack), with different plans offering different levels of functionality.

Examples and implementations of each are described below.

An example implementation of anomaly detection and monitoring using Elasticsearch’s machine learning capabilities

Elasticsearch’s machine learning capabilities can be used to implement anomaly detection and monitoring. The general procedure and specific code examples are described below.


  1. data collection and indexing: First, collect and index the data you wish to detect anomalies in Elasticsearch. This could be, for example, network traffic data or server logs.
  2. Create a machine learning job: Next, create a machine learning job using Elasticsearch’s Kibana interface. This involves the following steps
    • Go to Kibana and navigate to the Machine Learning section.
    • Create a new job and set the job type to “Anomaly Detection”.
    • Select the appropriate index as the data source.
    • Configure the settings for the Machine Learning job. This includes the target fields and time interval for the Anomaly Detection.
  3. Train the model and calculate the Anomaly Score: When the machine learning job is run, Elasticsearch will calculate an Anomaly Score based on the values of the selected fields. This score is an indicator of how much the data points deviate from their normal behavior.
  4.  visualize and alert on the anomaly: Use Kibana to visualize the calculated anomaly score and set alerts as needed. This allows the user to be notified when the anomaly score exceeds a pre-defined threshold.


The following is an example of manipulating Elasticsearch’s machine learning functionality using a Python script. This example shows how to create an anomaly detection job from a specific index and set alerts.

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch import helpers

# Connecting to Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch(["http://localhost:9200"])

# Index Name
index_name = "your_index_name"

# Machine Learning Job Setup
job_settings = {
    "description": "Anomaly detection job for your data",
    "analysis_config": {
        "bucket_span": "15m",  # Bucket time interval
        "detectors": [
                "function": "high_count",  # Detection function
                "field_name": "field_to_analyze",  # Field to detect anomaly
                "detector_description": "High count detector"
        "influencers": ["influencing_field"]
    "data_description": {
        "time_field": "timestamp"  # time field

# Creating Machine Learning Jobs
es.ml.put_job(job_id="anomaly_detection_job", body=job_settings, index=index_name)

# Alert settings
alert_settings = {
    "name": "Anomaly Alert",
    "actions": ["email_notification"],
    "alert_type": "anomaly_detection",
    "alert_scope": "job",
    "alert_condition": {
        "script": {
            "source": "ctx.payload.aggregations.high_count_bucket_count.value > threshold",
            "lang": "painless"
    "throttle": "15m",
    "email_notification": {
        "email": "your_email@example.com"

# Create Alerts
es.watcher.put_watch(id="anomaly_alert", body=alert_settings)

For more information on anomaly detection techniques, see “Anomaly and Change Detection Techniques.

An example implementation of predicting time-series data using Elasticsearch’s machine learning capabilities

Elasticsearch’s machine learning capabilities can also be used to make predictions on time-series data. The basic procedure and example code to do so are described below.


1. Data collection and indexing: First, time-series data should be collected in Elasticsearch and indexed in an appropriate format. This applies, for example, to timestamp/numeric data pairs.

2. Creating a Machine Learning Job: Using Kibana, create a machine learning job. The following is an example of a time series forecast using the Prophet algorithm. For more information on Prophet, see “Time Series Analysis with Prophet.

  • Go to Kibana and navigate to the Machine Learning section.
  • Create a new job and set the job type to Forecasting.
  • Select the appropriate index as the data source.
  • Configure the settings for the Machine Learning job. This includes the timestamp field, the predict target field, etc.
  • Select “Prophet” as the algorithm and adjust parameters as needed.


The following is an example of using a Python script to manipulate Elasticsearch’s machine learning capabilities. This example shows how to use the Prophet algorithm to perform time series forecasting.

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch import helpers

# Connecting to Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch(["http://localhost:9200"])

# Index Name
index_name = "your_index_name"

# Machine Learning Job Setup
job_settings = {
    "description": "Time series forecasting job for your data",
    "analysis_config": {
        "bucket_span": "1d",  # Bucket time interval
        "detectors": [
                "function": "prophet",  # Use Prophet algorithm
                "field_name": "value",  # Numeric field to be forecasted
                "detector_description": "Prophet forecast"
    "data_description": {
        "time_field": "timestamp"  # time field

# Creating Machine Learning Jobs
es.ml.put_job(job_id="time_series_forecast_job", body=job_settings, index=index_name)

For more information on time series data analysis, see “Time Series Data Analysis.

Example of collecting data on user behavior history and search queries in Elasticsearch using machine learning, and using this information to implement a customer experience tailored to the individual user.

Elasticsearch can also be used to collect data such as user behavior history and search queries to provide a customer experience tailored to individual users. The following describes the general procedure and specific implementation examples for doing so.


1.Data collection and indexing: Data such as user activity history and search queries should be collected and indexed in Elasticsearch. This data needs to be associated with each user’s identifier (e.g., user ID).

2. Create user profiles: Create a profile for each user. This includes the user’s previous search queries, browsing history, purchase history, etc. This allows us to understand user preferences and trends and provide a personalized experience.

3. Provide personalized search results: When a user enters a search query, Elasticsearch adjusts the search results based on the user’s profile. This allows items and content that are more relevant to the user to be displayed first.

4. Generate Recommendations: When a user views or purchases a particular item or content, the system will recommend related items based on that information. This allows the system to suggest other items that may be of interest to the user.


The following will be an example implementation using a Python script to analyze a user’s behavioral history and provide personalized search results. In this example, the search results are adjusted by applying different weights to each query, taking into account the user’s past search queries.

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

# Connecting to Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch(["http://localhost:9200"])

# Specify user ID and search query
user_id = "user123"
search_query = "example search query"

# Retrieve user's past search history
user_history = es.search(index="user_history_index", body={
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                {"term": {"user_id": user_id}},
                {"match": {"query": search_query}}

# Calculate weights based on user's past searches
search_weight = len(user_history["hits"]["hits"])

# Get personalized search results
personalized_results = es.search(index="products_index", body={
    "query": {
        "function_score": {
            "query": {"match": {"product_name": search_query}},
            "functions": [
                {"field_value_factor": {"field": "popularity", "factor": search_weight}}

# Display personalized search results
for hit in personalized_results["hits"]["hits"]:
    print(hit["_source"]["product_name"], hit["_score"])

For more information on recommendation techniques, see “Recommendation Techniques.

Example implementation of text data analysis and natural language processing using Elasticsearch’s ML functionality



1. Data collection and indexing: text data is collected in Elasticsearch and indexed into an appropriate index. Examples include text data and associated metadata (title, date, etc.).

2. Create machine learning jobs: use Kibana to create machine learning jobs for text data classification and sentiment analysis.

  • Go to Kibana and navigate to the Machine Learning section.
  • Create a new job and set the Job Type to “Classification” or “Anomaly Detection”.
  • Select the appropriate index as the data source.
  • Configure the settings for the machine learning job. This includes text fields and category labels (for Classification).


The following will be an example of an implementation using a Python script to perform sentiment analysis of text data. This example uses the Sentiment140 dataset to predict whether the sentiment of a text is positive or negative.

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

# Connecting to Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch(["http://localhost:9200"])

# Index Name
index_name = "sentiment140_index"

# Machine Learning Job Setup
job_settings = {
    "description": "Sentiment analysis job for text data",
    "analysis_config": {
        "bucket_span": "15m",  # Bucket time interval
        "detectors": [
                "function": "categorization",  # Use categorization
                "field_name": "text",  # text field
                "detector_description": "Sentiment analysis"
        "categorization_filters": {
            "positive": {"filter": {"terms": {"label": ["4"]}}},  # positive label
            "negative": {"filter": {"terms": {"label": ["0", "2"]}}}  # negative label
    "data_description": {
        "time_field": "timestamp"  # time field

# Creating Machine Learning Jobs
es.ml.put_job(job_id="sentiment_analysis_job", body=job_settings, index=index_name)

For more information on natural language processing, see “Natural Language Processing Technology.

Example implementation of image analysis using Elasticsearch’s ML functionality

Image analysis can also be performed using the ML function of Elasticsearch. The latest version of Elasticsearch introduces a function for image analysis, which makes it possible to analyze image data and perform object detection and feature extraction. The following is a basic procedure for image analysis and an example implementation.


1. Indexing image data: Indexes image data into Elasticsearch. This includes the image file itself and the path to the image.

2. Create machine learning jobs: Use Kibana to create machine learning jobs for object detection and feature extraction on image data.

  • Go to Kibana and navigate to the Machine Learning section.
  • Create a new job and set the Job Type to “Anomaly Detection”.
  • Select the appropriate index as the data source.
  • Configure the settings for the Machine Learning job. This includes image fields and analysis methods.


The following is an example implementation of image analysis using the ML feature of Elasticsearch, using a Python script. This example shows how to detect objects from indexed image data.

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

# Connecting to Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch(["http://localhost:9200"])

# Index Name
index_name = "image_index"

# Machine Learning Job Setup
job_settings = {
    "description": "Object detection job for image data",
    "analysis_config": {
        "bucket_span": "1d",  # Bucket time interval
        "detectors": [
                "function": "image_object_detection",  # Use image object detection
                "field_name": "image_field",  # Image Field
                "detector_description": "Object detection"
    "data_description": {
        "time_field": "timestamp"  # time field

# Creating Machine Learning Jobs
es.ml.put_job(job_id="object_detection_job", body=job_settings, index=index_name)

For more information on image processing techniques, see “Image Information Processing Techniques.

References and Bibliography

For more information on Elasticsearch and other search technologies in general, see “Search Technologies.

For reference books, see “Machine Learning with the Elastic Stack” (in Japanese).

Machine Learning with the Elastic Stack: Expert techniques to integrate machine learning with distributed search and analytics”

Getting Started with Elastic Stack 8.0: Run powerful and scalable data platforms to search, observe, and secure your organization”

Advanced Platform Development with Kubernetes: Enabling Data Management, the Internet of Things, Blockchain, and Machine Learning”


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