Overview of Newton’s method and its algorithm and implementation

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Newton’s Method

Newton’s method (Newton’s method) is one of the iterative optimization algorithms for finding numerical solutions to nonlinear equations and functions, and is mainly used to find roots of equations, making it a suitable method for finding minima and maxima of continuous functions as well. Because of its fast convergence, Newton’s method is used in many machine learning algorithms.

The basic idea of the Newton method is to iteratively update candidate solutions using an approximate local linear model of the function (Taylor expansion).

The main features and steps of the Newton method are described below.

1. features of newton method:

  • Newton’s method assumes that the function is continuously twice differentiable. The second derivative of the function (Hesse matrix) must be regular. See also “Hesse Matrix and Regularity” for details.
  • Newton’s method sets initial solution candidates (estimates) and iteratively modifies them to converge to an exact solution.

2. steps:

The iterative steps of Newton’s method are as follows

  • Step 1 – Initialization: Set initial values for the solution candidates (usually the initial values are problem-dependent).
  • Step 2 – Calculate the gradient and Hesse matrix: Calculate the gradient (first derivative) and Hesse matrix (second derivative) of the function for the current solution candidate.
  • Step 3 – Update solution: The next solution candidate is computed. The new solution candidate is computed from the current solution candidate using the gradient and Hesse matrix and is expressed as follows.

\[x_{k+1} = x_k – H(x_k)^{-1} \nabla f(x_k)\]

where \(x_k\) is the current solution candidate, \(H(x_k)\) is the Hesse matrix, and \(\nabla f(x_k)\) is the gradient.

  • Step 4 – Check for convergence: Check whether the convergence criteria are satisfied, and if so, terminate the iteration. The convergence criterion is usually achieved when the change in solution candidates is small.
  • Step 5 – If not convergent: If not convergent, repeat Step 2 through Step 4.

Although the Newton method provides fast convergence, it is particularly sensitive to the choice of initial values, and convergence around singularities and at discontinuities can be problematic. Problems can also arise when the Hesse matrix is computationally difficult or not regular. Despite these limitations, the Newton method has been used very effectively in many optimization problems.

Algorithms used in Newton’s method

While Newton’s method has fast convergence, it is sensitive to appropriate initial values and the nature of the problem, so various derivative algorithms and improved versions have been proposed. The following is a description of the main algorithms and improvements related to Newton’s method.

1. standard Newton method:

The standard Newton method is the basic form of the algorithm. At each iteration step, a new candidate solution is computed from the current candidate solution using the gradient and Hesse matrix. This algorithm is used to optimize continuous functions, but has problems with initial value selection and numerical stability.

2. Quasi-Newton Methods:

Quasi-Newton methods use an approximate Hesse matrix to determine the direction without computing the exact inverse of the Hesse matrix. Typical algorithms include the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) method described in “Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) Method.. and the Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS) method described in “Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS) Method. These algorithms are suitable for large-scale optimization problems. See “Quasi-Newton Method” for details.

3 Conjugate Gradient Methods:

Conjugate gradient methods are used to minimize continuous functions and can be viewed as an extension of Newton’s method and are particularly effective for quadratic objective functions. See in “Conjugate Gradient Method” for details.

4. Trust Region Methods

Trust region methods are methods for linearly approximating a local model within a trust region and are used for nonlinear constrained optimization problems, such as the Levenberg-Marquardt method. See “Trust Region Method” for details.

5. Newton-Raphson Method:

The Newton method is also used to find solutions to nonlinear equations. It is particularly useful when the derivatives of the function can be easily computed. See “Newton-Raphson Method” for more information.

6. modified Newton method:

Modified versions of the Newton method exist to address issues related to initial value selection and numerical stability. For example, there is a reliable initial value selection method and a method that uses numerical differentiation. See “Modified Newton Method” for more information.

These algorithms should be selected for specific problems and constraints, and should be considered with respect to initial values and numerical stability. These algorithms are widely used in nonlinear optimization and numerical solution methods, and it is important to select the appropriate method for the problem.

Examples of the application of Newton’s method

The Newton method is an effective algorithm for solving optimization problems for nonlinear equations and functions and has been widely applied in various fields. The following are examples of applications of Newton’s method.

1. finding roots of equations:

Newton’s method is used to find the roots of a nonlinear equation \(f(x) = 0\). Examples include polynomial equations, trigonometric equations, and exponential equations.

2. least squares (Least Squares):

The least squares method is used to optimize the parameters of a model with respect to experimental data, and Newton’s method can be applied to solve the least squares problem.

3. optimization problem:

Newton’s method is used to optimize continuous and twice differentiable functions and is particularly suited to nonlinear optimization problems and problems involving finding minima of the objective function.

4. numerical analysis of physical models:

Used to find numerical solutions to nonlinear and differential equations in physical modeling and engineering problems, e.g., simulations of structural mechanics, heat transfer, fluid dynamics, etc.

5. maximum likelihood estimation of statistical models:

In maximum likelihood estimation of statistical models, Newton’s method is used to maximize the likelihood function, and maximum likelihood estimation is widely used to estimate statistical parameters.

6. machine learning:

Newton’s method is used in some machine learning algorithms. For example, the Newton-Raphson method (Newton-Raphson) is used to optimize logistic regression and optimization algorithms based on Newton’s method.

7. signal processing:

Newton’s method is applied to the optimization of signal processing algorithms and the design of nonlinear filters.

8. financial modeling:

Newton’s method is also used in financial models such as option pricing calculations and portfolio optimization.

These are just some of the common applications, making the Newton method a widely used method as an important tool for numerical solution methods. It should be noted, however, that care must be taken in the choice of convergence and initial values, especially in nonlinear optimization problems, where the choice of initial values is important because of the possibility of convergence to a locally optimal solution.

Example implementation of Newton’s method

Below is an example implementation of Newton’s method for solving a simple nonlinear equation using Python. In this example, the equation


We consider finding the roots of the equation .

def newton_method(f, df, x0, tol, max_iter):
    Solving nonlinear equations by Newton's method

    :param f: Objective function
    :param df: Derivatives of the desired function
    :param x0: initial value
    :param tol: Convergence tolerance
    :param max_iter: Maximum number of iterations
    :return: Solution Approximation
    x = x0
    iteration = 0

    while abs(f(x)) > tol and iteration < max_iter:
        x = x - f(x) / df(x)
        iteration += 1

    if iteration == max_iter:
        print("There is a possibility of non convergence.")

    return x

# Define the equation to be solved and its derivatives
def f(x):
    return x**2 - 4

def df(x):
    return 2 * x

# Apply Newton's method
initial_guess = 3.0  # initial value
tolerance = 1e-6    # Convergence tolerance
max_iterations = 100  # Maximum number of iterations

result = newton_method(f, df, initial_guess, tolerance, max_iterations)
print("解:", result)

In this example implementation, the newton_method function is used to calculate the nonlinear equation


The solution of the equation is found from the specified initial values. In this example, the tolerance for convergence tol and the maximum number of iterations max_iter are also specified. When applied to more complex problems, the choice of initial values and the adjustment of the tolerance of convergence are important. It is also necessary to provide derivatives of the equation or function of interest.

the challenges of Newton’s method

Although the Newton method is effective on many problems, there are several challenges. The following describes the main challenges of Newton’s method.

1. sensitivity to initial values:

Newton’s method is very sensitive to initial values and may converge to different solutions when starting from different initial values. Finding appropriate initial values can be difficult, especially for nonlinear equations and optimization problems.

2. application to non-regular problems:

The Newton method assumes that the Hesse matrix of the function of interest is regular. For non-regular problems, the Newton method may not work properly because the Hesse matrix is not regular. See also “Hesse Matrix and Regularity” for details.

3. convergence to a local minimum:

Newtonian methods tend to converge to local solutions, and it is sometimes difficult to find the global minimum or optimal solution. In particular, in nonlinear optimization problems, the choice of initial values can lead to convergence to a local optimum.

4. computational cost:

The Newton method requires the computation of the Hesse matrix and the inverse matrix at each iteration step, which are computationally expensive and may increase the computation time, especially when applied to large problems.

5. handling of constraints:

Newton methods are usually difficult to handle constraints, and for optimization problems with nonlinear constraints, improved algorithms that take constraints into account are required.

Despite these challenges, the Newton method provides fast convergence for many problems and is a very useful approach, especially in finding approximate solutions for smooth nonlinear functions. To address the challenges, innovations and improved versions of algorithms for initial value selection, numerical stability, and constraint handling have been proposed.

Addressing the Challenges of Newton’s Method

There are a variety of approaches to addressing the challenges of the Newton method. The following is an overview of how to address the main challenges of Newton’s method.

1. improved initial value selection:

The choice of initial value has a significant impact on the convergence of Newton’s method. It is important to understand the problem ahead of time and to use a heuristic approach to find appropriate initial values, and it is also useful to extend the range of initial values and to try the calculation with multiple initial values.

2. setting convergence criteria:

It is important to set convergence criteria appropriately, to adjust error tolerance appropriately, and to control the stopping conditions of iterations. The speed of convergence may be monitored and the number of iterations adjusted as necessary.

3. improving numerical stability:

If the Hesse matrix is not regular or the inverse matrix cannot be computed, regularization techniques and methods to improve numerical stability should be considered. In particular, cross-validation and selection of regularization parameters will be considered. See also “Hesse Matrix and Regularity” for details.

4. avoidance of locally optimal solutions:

In order to find a globally optimal solution, one can try multiple calculations with different initial values and select the best solution. There are also optimization algorithms that are less prone to local optima and methods that use random initial values.

5. dealing with nonlinear constraints:

To deal with constrained optimization problems, improved versions of Newton’s method or algorithms that handle constraints (e.g., sequential quadratic programming) are used. See also “Sequential Quadratic Programming” for details.

6 Use of Quasi-Newton Methods:

The quasi-Newton method is an improved version of the Newton method that uses an approximate Hesse matrix instead of computing the inverse of the Hesse matrix exactly. This method is suitable for large problems. See “Quasi-Newton Method” for details.

7. alternative to numerical differentiation:

Instead of computing the Hesse matrix exactly, one may consider using numerical differentiation. However, numerical differentiation is computationally expensive and requires caution regarding numerical stability.

8. use of program libraries:

The implementation of Newton’s method is complex, and there are many program libraries and optimization software available that can be used to simplify addressing the issues.

Reference Information and Reference Books

For more information on optimization in machine learning, see also “Optimization for the First Time Reading Notes” “Sequential Optimization for Machine Learning” “Statistical Learning Theory” “Stochastic Optimization” etc.

Reference books include Optimization for Machine Learning

Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science

Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning: A Textbook


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