Overview of MAGNA (Maximizing Accuracy in Global Network Alignment), its algorithm and examples of implementation

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MAGNA (Maximizing Accuracy in Global Network Alignment)

MAGNA is a set of algorithms and tools for mapping different types of nodes (e.g., proteins and genes) in biological networks. Biological network matching integrates information from different data sources and identifies relationships between different types of biological entities This approach can be useful for identifying relationships between different types of biological entities. The main features and uses of MAGNA are described below.

Key Features and Applications:

1 Biological Network Mapping:

MAGNA can be used to perform correspondence (matching) between different nodes in a biological network, e.g., matching a protein-protein interaction network with a gene-protein interaction network to obtain new biological information.

2. integration of different data sources:

Biological data can come from a variety of data sources, each in different formats and at different scales, and MAGNA will integrate and map these different data sources.

3. bioinformatics research:

MAGNA is widely used in the field of bioinformatics research as a tool to understand various biological processes such as protein interactions, gene expression, signal transduction, and metabolic pathways.

4. network medicine:

Correspondence between biological networks is part of network medicine, which contributes to understanding disease and developing treatments; MAGNA is used to analyze disease-associated networks.

5. prediction and interpretation:

MAGNA will support the generation of new hypotheses and interpretation of biological processes through correspondences within biological networks, revealing relationships between different nodes in the network and providing biological insights.

MAGNA includes different algorithms and modules, allowing users to choose the approach that is appropriate for their specific research objectives and data sets. For researchers and bioinformaticians, MAGNA has become one of the key tools in biological network analysis.

Algorithm used in MAGNA

The following describes several mapping algorithms commonly used in MAGNA.

1. IsoRank:

IsoRank is an algorithm for mapping between different biological networks. IsoRank helps to identify common structures and relationships in different networks. For more information, see “IsoRank Overview, Algorithm and Example Implementation“.


SPINAL (SParse Integrative Network AligNment) is an algorithm for analyzing disease-related networks that maps different networks and identifies important nodes associated with a disease. SPINAL is thus contributing to the identification of disease-associated genes and proteins. For more information, see “About SPINAL.

3. IsoRankN:

IsoRankN is an extended version of IsoRank that performs mapping between many different networks and can be used to map various biological networks, such as protein interaction networks, gene expression networks, and metabolic pathway networks. For more information, see “Overview of IsoRankN and examples of algorithms and implementations



GHOST (Greedy Heuristic for the global alignment of two networks) is a heuristic algorithm for the alignment of two different networks, used to perform fast and efficient alignment and to identify structural similarities between different networks. It can be used to identify structural similarities between different networks. For more information, see “About GHOST (Greedy Heuristic for the global alignment of two networks).

These algorithms help integrate different biological networks, identify interactions and relationships, and play an important role in biological network analysis, providing researchers with a means to better understand the relationships between networks.

Examples of MAGNA implementations

Specific implementation examples of MAGNA vary from algorithm to algorithm and tool to tool, but an example of a general algorithm implementation using Python is given below. Detailed implementation examples for specific MAGNA algorithms will be available from the relevant literature.

The following is a basic example implementation of the IsoRank algorithm using Python.

import numpy as np

def isorank(graph1, graph2):
    Basic implementation of the IsoRank algorithm

        - graph1: Adjacency matrix of network 1
        - graph2: Adjacency matrix of network 2

        - alignment: Correspondence Result
    # Here is a concrete implementation of the IsoRank algorithm

    # alignment is a data structure that represents the result of the mapping and contains the correspondence between nodes

    return alignment

# Generate adjacency matrix of two biological networks
graph1 = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]])
graph2 = np.array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]])

# IsoRank algorithm execution
alignment = isorank(graph1, graph2)

# Display of mapping results
print("Correspondence Result:")
for node1, node2 in alignment:
    print(f"Nodes {node1} and {node2} correspond")

This code is an example implementation of the basic IsoRank algorithm, where the IsoRank algorithm would use the adjacency matrix of the networks to find the correspondence between different networks. However, the actual MAGNA toolset may incorporate various options and improvements.

Challenge for MAGNA

Several challenges exist with MAGNA and similar biological network mapping algorithms. These challenges include the following.

1. computational cost:

Biological networks are typically large and complex, making the network mapping problem computationally intractable. Algorithm execution can be time-consuming, especially when performing the mapping on large networks. Improved computational efficiency is required.

2. parameter tuning:

There are various parameters in the algorithm, and the proper setting of these parameters is important. Finding appropriate parameter settings requires experience and trial and error.

3. network incompleteness:

Biological networks are usually incomplete and may contain noise, and noise or missing data may prevent accurate mapping.

4. node attribute information:

Some algorithms do not take node attribute information into account. However, node attribute information can provide important information for network mapping.

5. Network topology variation:

Biological networks can change over time, and algorithms need to be designed to accommodate these variations.

6. uncertainty in evaluation criteria:

There is uncertainty in the evaluation criteria used to assess the quality of the mapping, and results may differ depending on which evaluation criteria are used. Selection of appropriate evaluation criteria is important.

These issues can be addressed by improving or optimizing algorithms, pre-processing network data, selecting appropriate evaluation methods, or combining different algorithms. Biological network mapping remains an ongoing research effort, and solutions to various challenges have been proposed.

How to Address MAGNA’s Challenges

Several countermeasures and improvements exist to address MAGNA and similar biological network mapping algorithms. The following is a list of approaches to addressing MAGNA challenges.

1. reduction of computational cost:

Parallel Processing: To reduce computational cost in large networks, parallel and distributed processing can be used to accelerate computations using multiple processors or clusters. See also “Overview of Parallel and Distributed Processing in Machine Learning and Examples of On-Premise and Cloud Implementations” for more details.

2. parameter tuning:

Grid search: Automatic parameter tuning methods such as grid search are used to assist in tuning algorithm parameters, evaluating different parameter combinations to find the optimal settings. See also “Overview of Search Algorithms and Various Algorithms and Implementations” for more information on grid search.

3. network quality improvement:

Noise reduction: To reduce noise, network data cleaning and denoising techniques should be applied, and reliable data should be used for correspondence. See also “Noise Reduction, Data Cleansing, and Missing Value Interpolation in Machine Learning” for more details.

4. use of attribute information:

Attribute Integration: Integrate attribute data related to the network to improve mapping by leveraging node attribute information. This improves the reliability of the mapping.

5. dealing with topology variation:

Dynamic Network Model: If the network changes over time, use a dynamic network model to deal with topological variation and update the model as new data becomes available. See also “How to analyze graph data as it changes over time” for more details.

6. improving evaluation criteria:

Appropriate metrics: Select appropriate metrics to evaluate the quality of the correspondence. Multiple metrics may be used to objectively evaluate algorithm performance.

7. user-friendly interface:

Improve the user interface: Provide a user-friendly interface and tools for MAGNA so that researchers can easily use the algorithms. See also “User Interface and Data Visualization Techniques” for more information.

Reference Information and Reference Books

Detailed information on relational data learning is provided in “Relational Data Learning“, “Time Series Data Analysis,  “Graph data processing algorithms and their application to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence tasks“, Please refer to that as well.

Reference books include “Relational Data Mining

Inference and Learning Systems for Uncertain Relational Data

Graph Neural Networks: Foundations, Frontiers, and Applications

Hands-On Graph Neural Networks Using Python: Practical techniques and architectures for building powerful graph and deep learning apps with PyTorch

Matrix Algebra

Non-negative Matrix Factorization Techniques: Advances in Theory and Applications

An Improved Approach On Distortion Decomposition Of Magnetotelluric Impedance Tensor

Practical Time-Series Analysis: Master Time Series Data Processing, Visualization, and Modeling using Python

Time Series Analysis Methods and Applications for Flight Data

Time series data analysis for stock indices using data mining technique with R

Time Series Data Analysis Using EViews

Practical Time Series Analysis: Prediction with Statistics and Machine Learning


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