Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) method

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The Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) method is a type of numerical optimization algorithm for solving nonlinear optimization problems in which the algorithm is used to find the minimum or The BFGS method is known as a quasi-Newtonian method described in “Quasi-Newton Method” and provides effective solutions to many real-world optimization problems. The following is some basic information about the BFGS method.

Key features of the BFGS method:

1. Quasi-Newtonian: The BFGS method can be thought of as an extension of the Newton method. However, it does not require direct calculation of the Hesse matrix as in the Newton method, but uses an approximation of the Hesse matrix. While updating this approximation, it converges to the minimum value of the function.

2. memory efficiency: The BFGS method is a memory-efficient algorithm and is suitable for large-scale optimization problems. It does not need to compute the inverse of the Hesse matrix and uses an inverse approximation of the matrix.

3. uses only first derivatives: The BFGS method requires only the first derivative (gradient) of the objective function, making it suitable for many optimization problems. Although information on the second derivative (Hesse matrix) of the objective function is used, an approximation of its inverse matrix is used, thus eliminating the need to compute the Hesse matrix itself.

4. convergence: BFGS methods often converge quickly and perform well on many real-world problems. However, convergence can be affected by the initial estimates and parameters of the algorithm.

5. Initial Estimates: The BFGS method is sensitive to initial estimates, and choosing appropriate initial values is a factor in improving convergence.

The BFGS method is available in many numerical libraries and optimization software and is a widely used algorithm. The method has been applied to nonlinear optimization problems, model learning in machine learning, model estimation in economics, and many other areas.

Specific procedures for the BFGS method

The basic steps of the BFGS method are described below.

1 Initialization:

Select initial estimates (initial solutions). Also, set up an initial approximation of the Hesse matrix for the BFGS method, typically using a unitary matrix (i.e., all elements are non-zero and the diagonal elements are 1).

2. iterative step:

a. Calculate the gradient: Calculate the gradient (first derivative) of the objective function at the current solution.

b. Convergence determination: Check for convergence conditions. Typical convergence conditions are that the gradient becomes very small or that the change in the objective function becomes small. If these conditions are met, the algorithm is considered to have converged and terminates.

c. Search direction calculation: The BFGS method uses an approximation of the inverse of the Hesse matrix (Hessian’s approximate inverse) to calculate the search direction. This search direction is the opposite direction of the gradient.

d. Determining the step size: In general, the algorithm calculates a step size (learning rate) that controls how far it will go in the search direction. The step size determines how much to advance in order to minimize the objective function, and typical methods use a linear search or a quasi-Newtonian line search.

e. Solution update: The search direction multiplied by the step size is added to the current solution to compute a new solution.

f. Updating the approximation of the Hesse matrix: The approximation of the Hesse matrix described in “Hesse Matrices and Regularity” is updated from the new solution and the previous solution. This update is the main step of BFGS, hence the name of the algorithm. By updating the approximation of the Hesse matrix, a new search direction for optimization can be obtained. 3.

3. iterate until no convergence is achieved or convergence conditions are met:

If the convergence conditions indicated in step b are satisfied or not converged, the iterative steps from step c to step f are repeated.

4. output of the final solution:

When the iterations are completed, the final solution is obtained. This solution will minimize the objective function.

The BFGS method is an excellent algorithm for effectively solving optimization problems and is available in many numerical optimization libraries. The choice of appropriate initial estimates and step size is important to improve convergence and performance, and the setting of convergence conditions also depends on the problem.

Examples of the Application of the BFGS Method

The BFGS method (Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno method) is a general-purpose algorithm for solving nonlinear optimization problems and is widely used in various fields. The following are examples of applications of the BFGS method.

1. machine learning: The BFGS method is used during the training of machine learning algorithms. In particular, it is useful for optimizing the parameters of models such as logistic regression, support vector machines (SVM), and neural networks. The training of these models is formulated as a nonlinear optimization problem and the BFGS method is used to find optimal values for the parameters.

2. system design: BFGS methods can be applied to the design and optimization of complex systems such as electronic circuits and communication systems. For example, in electronic circuit design, the BFGS method is used to adjust design parameters to optimize performance.

3. economics: Economists use BFGS methods for estimating economic models and evaluating policies. It is well suited for model parameter optimization and econometric problems with nonlinear constraints.

4. image processing: BFGS methods are used to solve nonlinear optimization problems in many image processing tasks such as image restoration, filtering, segmentation, and pattern recognition.

5. engineering design: BFGS methods are applied to optimize the design of products and structures in fields such as mechanical, aerospace, and architectural engineering. It is used to achieve specific performance criteria by adjusting design parameters.

6. scientific research: BFGS methods are used to estimate model parameters for experimental data in scientific research in physics, chemistry, biology, etc.

Control Engineering: In control system design and optimal control problems, BFGS methods are used to solve nonlinear control problems.

Examples of BFGS method implementations

An example implementation of the BFGS method is presented. While it is common to use high-performance optimization libraries (e.g., SciPy) when applying the BFGS method to real problems, a simple example is presented here to help understand the basic idea.

First, the following will be Python code for minimization using the BFGS method. The code uses SciPy’s optimization library to minimize a nonlinear objective function.

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

# Objective function to minimize
def objective(x):
    return (x[0] - 2.0) ** 2 + (x[1] - 3.0) ** 2

# initial solution (e.g. to a problem)
initial_guess = np.array([0.0, 0.0])

# Optimization by BFGS method
result = minimize(objective, initial_guess, method='BFGS')

# Output Results
print("optimal solution:", result.x)
print("minimum value:",

In this code, the following steps are performed

  1. objective function: The objective function to be minimized is defined. In this example, we minimize a simple quadratic function, \((x[0] – 2.0) ^2 + (x[1] – 3.0) ^2\)
  2. initial_guess: The initial solution is set.
  3. minimize function: The minimize function is used to perform optimization using the BFGS method. The objective function and initial solution are passed, and the optimal solution and minimum are returned.
  4. Result output: The optimal solution and the minimum value are output.

Although this example is a very simple problem, the same basic steps are applied when applying the BFGS method to a real problem. If the objective function and constraints of the nonlinear optimization problem are different, the code must be adjusted to match them.

Challenges with the BFGS method

The BFGS method (Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno method) is very useful as a nonlinear optimization algorithm, but several challenges and limitations exist. The main challenges of the BFGS method are listed below.

1. Convergence: The convergence of the BFGS method depends on the problem. In particular, convergence may be difficult for non-convex problems or problems with saddle points, so it is important to select appropriate initial estimates and set convergence conditions.

2. computational cost: The BFGS method requires a large amount of computation to maintain an approximation of the inverse of the Hesse matrix. The computational cost can be high, especially for large-scale problems.

3. Local Optimal Solution: The BFGS method may converge to a local optimal solution, and depending on the choice of initial solution, it may converge to a different local optimal solution. This problem can be addressed by approaches such as the multi-start method.

4. Constraints: The BFGS method cannot directly deal with constraint conditions. When dealing with constrained optimization problems, it is necessary to deal with the constraints. Penalty function and Lagrange multiplier methods are used for this purpose.

5. sensitivity to noise: The BFGS method assumes accurate computation of the value and gradient of the objective function. Noise can reduce convergence.

6. memory consumption: The BFGS method consumes memory to store information from previous iterations and to maintain an approximation of the Hesse matrix. There are memory constraints for large problems.

7. difficulty in customization: implementation and tuning of the BFGS method requires specialized knowledge. It is difficult to set parameters and handle constraints that are optimal for a particular problem.

Addressing the Challenges of the BFGS method

Several approaches and refinements have been devised to address the challenges of the BFGS method. They are described below.

1. selection of initial estimates:

Proper selection of initial estimates has a significant impact on convergence. Instead of starting with random initial values, it is important to use initial estimates that are appropriate for the problem. Trying different initial estimates can help.

2. dealing with locally optimal solutions:

To avoid convergence to a locally optimal solution, a multi-start method may be employed. The algorithm can be run from different initial estimates to select the best solution.

3. constraints:

The BFGS method cannot deal directly with the presence of constraints. Instead, an algorithm suitable for constrained optimization problems must be used. Penalty function methods described in “Overview of Penalty Function Method, Algorithm and Implementation Examples“, Lagrange multiplier methods described in “Dual problem and Lagrange multiplier method“, and Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) methods described in “Overview of the Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method and examples of algorithms and implementations” are possible alternatives.

4. coping with noise:

To deal with the presence of noise, robust optimization approaches may be considered. Stochastic optimization methods or evolutionary algorithms can be applied to account for noise in the objective function.

5. memory constraints:

When memory constraints are present for large problems, variations such as the sparse BFGS method (L-BFGS described in “Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS) method“) may be considered. These variations improve memory efficiency.

6. customization and tuning:

It is important to tune the parameters and convergence conditions of the BFGS method to find the right settings for the problem. A deep understanding of algorithm customization is helpful in this regard.

7. use of another optimization algorithm:

If the BFGS method fails to address a particular issue, it is important to consider other optimization algorithms. For example, evolutionary algorithms, genetic algorithms, Newton’s method, and conjugate gradient methods described in “Conjugate Gradient Method” are possible alternative methods.

Reference Information and Reference Books

For more information on optimization in machine learning, see also “Optimization for the First Time Reading Notes” “Sequential Optimization for Machine Learning” “Statistical Learning Theory” “Stochastic Optimization” etc.

Reference books include Optimization for Machine Learning






Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science







Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning: A Textbook

Introduction to Mathematical Programming, New Edition” by Masao Fukushima
This book comprehensively covers the fundamentals and applications of mathematical programming, providing a detailed explanation of optimization algorithms, including the BFGS method.

Numerical Optimization” by Jorge Nocedal and Stephen J. Wright
This book provides a detailed explanation of the theory and implementation of optimization methods, including the BFGS method and its variant, the L-BFGS method.

Practical Methods of Optimization” by Roger Fletcher
This book offers a practical approach to optimization methods, delving deeply into the theoretical background and implementation of the BFGS method.

Python for Data Analysis” by Wes McKinney
This book explains data analysis techniques using Python and includes examples of L-BFGS method implementation using SciPy and NumPy.


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