Overview of the Counting Problem and Examples of Algorithms and Implementations

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Counting Problem Overview

Counting problems (counting problems) are one of the most frequently tackled problems in mathematics, such as combinatorics and probability theory, which are tasks often associated with finding the number of combinations or permutations, as a problem of counting the total number of objects satisfying certain conditions.

These problems are solved using mathematical principles and formulas, and concepts such as permutations, combinations, and binomial coefficients are often used, and depending on the problem, the respective formula must be chosen according to the nature of the problem.

Specific counting problems are discussed below.

Permutation Counting


A permutation is an ordered combination of different elements, and the goal of a permutation counting problem is to find the total number of ways to take from a given element and order it. Below are some basic formulas and examples for dealing with permutation counting problems.

Basic permutation counting formula:

The number of permutations ( P(n, r)) that picks r from a given n elements is expressed as follows.

\[ P(n, r) = \frac{n!}{(n – r)!} \]

where \( n! \) represents the factorial\( n! = n \times (n-1) \times \ldots \times 2 \times 1 \) .

Example: How many ways are there to choose numbers in different orders to make a 3-digit number using numbers from 1 to 5?

In this problem, n = 5 (range of numbers) and r = 3 (pick 3 numbers since we are making a 3-digit number).

\[ P(5, 3) = \frac{5!}{(5 – 3)!} = \frac{5!}{2!} = \frac{5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1}{2 \times 1} = 60 \]

Thus, there are 60 ways to make 3-digit numbers in different orders using the numbers 1 through 5.

In permutation counting problems, it is important to apply the formulas with attention to the type of elements given and the number of elements to be taken out.

<Examples of Applications>

Permutation counting has been applied to a variety of real-world problems, including

1. seating arrangements:

Permutations are used in seating arrangements in schools, theaters, etc., when considering how to seat people in different orders. For example, if there are five seats and three people are seated, different placement patterns can be computed.

2. password generation:

When generating passwords, permutations consisting of different letters and numbers may be considered. This ensures variety and improves security.

3. computer memory access:

Permutations are used in computer memory access and data placement. This includes, for example, considering combinations of data accessed in different orders.

4. merchandise sorting:

Permutations are used when considering how to arrange products in a different order when displaying them. This allows for different product displays to attract the customer’s attention.

5. programming the event:

When programming an event or conference, permutations can be used to think about how to arrange the sessions or lectures in a different order.

<Example of Implementation>

To implement permutation counting, specific implementation methods vary depending on the programming language. The following is an example implementation of permutation counting using Python, in which factorials can be calculated using the factorial function of the math module.

import math

def permutation_count(n, r):
    Function to compute the number of permutations to select r from n elements
    return math.factorial(n) // math.factorial(n - r)

# Example: Number of permutations for a 3-digit number using numbers from 1 to 5
n = 5  # Total number of elements
r = 3  # Number of elements to choose from
result = permutation_count(n, r)

print(f"Number of permutations to select {r} elements from {n} elements: {result}")

In this code, the permutation_count function computes the number of permutations for a given n and r. The math.factorial function is used to compute the factorial, and finally, the result of the computation is output.

In this example implementation, the // operator is used to perform integer division, which results in an integer; in Python 3 and later, // is used to obtain an integer result, since the usual division / gives a floating-point number.

Combination Counting


The problem of counting combinations (Combination) becomes a problem of finding the total number of ways to choose some elements from a set of different elements. Since the order of the combinations is not taken into account, the same combination is considered to be the same if the elements are chosen in different orders from the same set of elements. Below are some basic formulas and examples related to counting up combinations.

Basic Combination Counting Formulas:

The number of combinations \( C(n, r) \) of r elements from a set of n different elements is expressed as follows

\[ C(n, r) = \frac{n!}{r!(n – r)!} \]

where \( n! \) is the factorial of n and \( n! = n \times (n-1) \times \ldots \times 2 \times 1 \).

Example: how many different ways are there to choose 3 out of 10?

In this problem, n = 10 (total number of elements) and r = 3 (number of elements to choose).

\[ C(10, 3) = \frac{10!}{3!(10 – 3)!} = \frac{10!}{3! \times 7!} = \frac{10 \times 9 \times 8}{3 \times 2 \times 1} = 120 \]

Thus, there are 120 different ways to choose 3 out of 10 with different choices.


  • The number of combinations is always calculated without considering the order. In other words, it is used when the order in which the elements are chosen is not important.
  • The number of combinations is smaller than the number of permutations. Since the order of the combinations is ignored, they are obtained by dividing the number of permutations by the number of permutations in which combinations of the same elements are expressed in different orders.

<Example of application>

Combinatorial counting is applied to a variety of real-world problems. The following are examples of where combination counting is applied.

1. team composition:

When selecting multiple members from a group, different combinations may be considered. For example, if five members are selected from a group of ten, different team compositions can be computed.

2. product variations:

When considering product combinations, the number of ways to select different products is calculated. For example, when choosing three products from a menu, one can know the different combinations.

3. event programming:

When programming a conference or event, one might consider different ways to select different topics or sessions. This allows for a diverse program.

4. coordinating schedules:

Sometimes we consider different combinations of tasks and people in a job or project to create an optimal schedule. This is accomplished by counting up different combinations.

5. investment portfolio considerations:

When an investor selects a certain number of stocks from different stocks, the investment portfolio with different combinations is considered through combination counting.

<Example of Implementation>

Implementing combination counting usually involves factorial calculations (especially the product of factors in the denominator). Below is an example implementation of combination counting using Python.

import math

def combination_count(n, r):
    Function to compute the number of combinations of r elements out of n elements
    return math.factorial(n) // (math.factorial(r) * math.factorial(n - r))

# Example: Number of combinations for 3 out of 10
n = 10  # Total number of elements
r = 3   # Number of elements to choose from
result = combination_count(n, r)

print(f"Number of combinations of {r} elements from {n} elements: {result}")

In this code, the combination_count function computes the number of combinations for a given n and r, and the math.factorial function is used to compute the factorial.

This example implementation uses integer division //, which results in an integer. The // is used to obtain an integer result, since using the normal division / yields a floating-point number.

Permutations and combinations when duplicates are allowed

Permutation and combination problems when duplication is allowed are tasks that consider situations where different elements can be used more than once. In a normal permutation or combination, the same element can be chosen only once, but in the duplication allowed case, the same element can be chosen more than once. Below are the basic calculation methods and examples for each case.

Permutations when duplicates are allowed:

The number of permutations \( P_{\text{duplicate}}(n, r) \) for permuting r elements from n different elements is expressed as follows.

\[ P_{\text{duplicate}}(n, r) = n^r \]

Example: In the case of a 3-digit number using numbers 1 to 3, there are \(3^3 = 27\) different ways to choose numbers in different orders when the same number can be used as many times as needed.

Combinations when duplicates are allowed:

The number of duplicate combinations \( C_{\text{duplicate}}(n, r) \) that allow duplicates and choose r out of n different elements is obtained by computing as a normal combination and multiplying the result by \( r! \)

\[ C_{\text{duplicate}}(n, r) = \frac{(n + r – 1)!}{r! \times (n – 1)!} \]

Example: if we use the numbers 1 to 3 to pick 3 numbers, the number of different combinations when the same number can be used as many times as possible is \(\frac{(3 + 3 – 1)!}{3! \times 2!} = 10\) ways.

These formulas are used for counting up in situations where different elements can be chosen any number of times.

<Examples of Applications>

Permutational and combinatorial problems when overlap is allowed have been applied in a variety of real-world situations. The following are some examples.

Application examples of permutations with duplicate permutations:

1. password generation:

Generating passwords using the same characters or numbers multiple times. For example, the same character can be used multiple times when generating a password consisting of a specific set of characters.

2. reordering of goods:

When dealing with the same commodity multiple times and considering how to rearrange the commodity in different orders. For example, the case where one item is purchased multiple times.

Examples of applications of combinations when duplication is allowed:

1. resource allocation:

When assigning finite resources (e.g., machines, materials) to different tasks. The same resource can be allocated to multiple tasks.

2. item selection:

To select a particular item multiple times. For example, when the same ingredient is selected multiple times from a list of ingredients to create a recipe.

3. voting or ranking:

For voting or ranking, where the same choice can be selected multiple times. For example, when the same rating can be given to multiple candidates.

4. combinatorial questions:

When a certain number of items of different types can be chosen, and the same item can be chosen more than once. For example, when one selects several balls from different colored balls and the same colored ball is selected more than once.

In these cases, the counting method is different, because duplication of elements is allowed, which cannot be considered in the usual permutations and combinations.

<Example of Implementation>

The following example shows how to implement permutation and combination counting when duplicates are allowed using Python.

Example implementation of permutations when duplicates are allowed:

def repeated_permutation_count(n, r):
    Function to compute the number of duplicate permutations to select r elements from n elements with duplicates allowed
    return n ** r

# Example: Number of duplicate permutations for a 3-digit number using numbers 1 through 3
n = 3  # Total number of elements
r = 3  # Number of elements to choose from
result = repeated_permutation_count(n, r)

print(f"Number of duplicate permutations choosing {r} elements from {n} elements: {result}")

Example implementation of a combination when duplication is allowed:

import math

def repeated_combination_count(n, r):
    Function to compute the number of duplicate combinations, where r is the number of duplicates allowed out of n elements
    return math.factorial(n + r - 1) // (math.factorial(r) * math.factorial(n - 1))

# Example: Number of duplicate combinations for 3 numbers using numbers 1 to 3
n = 3  # Total number of elements
r = 3  # Number of elements to choose from
result = repeated_combination_count(n, r)

print(f"Number of duplicate combinations of {r} elements from {n} elements: {result}")

These implementation examples define the repeated_permutation_count and repeated_combination_count functions, respectively, and perform the necessary calculations, which can be easily performed with the repeated_permutation_count function, but require factorial calculations with the repeated_combination_count function.

Counting up combinations that satisfy the conditions

The problem of counting combinations that satisfy a condition becomes a problem of finding the total number of combinations that would satisfy a particular condition. In general, one may seek combinations of elements from a certain set or group that satisfy a condition. Below are some specific examples and their counting methods.

Example: Counting up the combinations that satisfy the conditions

Problem: How many combinations of dice numbered 1 through 6 total 7 when rolled twice?

In this problem, we seek to find the number of combinations that satisfy the condition that the total of the dice rolls is 7.

Solution: When rolling the dice, the first dice roll is (a) and the second dice roll is (b), the condition is as follows.

\[ a + b = 7 \]

Find a combination of \(a\) and \(b\) that satisfies this condition. Since the dice rolls are integers from 1 to 6, the combinations that satisfy the condition are as follows.

\[ (1, 6), (2, 5), (3, 4), (4, 3), (5, 2), (6, 1) \]

Thus, the number of combinations whose total is 7 is 6 ways.

Other examples include, “How many combinations of men and women are there in a group of 10 people if three are chosen, including one man and one woman?” and so on.

Thus, in counting up the number of combinations that satisfy a particular condition, we find the combinations that satisfy the condition and calculate the total number of combinations. If the conditions are complex or if there are many combinations, mathematical methods or programming must be used to calculate the total number of combinations efficiently.

<Example of Application>

The problem of counting up combinations that satisfy a condition has been applied in a variety of real-world situations. The following are some examples.

1. event programming:

When programming an event or conference, it is sometimes necessary to consider combinations that satisfy certain conditions. For example, one might combine lectures related to the same topic or speakers from different fields.

2. team composition:

When forming a team for a sport or project, there is the problem of combining members with specific skills or characteristics. For example, technical skills, leadership experience, and communication skills may be specific requirements.

3. optimal use of resources:

There is the problem of selecting a combination of projects that will satisfy the conditions for optimal use of finite resources. For example, this may be the case when machinery and human resources are effectively deployed.

4. logistics and supply chain management:

In order to optimize the supply chain of goods and materials, there is the problem of selecting combinations that satisfy specific conditions (e.g., transportation costs, inventory constraints, etc.).

5. medical diagnosis:

In medical diagnosis, a specific disease may be confirmed when several specific symptoms or test results are available. This becomes a problem of considering the combination of different symptoms and test items as conditions.

In these cases, seeking combinations that satisfy specific conditions can optimize or streamline a project, event, or business process.

<Example of Implementation>

The implementation of the problem of counting combinations that satisfy a condition depends on the nature of the problem. In order to enumerate combinations based on specific conditions, a function is needed to determine if the conditions are satisfied. Below is a simple example implementation using Python.

As an example, consider the problem of enumerating three combinations of numbers from 1 to 6 that sum up to 7.

from itertools import combinations

def condition_met(combination):
    Function to determine if a specific condition is met 
    In this example, the condition is if the chosen numbers sum up to 7
    return sum(combination) == 7

def find_combinations(elements, r):
    Function to enumerate combinations that satisfy the condition
    all_combinations = list(combinations(elements, r))
    satisfying_combinations = [c for c in all_combinations if condition_met(c)]
    return satisfying_combinations

# List three combinations of numbers from 1 to 6 that sum up to 7
elements = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
r = 3
result = find_combinations(elements, r)

print(f"Any combination of {r} from {elements} that sums to 7: {result}")

In this example, the combinations function in the itertools module is used to generate all combinations of three choices of numbers from 1 to 6 and extract those that satisfy the condition. Conditional judgment is performed by the condition_met function.

Counting Problems in Probability Theory

A counting problem in probability theory becomes a problem of counting the number of possible events in order to calculate the probability that an event or outcome will occur. Usually, mathematical techniques such as combinations and permutations are used and applied to find the probability of an event occurring. Below are some examples of counting problems in probability theory and their basic concepts.

Example: Probability of the sum of two rolls of the dice being 7

Problem: What is the probability that the sum of two rolls of a 6-sided dice will be 7?

Solution: Assume that each side of the dice has an equal probability of being rolled. The combinations that result in a total of 7 are as follows.

\[ (1, 6), (2, 5), (3, 4), (4, 3), (5, 2), (6, 1) \]

These are 6 ways in total. Since each side of the dice has 6 ways and is rolled twice, the total number of combinations is \(6 \times 6 = 36\). Therefore, the probability of the total being 7 is found by dividing the number of combinations that result in a total of 7 by the number of total combinations.

\[ P(\text{total of 7}) = \frac{\text{Number of combinations that total 7}}{\text{Number of overall combinations}} = \frac{6}{36} = \frac{1}{6} \]

Thus, counting problems in probability theory generally involve considering combinations of events and dividing them by the total number of combinations to obtain probabilities, and mathematical methods and statistical concepts are applied to calculate probabilities in real-life problems.

<Example of Application>

The counting problem in probability theory has been widely applied in various fields. The following are some examples.

1. card games:

In card games such as playing cards, counting is used to calculate the probability of a specific role or combination of roles. For example, this would be the situation for calculating the probability of a flush or full house in poker.

2. statistics:

Statistics uses understanding probability distributions and estimating the properties of samples through sample space and counting of events. For example, the probability distribution of a sample is estimated based on counting up the number of combinations that satisfy certain conditions during sampling.

3. communications engineering:

In communications engineering, counting is used to calculate the probability of an error in the transmission of signals or data. The reliability of communications is evaluated by counting up the number of combinations in which errors occur under specific conditions.

4. exclusive event probability calculation:

Counting is used to calculate the probability of one event occurring and another event occurring at the same time. For example, one might consider the probability of purchasing a particular product and the probability of a discount being applied at the same time.

5. artificial intelligence:

Probabilistic algorithms, such as Monte Carlo methods, are based on counting. Sometimes the solution to a problem is found by sampling the probability that a particular event will occur.

In these examples, counting plays an important role in calculating probabilities, and understanding the probability of a particular event occurring through counting is used for decision making and problem solving.

<Example Implementation>

The implementation of the counting problem in probability theory depends on the specific problem and conditions. Before presenting specific implementation examples, as a general approach, we describe the basic functions for solving probability-based counting problems in Python.

from itertools import product

def count_favorable_outcomes(sample_space, condition_func):
    Function to count the number of favorable events from the sample space that satisfy certain conditions
        sample_space (list): List representing sample space
        condition_func (function): Function to determine the condition
        int: Number of Favorable Events
    favorable_outcomes = [outcome for outcome in sample_space if condition_func(outcome)]
    return len(favorable_outcomes)

def calculate_probability(sample_space, condition_func):
    Function to calculate the probability of an event meeting certain conditions from a sample space
        sample_space (list): List representing sample space
        condition_func (function): Function to determine the condition
        float: Probability of Event
    total_outcomes = len(sample_space)
    favorable_outcomes = count_favorable_outcomes(sample_space, condition_func)
    probability = favorable_outcomes / total_outcomes
    return probability

This would be the basic structure for counting the number of events that satisfy certain conditions from the sample space and calculating their probabilities. In order to apply this to a concrete problem, the sample space and conditional judgment functions need to be defined for the specific problem.

Example: Probability that the dice are rolled twice and the total is 7

# Sample space: Dice roll combinations from 1 to 6
sample_space = list(product(range(1, 7), repeat=2))

# Conditional function: If the total is 7
def condition_func(outcome):
    return sum(outcome) == 7

# Calculation of results
probability = calculate_probability(sample_space, condition_func)

print(f"Probability that the total is 7: {probability}")

In this example, the sample space is defined as two rolls of dice from 1 to 6, and the probability is calculated by counting the events in which the total is 7.

Reference Information and Reference Books

See also “Automata and State Transitions/Petri Nets, Automated Programming and Counting Problems” for approaches to discrete information such as counting problems.

Reference books include “Combinatorics and Number Theory of Counting Sequences.”

Polya Counting Theory

Elliptic Tales: Curves, Counting, and Number Theory

Number Theory: A Historical Approach


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