Overview of Notion and its use in projects

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Overview of Notion

Notion is an all-in-one productivity tool that integrates documents, task management, databases, project management and many other functions, so that any information can be effectively used if it is thrown into Notion anyway.

Notion is used for a variety of purposes, from personal information organisation to corporate project management, and its flexibility and rich functionality make it a popular tool for many users.

The main features and applications of Notion are described below.

1. multi-functional platform: Notion offers many different functions in one platform, such as a text editor, database, task management tool, project management tool, etc., thereby centralising and managing different tasks without the need to use multiple applications and tools. Management.

2. flexible data structures: the Notion database is very flexible and can display data in different views, such as tables, lists, calendars and boards. This makes it possible to manage different types of data in an organised way.

3. a rich block editor: you can create documents by combining different types of blocks, such as text, images, links, checklists and code blocks. This flexibility is useful for creating memos and documents.

4. co-operation and sharing: easy team collaboration, real-time editing, commenting and generation of shared links, Notion can be used to support team collaboration in remote work environments.

5. customisable workspace: pages, sections and blocks can be freely edited and customised to suit your workflow and individual working style.

6. task management: Notion can also be used for task management: you can create to-do lists and calendars to keep track of the progress of your projects and tasks.

7. offline mode: you can work in an offline environment using desktop or mobile applications, with data synchronised and automatically updated when you go online.

Setting up the Notion environment

Using Notion is basically done through a web browser; Notion is a cloud-based platform and does not require any special set-up, and the steps to get started are as follows.

1. create a Notion account: go to the Notion website (https://www.notion.so/) and create a new account; you can also register using a Google account or Apple ID.

2. log in to Notion: once an account has been created, log in to access the Notion dashboard.

3, Create a workspace: After logging in, create a workspace. Workspaces can take a variety of forms, from private, personal workspaces to team workspaces shared by multiple members.

4. create pages: create new pages within a workspace. Pages can be used for a variety of purposes, such as notes, documents, projects or databases.

5, Edit pages: Once created, you can freely add and edit elements such as text, images, links, task lists, tables, etc. using the block editor.

6. creating databases: create databases as required to organise information. Databases can be displayed in table or list view and can be customised.

7. task management: manage tasks using task lists and calendars. Tasks can be set with deadlines and priorities.

8. share and collaborate: share pages and databases you have created and collaborate with other users in real time. It is possible to communicate using the comment and mentions functions.

Notion can be a productivity tool for a wide range of needs, from individual users to large teams.

Notion’s use in projects

Notion is a very suitable tool for project management and its flexibility allows it to be applied to a wide range of projects. In addition to project management, document management and collaboration can also be integrated on Notion, enabling efficient project management. The following are concrete steps and ideas for using Notion in projects.

1. create a project page: create a new page on Notion and use that page as the focal point of the project. The page should summarise information such as the project overview, goals and progress.

2. create a task list: create a task list within the project and add information to each task, such as assignee, due date, priority, etc. Use custom properties and tags to visualise the progress of tasks.

3. utilise the calendar view: use the calendar view to see task deadlines and events in chronological order. Identify overdue tasks and important dates at a glance.

4, Building Kanban boards: use Notion’s database to build Kanban boards, creating columns such as To-Do, In Progress, Completed, etc., to visually manage task status.

5. project member collaboration: communicate with project members using comments and mentions within pages; communication within Notion can take place in real-time.

6. information integration: integrate project-related documents, memos, images, etc. in Notion. The centralisation of necessary information allows for more efficient work.

7. project progress reports: create project progress reports using Notion’s database and view functions. Share them with the team and stakeholders to increase transparency of progress and issues.

8. create templates: if similar projects occur repeatedly, project pages can be saved as templates and re-used for future projects to ensure a smooth project start-up.

Examples of API use of the notion database

Notion provides a flexible API that can be utilised in a variety of ways. Examples of these are described below.

1. creating custom dashboards: Notion’s database API can be used to create custom dashboards. For example, it is possible to retrieve, visualise and summarise project progress and task status from a project management database.

An example implementation is shown below.

First, the Notion API is called from Python using the notion-py package. This allows information to be retrieved from the Notion database.

pip install notion

Next, create a Python script to retrieve information from the Notion database.

from notion.client import NotionClient

# Set up Notion API tokens.

# Notion database URL.

# Creating a Notion client
client = NotionClient(token_v2=token_v2)

# Retrieve pages from the Notion database.
page = client.get_block(url)

# Get the properties in the page.
properties = page.collection.get_schema_properties()

# Display dashboard data.
for row in page.collection.get_rows():
    print("Title:", row.title)
    print("Status:", row.status)
    # Show other properties as required.

The script retrieves all rows in a given Notion database and displays properties such as the title and status of each row. This information can be used to build arbitrary dashboards, for example, to visualise the retrieved data graphically or to filter data based on specific criteria. Furthermore, if required, the acquired data can be further processed using libraries such as Pandas to build more advanced dashboards.

2. integration with external apps: Notion’s database API can be used to integrate the Notion database with external applications. For example, it is possible to update information in the Notion database when a specific event occurs, or conversely, to write information from an external application to the Notion database. An example implementation is shown below.

from datetime import datetime
from notion.client import NotionClient

# Set up Notion API tokens.

# Notion database URL.

# Functions for processing external events when they occur.
def handle_external_event(event_data):
    # Processing of external events
    # Example: updating the Notion database based on data received from an external app.
    notion_client = NotionClient(token_v2=token_v2)
    page = notion_client.get_block(url)
    # Process for updating information in the Notion database.
    # For example, to change properties within a particular page.
# Simulate the occurrence of external events.
def simulate_external_event():
    # Here, simply retrieve and return the current date and time.
    return datetime.now()

# Waits for external events and processes them when they occur
def wait_for_external_event():
    while True:
        event_data = simulate_external_event()  # Get data from external events.
        if event_data:  # When external events occur
            handle_external_event(event_data)  # Process external events

# Waiting for and initiating processing of external events

In this script, the simulate_external_event() function is used to simulate external events and the handle_external_event(event_data) function is used to handle external events when they occur.

3. automation: automation can be achieved using Notion’s database API to reduce routine and manual work. For example, information in the Notion database can be automatically updated when certain conditions are met, or notifications can be sent when new data is added.

As an example, below is an automation script that processes the task list in Notion, identifies expired tasks and sends notifications.

from datetime import datetime
from notion.client import NotionClient

# Set up Notion API tokens.

# Notion database URL.

# Functions for sending notifications
def send_notification(task_name):
    # Implementation of notifications
    print(f"task '{task_name}' expired!")

# Creating a Notion client
client = NotionClient(token_v2=token_v2)

# Retrieve pages from the Notion database.
page = client.get_block(url)

# Get the properties in the page.
properties = page.collection.get_schema_properties()

# Searching for and notification of overdue tasks
for row in page.collection.get_rows():
    task_name = row.title
    deadline = row.deadline  # Assumed as virtual properties
    if deadline and deadline < datetime.now():

The script retrieves all rows in the specified Notion database and checks the task name and due date of each row. If the due date and time is past the current date and time, it calls the send_notification function to send a notification. By running such scripts on a regular basis, you will automatically receive notifications when tasks in the Notion become overdue, thereby reducing manual and routine work.

4. building custom applications: custom applications can be built using Notion’s database API. For example, it is possible to design a database for a specific business process and create a custom application based on that database.

As an example, a custom application for project management is created. This application has the ability to create projects, track progress and assign tasks.

First, the Notion database is designed. The following is an example of a database for project management.


  • Project name
  • Project ID
  • Project Leader
  • Start date
  • End date
  • Status (e.g. in progress, completed)


  • Task name
  • Task ID
  • Person in charge
  • Due date
  • Status (incomplete, completed, etc.)
  • Related projects

Once such a database has been created, the next step is to create a custom application in Python.

from datetime import datetime
from notion.client import NotionClient

# Set up Notion API tokens.

# Notion project database URL
project_database_url = "YOUR_PROJECT_DATABASE_URL"

# Notion task database URL
task_database_url = "YOUR_TASK_DATABASE_URL"

# Creating a Notion client
client = NotionClient(token_v2=token_v2)

# Functions to create projects
def create_project(project_name, project_leader, start_date, end_date):
    project_page = client.get_block(project_database_url).collection.add_row()
    project_page.title = project_name
    project_page.project_leader = project_leader
    project_page.start_date = start_date
    project_page.end_date = end_date
    project_page.status = "ongoing"

# Functions to create tasks
def create_task(task_name, assignee, deadline, project_id):
    task_page = client.get_block(task_database_url).collection.add_row()
    task_page.title = task_name
    task_page.assignee = assignee
    task_page.deadline = deadline
    task_page.project = project_id
    task_page.status = "incomplete"

# Create a new project
create_project("New projects", "John Doe", datetime.now(), datetime.now())

# Create new task
create_task("task1", "Alice", datetime.now(), "PROJECT_ID")

In this script, the create_project() and create_task() functions are used to create new projects and tasks. These functions add new rows to the Notion database and set the necessary information.

Reference information and reference books

Notion for Novices

Notion for Beginners


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