What is the essence of information geometry?
Information geometry is a field that studies the geometrical structure of probability distributions and statistical models used in statistics, information theory, machine learning, etc. Its essential idea is to regard probability distributions and statistical models as geometric spaces and to analyse the properties of these models by introducing geometric structures (distance, curvature, connection The essential idea is to analyse the properties of these models by introducing geometric structures (distances, curvatures, connections, etc.) into them.
The essence of information geometry is as follows:
1. viewing probability distributions as a geometric space: Information geometry considers probability distributions as ‘points’, as described in ‘Various probability distributions used in stochastic generative models’, and defines a geometric structure in the space (set of statistical models) in which these points are gathered. In this space, for example, the ‘distance’ or ‘curvature’ between distributions is considered to change as the mean or variance of the normal distribution changes. This set of probability distributions is considered as a ‘manifold’ and differential geometrical analysis is performed on this manifold. This perspective makes it possible to quantify the ‘closeness’ and ‘difference’ between distributions in a geometric way.
2. the Fisher information matrix and Riemannian metric: One of the basic structural elements of information geometry is the Fisher information matrix, which is described in ‘Overview of the Fisher information matrix and related algorithms and implementation examples’. This matrix represents the ‘information content’ in the parameter estimation of a statistical model and is used as a Riemannian metric. The Fisher information matrix defines a ‘distance’ in the space of probability distributions, on the basis of which the ‘informational distance’ or ‘angle’ between statistical models can be measured. This means, for example, that if two probability distributions are close in distance based on the Fisher information matrix (Fisher distance), they can be interpreted as statistically similar, and this distance concept allows models to be estimated and compared geometrically.
3. dual connections and dual flatness: In addition to Riemannian geometry, information geometry has a geometric structure called dual connections, which is also described in ‘Dual problems and the Lagrange multiplier method’. This introduces two types of connections in the space of probability distributions, which are dual to each other. The dual connection feature helps to view the space of probability distributions from different perspectives. In particular, it allows for a geometric treatment of the dual relationship between expected value parameters and natural parameters in statistics, which can be applied to statistical estimation and learning algorithms.
4. geometric interpretation of entropy and KL divergence: in information geometry, entropy, as described in ‘Overview of cross-entropy and related algorithms and implementation examples’, and Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence, as described in ‘Overview of Kullback-Leibler variational estimation and various algorithms and implementations’, are also understood as geometric concepts. Divergence is also understood as a geometric concept: the KL divergence described in “KL divergence constraint” is a measure of the ‘distance’ between two probability distributions, which is not a distance in the strict sense, but a ‘pseudo-distance’. By interpreting the KL divergence geometrically, information loss and approximation errors can be evaluated geometrically, and the concept can be used to optimise and regularise models from an information-theoretic perspective.
5. applications to machine learning and statistical inference: information geometry is often applied to the learning, regularisation and optimisation of stochastic models in machine learning. For example, by analysing the parameter space of a neural network in terms of information geometry, the vanishing gradient problem described in ‘The vanishing gradient problem and its counterpart’ can be viewed geometrically and efficient learning methods can be derived. Information geometry can also be used to improve the approximation accuracy of probabilistic inferences such as variational and Bayesian inferences, as described in ‘Overview and various implementations of variational Bayesian learning’, and to provide a theoretical basis for model selection and parameter tuning.
The essence of information geometry is to view probability distributions and statistical models as geometrical spaces and to utilise the structures within these spaces (distances, connections, curvatures, etc.) to provide a new perspective for solving statistical inference and machine learning problems. Through this perspective, the properties of complex statistical models and machine learning algorithms can be better understood and efficient methods can be designed.
On machine learning algorithms based on geometric structures
Geometric structure-based machine learning algorithms are approaches that utilise the geometric properties of the data and parameter space in learning and optimising models; these algorithms understand the geometric structure of data and model correlations, distances, curvatures, etc., and efficiently process relationships between the data The aim will be to process the relationships between data efficiently.
The following sections describe typical machine learning algorithms that utilise geometric structures and their applications.
1. optimisation methods based on Riemannian geometry
– Riemannian optimisation: the parameter space of a machine learning model is regarded as a Riemannian manifold and optimisation is performed using Riemannian metric (distance). More efficient convergence can be achieved by considering the ‘curvature’ of the parameter space during optimisation. For more information, see ‘Riemannian optimisation algorithm and implementation examples’.
– Applications: In neural network training, Riemannian metric of the weight space can be used to improve gradient descent methods.
2.Natural Gradient Descent
– Essence: the natural gradient method, described in “Overview of the Natural Gradient Method and Examples of Algorithms and Implementations“, is an improved version of the normal gradient method (gradient descent) that uses the Fisher information matrix and takes into account the geometric structure of the parameter space. This ensures that the optimisation process is updated along an efficient direction reflecting the statistical properties of the data.
– Example implementation: the Fisher information matrix is based on Riemannian metric and measures the ‘informative distance’ in the distribution space. Based on this, the update direction is adjusted to improve the convergence speed of the gradient method.
– Applications: used for Bayesian inference and neural network training, particularly useful for large data sets and complex models.
3. support vector machines (SVMs) and geometric structures
– Essence: SVMs, as described in ‘Overview of support vector machines, examples of applications and various implementations’, map data to a higher-dimensional space and perform linear separation in that space. The kernel function that performs this mapping projects the geometrical structure of the original input space onto the higher-dimensional space and can find the optimal separation plane in that space when solving classification problems.
– Geometric perspective: the optimisation problem of SVM is a geometric problem of maximising the ‘spacing’ of the input space, and maximising this spacing can improve classification accuracy.
4. roemannian geometry and deep learning
– Essence: the parameter space of deep learning models is high-dimensional and can be efficiently optimised and interpreted by utilising Riemannian geometry. In particular, methods that take into account the curvature and information content of the parameter space are being developed.
– Applications: regularisation techniques (e.g. Riemannian regularisation) and layer-by-layer optimisation using Riemannian geometry in model training have been used to suppress overlearning and achieve fast convergence.
5. Gaussian Process Regression (Gaussian Process Regression) and the geometric perspective
– Essence: Gaussian process regression, also described in ‘GPy – A framework for Gaussian processes using Python’, models relationships in data as probability distributions and understands their structure, using kernel functions to capture spatial correlations and geometric The structure of the data is captured.
– Geometric perspective: kernel functions are used to measure the geometric ‘distance’ between data points and geometrically optimise the relationships between data points in the learning process.
6. clustering and information geometry
– Essence: clustering algorithms (e.g. k-means as described in ‘Overview of k-means, applications and implementation examples’ and hierarchical clustering as described in ‘Hierarchical clustering in R’) group data points, but by introducing an information geometry perspective, By introducing an information geometry perspective, clustering that takes into account ‘informational distance’ and ‘relationships’ between clusters becomes possible.
– Applications: clustering methods such as k-means++ utilise geometric distance in the selection of initial clusters for more effective initialisation.
7. deep generative models and geometry
– Essence: Deep generative models (e.g. Variational Autoencoder (VAE) as described in ‘Overview of VAE, Algorithms and Implementation Examples’ and Generative Adversarial Networks as described in ‘Overview, Various Applications and Implementation Examples of GANs’) are used in learning about the generative process of data and to learn about the behaviour of the data. (Generative Adversarial Networks) learn the generative process of data. These models view the latent space of data (latent variable space) as a geometrically structured space and perform transformations and optimisations within that space.
– APPLICATION: In generative models, distances and transformations in the latent space can be analysed geometrically to make the generative process more effective.
Geometry-based machine learning algorithms are an approach to efficiently train, optimise and interpret models by geometrically capturing the relationships between data and the structure of the parameter space, and various geometric methods, such as Riemannian geometry, Fisher information matrices and natural gradient methods, are used in machine learning They have been applied and are particularly useful for optimisation and efficient learning in high-dimensional spaces.
implementation example
Examples of implementations of machine learning algorithms based on geometric structures are described. The following sections describe the training of neural networks using the natural gradient method, optimisation utilising Riemannian geometry and the implementation of SVMs using kernel functions.
1. optimising neural networks using the natural gradient method
The natural gradient method improves the optimisation efficiency by incorporating Riemannian metric into the usual gradient descent method. The following is an example implementation of training a simple neural network using the natural gradient method.
Example implementation: learning a neural network using the natural gradient method
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
# Definition of neural network models
class SimpleNN(tf.keras.Model):
def __init__(self):
super(SimpleNN, self).__init__()
self.dense1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation='relu')
self.dense2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='softmax')
def call(self, inputs):
x = self.dense1(inputs)
return self.dense2(x)
# Implementation of the natural gradient method.
class NaturalGradientOptimizer(tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer):
def __init__(self, learning_rate=0.01):
super(NaturalGradientOptimizer, self).__init__(name="NaturalGradient")
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
def apply_gradients(self, grads_and_vars, name=None, experimental_aggregate_gradients=True):
for grad, var in grads_and_vars:
# Calculate the Fisher information matrix (simplified in the hypothetical example)
fisher_information = np.eye(var.shape[0]) # Simple example using a unit matrix
natural_grad = np.linalg.inv(fisher_information).dot(grad.numpy()) # natural gradient method
var.assign_sub(self.learning_rate * natural_grad)
# Loading datasets (MNIST).
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data()
x_train = x_train / 255.0
x_test = x_test / 255.0
# Setting up models and optimisation algorithms.
model = SimpleNN()
optimizer = NaturalGradientOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
loss_fn = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy()
# learning loop
for epoch in range(10):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
# forward propagation
logits = model(x_train, training=True)
loss = loss_fn(y_train, logits)
# Calculation of gradients
grads = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables)
# Updated by natural gradient method
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_variables))
print(f"Epoch {epoch}, Loss: {loss.numpy()}")
2. optimisation based on Riemannian geometry
Optimisation based on Riemannian geometry is useful when the parameter space is a manifold. The following is an example of an implementation of optimisation that briefly simulates Riemannian optimisation.
Example implementation: Riemannian optimisation
import numpy as np
# Simple implementation of Riemannian optimisation.
class RiemannOptimization:
def __init__(self, learning_rate=0.01):
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
def optimize(self, x, grad, metric_tensor):
Riemannian optimisation.
x: Parameter (vector)
grad: gradient
metric_tensor: Riemannian metric tensor (e.g. Fisher information matrix)
# Calculating natural gradients using Riemannian metrology.
natural_grad = np.linalg.inv(metric_tensor).dot(grad)
# optimisation
x_new = x - self.learning_rate * natural_grad
return x_new
# Example: 2-dimensional parameter space
x = np.array([1.0, 2.0])
grad = np.array([0.1, -0.2])
# Simple Riemannian metric tensor (example of a unit matrix)
metric_tensor = np.eye(2)
optimizer = RiemannOptimization(learning_rate=0.01)
x_new = optimizer.optimize(x, grad, metric_tensor)
print(f"Parameters after update: {x_new}")
3. implementing SVMs using kernel functions
Kernel functions play an important role in mapping data to higher dimensional spaces. The following is a simple implementation example of classification using kernel SVMs.
Example implementation: kernel SVM
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
# Loading data (Iris dataset).
iris = datasets.load_iris()
X = iris.data
y = iris.target
# Split into training and test data.
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
# Learning kernel SVM (RBF kernel)
svm = SVC(kernel='rbf', C=1.0, gamma='scale')
svm.fit(X_train, y_train)
# Prediction on test data.
y_pred = svm.predict(X_test)
# Assessment of accuracy
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
print(f"Accuracy of SVM: {accuracy}")
Specific application examples
Application examples of machine learning algorithms that utilise geometric structures are particularly powerful for high-dimensional data and complex optimisation problems. Specific application examples for real-world problems are described below.
1. application examples of the natural gradient method: deep learning optimisation
The natural gradient method is particularly effective in the optimisation of neural networks. As optimisation can be very slow with the usual gradient descent method, it can be converged more efficiently by using Riemannian metric and taking into account the geometrical structure of the parameter space.
Application example: deep reinforcement learning
– Problem: Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) learns policies through interaction with the environment, but learning can be very slow. This is because the parameter space of the policy is so large that standard gradient descent methods are inefficient for optimisation.
– Solution: apply the natural gradient method to update the policy parameters. This ensures that the gradient is scaled appropriately and efficient optimisation is possible.
– Implementation examples: TRPO as described in ‘Overview, algorithms and implementation examples of Trust Region Policy Optimisation (TRPO)’ and Proximal Policy Optimisation (PPO) as described in ‘Overview, algorithms and implementation examples of PPO’. Algorithms such as PPO are reinforcement learning algorithms based on the natural gradient method, which use Riemannian geometric information when updating policies to ensure that policy changes are not abrupt.
2. application example of optimisation using Riemannian geometry: image classification
Riemannian geometry is a powerful tool when data is structured as manifolds. For example, image data has complex patterns in high dimensions, making optimisation using Riemannian metric an effective approach.
Application example: Riemannian optimisation in image classification
– Problem: In image classification tasks, standard gradient descent methods fail to capture the complex structure in the high-dimensional space of the data. In particular, it is difficult to maintain invariance to image transformations (rotation and scaling).
– Solution: treat image data as a manifold and use Riemannian optimisation to enable robust classification against transformations between images. The Riemannian metric appropriately evaluates the distance and similarity of the transformed data points.
– Example implementation: the Riemann Support Vector Machine (R-SVM) combines kernel functions and Riemannian geometry to classify image and sequence data. The algorithm uses kernels that reflect the geometric structure between the data, improving robustness to transformations.
3. application of SVM using kernel functions: medical data analysis
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) utilising kernel functions are a particularly effective approach for classifying complex patterns. By applying kernels to high-dimensional data, non-linear boundaries can be learnt.
Application example: medical data analysis
– Problem: In medical diagnosis, for example in the diagnosis of cancer, it is necessary to classify the presence or absence of a disease from the patient’s health data (age, weight, blood test results, etc.). These data often cannot be classified linearly.
– Solution: use kernel SVMs to perform non-linear classification. In particular, the Gaussian (RBF) kernel can be used to classify complex data structures in a high-dimensional space.
– EXAMPLE IMPLEMENTATION: In a cancer classification task using medical data, SVM using the RBF kernel can be applied to handle non-linear relationships between features. This method has the potential to significantly improve the accuracy of cancer diagnosis.
4. solving non-linear optimisation problems: path planning for automated vehicles
Non-linear optimisation problems can also be applied to path planning for automated vehicles. In automated driving, complex optimisation is required to find the shortest path while avoiding obstacles.
Application: route planning for automated vehicles
– Problem: Automated vehicles need to optimise routes to avoid obstacles in complex urban environments. Standard optimisation methods have difficulty in accurately capturing these complex relationships.
– Solution: utilise Riemannian geometry, treat roads and obstacles as manifolds and use an optimisation algorithm to find the shortest path. This allows for more efficient vehicle route planning.
– Implementation example: by using non-linear optimisation methods and Riemannian optimisation as part of the optimisation algorithm, the vehicle’s path can smoothly seek the shortest route while avoiding obstacles.
Machine learning algorithms that utilise geometry are particularly effective for complex data and non-linear optimisation problems; specific applications include deep reinforcement learning using the natural gradient method, image classification using Riemannian optimisation, and medical data analysis using kernel SVM. Riemannian geometry is also being applied in various fields, such as in route planning for automated vehicles.
reference book (work)
This section describes reference books for learning about the relationship between information geometry and machine learning.
1. ‘Information Geometry and Its Applications’ by Shun-Ichiro Amari
– Abstract: This book is a resource for learning the basics of information geometry, detailing how to use information geometry concepts and apply them to statistical modelling, optimisation and machine learning. In particular, it touches on the concepts of the natural gradient method and Riemannian geometry.
2. ‘Differential Geometry and Statistics’ by I. S. B. S. Haldane and K. V. Leung
– Abstract: In addition to the theoretical background of information geometry, this book provides a statistical perspective and helps to understand the geometrical structures in data analysis and machine learning algorithms.
3. ‘Elements of Information Theory’ by Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas
– Abstract: This book is widely used as a basic textbook on information theory. It provides an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of information geometry and teaches concepts such as entropy, mutual information content and KL divergence (Kullback-Leibler divergence) in information theory.
4. ‘Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning’ by Christopher M. Bishop
– Abstract: The book covers a wide range of knowledge about machine learning and also touches on algorithms using information geometry, in particular Gaussian distributions and maximum likelihood estimation. It gives an insight into how the natural gradient method and other geometrical approaches are used in the field of machine learning.
5. ‘The Geometry of Physics: An Introduction’ by Theodore Frankel
– Abstract: This book deals with the geometric approach in many areas of physics and shows how geometry is used in areas such as relativity and quantum mechanics, among others. Concepts relevant to information geometry are also covered, which is useful for understanding the theoretical background.
6. ‘Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective’ by Kevin P. Murphy
– Abstract: This book provides a detailed description of probabilistic approaches to machine learning, and touches on how to use information geometry to deal with stochastic optimisation problems. In particular, it explains geometric ideas related to probabilistic methods used in machine learning, such as Bayesian estimation and Gaussian processes.
7. ‘Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Linear Systems and Control’ by Peter C. Youla
– Abstract: This book deals with geometric methods in linear systems and control theory. It contains material closely related to information geometry and provides a theoretical approach that can be applied to system optimisation and machine learning.
8. ‘Convex Optimisation’ by Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe
– Abstract: This book delves deeply into optimisation methods used in the fields of machine learning and statistics, with a focus on convex optimisation.