Symbolic Logic

History of Digital Game AI (2)(Intelligent Man Machine Interaction)

Game AI overview, human-machine interaction, agents, C4, for tips on acquiring artificial intelligence technology.

History of Digital Game AI(1)(Intelligent Man Machine Interaction)

Game AI overview, reflective AI, structural AI, finite state machines (FSM), genetic algorithms, neural networks for tips on acquiring artificial intelligence technology.
検索技術:Search Technology


Search technology that can be used for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML).Elastic search technology structure and data structure
検索技術:Search Technology

Protected: n-grams (another search pattern matching method)

Search technology for use in digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML). Overview of n-grams for search pattern matching.
機械学習:Machine Learning

Where do feature quantities come from?


Destructuring in Clojure(1)

Using Clojure, Split Assignment, Local Variables and Destructuring
検索技術:Search Technology

Examples of KPI

Specific examples of KPIs for digital transformation (DX) and machine learning (ML) problem setting and problem solving

Installing python development environment and tensorflow package on mac

Installing python development environment and tensorflow package on mac
機械学習:Machine Learning


Overview of deep learning techniques for teaching beginners, auto-encoder techniques

Functional Programming (2) History

History of programming languages, functional languages starting with LISP, Clojure, Scala, IPL
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