
Protected: What is Philosophy from the Special Lecture “Socrates’ Defense”

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Protected: Optimal arm bandit and Bayes optimal when the player’s candidate actions are large or continuous(1)

Optimal arm bandit and Bayes optimal linear curl, linear bandit, covariance function, Mattern kernel, Gaussian kernel, positive definite kernel function, block matrix, inverse matrix formulation, prior simultaneous probability density, Gaussian process, Lipschitz continuous, Euclidean norm, simple riglet, black box optimization, optimal arm identification, regret, cross checking, leave-one-out cross checking, continuous arm bandit

Protected: Sparse machine learning based on trace-norm regularization

Sparse machine learning based on trace norm regularization for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks PROPACK, random projection, singularity decomposition, low rank, sparse matrix, update formula for proximity gradient, collaborative filtering, singular value solver,. Trace norm, prox action, regularization parameter, singular value, singular vector, accelerated proximity gradient method, learning problem with trace norm regularization, semidefinite matrix, square root of matrix, Frobenius norm, Frobenius norm squared regularization, Torres norm minimization, binary classification problem, multi-task learning group L1 norm, recommendation systems

Protected: Optimality conditions for constrained inequality optimization problems in machine learning

Optimality conditions for constrained inequality optimization problems in machine learning used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learningtasks duality problems, strong duality, Lagrangian functions, linear programming problems, Slater conditions, principal dual interior point method, weak duality, first order sufficient conditions for convex optimization, second order sufficient conditions, KKT conditions, stopping conditions, first order optimality conditions, valid constraint expressions, Karush-Kuhn-Tucker, local optimal solutions

Protected: Fundamentals of convex analysis in stochastic optimization (1) Convex functions and subdifferentials, dual functions

Convex functions and subdifferentials, dual functions (convex functions, conjugate functions, Young-Fenchel inequality, subdifferentials, Lejandre transform, subgradient, L1 norm, relative interior points, affine envelope, affine set, closed envelope, epigraph, convex envelope, smooth convex functions, narrowly convex functions, truly convex closed functions, closed convex closed functions, execution domain, convex set) in basic matters of convex analysis in stochastic optimization used for Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning tasks.

Protected: Image feature extraction and missing value inference in linear dimensionality reduction models in Bayesian inference

Image feature extraction and missing value inference (missing image information recovery, defect value interpolation, variational inference, unfilled questionnaires, unfilled profile information, multiple sensor integration, linear dimensionality compression algorithm, image lossy compression) in linear dimensionality reduction model in Bayesian inference used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, machine learning tasks.

Art and Sports and Gourmet

Art and Sports and Gourmet Art can be artistic works and activities expressed through human creativity and sensi...

Travel and History

Travel and History Travel and history are closely related. History can be the study of knowledge through the ...

On the Road to Okinawa and the Sakishima Islands

Ryotaro Shiba's Road to Okinawa and Sakishima (Ryuka Improvisation Theater, Awamori, Sanai Isoba, Female Chief, Hata Beach, Yonaguni Island, Wind Burial, Turtle Tomb, Cliff Burial Tomb, Yaeyama Islands, Coral Reef, Taketomi Island, Ishigaki Island, Takana Ryokan, Miyatori Mitake, Miyara Dennai, Cloud on the Hill, Southwest Airlines, International Street, Naha, Kanjin, Taiwan, Sakishima, Shobashi, Shuri, South Hateruma Island, Hateruma Island)

Philosophy and related topics

Philosophy Philosophy, which has developed over many cultures and eras from ancient Greece and other ancient...
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