
Protected: Machine Translation Today and Tomorrow – Different Machine Learning Approaches for Natural Language

Present and future of machine translation for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks - Different machine learning approaches for natural language machine translation based on attentional neural nets, machine translation based on encoding and decoding, recurrent neural nets, machine translation based on neural nets and neural models, neural net-based translation, tree-to-strong translation, pre-ordering, parse trees and parsing, word mapping, phrase-based translation

Protected: Overview of model-based approach to reinforcement learning and its implementation in python

Overview of reinforcement learning with model-based approaches used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks and its implementation in python Bellman Equation, Value Iteration, Policy Iteration

Protected: Bayesian Learning and Conjugacy

Conjugacy of various probability functions (Gaussian, Bernoulli, Poisson, Dirichlet, and Gamma distributions) and prior distributions for Bayesian learning calculations in stochastic generative models utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks

Protected: A linear summation method and message propagation algorithm for MAP estimation of discrete-state graphical models

MAP estimation using linear programming in a graphical model of discrete states in a stochastic generative model (max-sum diffusion (MSD) algorithm, Generalized MPLP, MPLP algorithm, dual solution of the relaxation problem, dual decomposition, solution by message propagation, separation algorithm, cycle inequality, MAP estimation problem formulated as a linear programming problem)

Protected: Nonparametric Bayes from the viewpoint of point processes – Poisson and gamma processes

Nonparametric Bayes from the viewpoint of point processes as an application of stochastic generative models used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks - Poisson and gamma processes additive processes, Poisson random measures, gamma random measures, discreteness, Laplace functional, point processes

Protected: Computational Methods for Gaussian Processes(2)Variational Bayesian Method and Stochastic Gradient Method

Calculations using variational Bayesian and stochastic gradient methods for Gaussian process models, an application of stochastic generative models utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks Kullback-Leibler information content, Jensen inequality, evidence lower bound function, mini-batch method, evidence lower bound, variational posterior distribution, evidence variational lower bound

On the Road: Akita Stroll, Matsuo Basho, Masumi Sugae, and Ningyo Dosojin

Ryotaro Shiba's Kaido Yuku, Akita Stroll and Matsuo Basho and Masumi Sugae (Rikkakunan, Hara Kei, Takahashi Koresei, Kano Ryokichi, Naito Konan, Shonai Plain, Zogata, Scaphana Temple, Ningyodo Soshin, Oga Peninsula, Kanpuyama, Former Nara Family Residence, Kurita Sadanosuke, sandbreak forest, Kazuno City)

Protected: Mahayana Buddhism, Nirvana Sutra and Zen Teachings

Mahayana Buddhism, the Nirvana Sutra, and Zen Teachings (all sentient beings are buddhahood, hara-son, Zen questions and answers, takkan-daza, koan, Hakuin Huizaku, Rinzai Buddhism, Nyoraizo philosophy, Soto Buddhism, Śakara Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, zazen practice, all plants, all beings become Buddha, Nirvana Sutra, buddhahood)
web技術:web technology

Overview and installation of nginx server

Overview and installation of nginx servers used for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) tasks

Implementation of hidden Markov model with Viterbi algorithm and stochastic generative model using Clojure

Implementation of hidden Markov models with Viterbi algorithm and probabilistic generative models using Clojure for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks
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