

Web server and DB integration(3)DB connection and control

DB implementation in Clojure for web server and DB integration, setting up and integration of posgresql
データベース技術:DataBase Technology

Databases Technology

Overview of database technology, CRUD (Create (add new data) - Read (reference data) - Update (update data) - Delete (delete data)), ACID (Atom (atomicity), Consistent (integrity), Isolated (isolation), Durable (Atom), Consistency, Isolated, Durable), CAP (Consistency, Availability, Partition-Tolerance)
データベース技術:DataBase Technology

Protected: RDBMS and SQL (about SQL)

An overview of relational databases and the SQL language

DB access companion format function

About the format function used for DB access in Clojure

Protected: DataBase Algorithms(1)Consistency

Algorithmic fundamentals of databases, data structures and consistency and backups, two-phase commit and atomicity, rollback, transactions
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