Bayes Rule


Protected: Overview of Discriminant Adaptive Losses in Statistical Mathematics Theory

Overview of Discriminant Conformal Losses in Statistical Mathematics Theory (Ramp Losses, Convex Margin Losses, Nonconvex Φ-Margin Losses, Discriminant Conformal, Robust Support Vector Machines, Discriminant Conformity Theorems, L2-Support Vector Machines, Squared Hinge Loss, Logistic Loss, Hinge Loss, Boosting, Exponential Losses, Discriminant Conformity Theorems for Convex Margin Losses, Bayes Rules, Prediction Φ-loss, Prediction Discriminant Error, Monotonic Nonincreasing Convex Function, Empirical Φ-loss, Empirical Discriminant Error)

Protected: Basic Framework of Statistical Mathematics Theory

Basic framework of statistical mathematics theory used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks regularization, approximation and estimation errors, Höfding's inequality, prediction discriminant error, statistical consistency, learning algorithms, performance evaluation, ROC curves, AUC, Bayes rules, Bayes error, prediction loss, empirical loss
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