

Generative Art, Programs and Algorithms

Generative Art and Programs and Algorithms (clojurescript, javascript, compilation, quil templates, python mode, java mode, processing, ArtBlock, blockchain, curation, ken rilando, autopoiesis, robots, teamlab, algorithms, art, Clojure/Conj, complex systems, information theory, mathematics)

Integration of Clojure with Javascript and node.js and web frameworks

Implementation of Clojure integration with web frameworks (javascript, React, node.js, etc.) used for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks using Clojurescript

Working with Classes in Clojure

An introduction to implementation using classes for Clojure beginners
web技術:web technology

Web Technology(2)AltJavaScript

An introduction to web technologies today, with a focus on front-end languages around Javascript, SAP, PWAs, React, and Node,js.
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