

The computing elements and semiconductor chips that make up a computer

Computational elements and semiconductor chips that make up computers utilized for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (switching, MOSFETs, disjunction, conjunction, negation, silicon, statistical physics, dopants, periodic table, binary operations, Boolean algebra, bits, bytes)

Math, Music and Computers

Math, music and computers (algorave, live-coding, supercollider, synthesizers, overtone, Clojure, pyhton, FoxDot, generative art)

Artificial Life and Agent Technologies

Artificial life technology, an indispensable technology for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks (reproducing the behavior of life on a computer and expressing intelligence)

Turing’s Theory of Computation Overview and Reference Books and Neural Turing Machines

An introduction to Turing's theory of computation, the basic computer theory on which artificial intelligence technology is based.
機械学習:Machine Learning

Dealing with the meaning of symbols on a computer

An overview of the steps to handle the meaning of symbols in computers used for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.

Introduction to programming in the Python language (1) What is programming?

Basic mechanism and history of progming and computers
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