

Evaluation of clustering for familiarization with k-means

On the evaluation of clustering around k-means for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks curse of dimensionality, Mahalanobis distance, Davies-Bouldin index, Dunn index, squared error, RSME, cluster number estimation, inter-cluster density, intra-cluster density

Protected: Evaluating the performance of online learning(Perceptron, Regret Analysis, FTL, RFTL)

Perceptron and Riglet Analysis (FTL, RFTL) for evaluating online learning used for digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks.
データベース技術:DataBase Technology

Protected: Instance recognition and retrieval (2) General image retrieval

Search optimization using tree structure, hashing, sequential quantization, spectral hashing, k-means hashing, etc. for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks, and evaluation using mAP and recall@R.
推論技術:inference Technology

Protected: Classification (4) Group learning(Ensemble Learning, Random Forest) and evaluation of learning results(Cross-validation method)

Algorithms for collective learning for data classification and evaluation of classification results (ensemble learning, bagging, boosting, random forests, cross-validation)
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