

Implementation of a Bayesian optimization tool using Clojure

Introduction of Clojure implementation of Bayesian optimization tool, a (hyperparameter) optimization tool used for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) tasks, and opimx, an optimization comparison tool in R.
web技術:web technology

Protected: Introduction to Amazon Web Services networking (2) Creating VPC regions and subnets

Overview and introduction of procedures for creating VPC regions and subnets for building AWS cloud services used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks.

Protected: Bootstrap5 Front-end Development Textbook – Introduction and Introduction to Bootstrap

Overview of Bootstrap5, a flexible front-end framework used for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks (fluid grids, fluid images, media queries, grid systems) and its actual implementation
Symbolic Logic

Protected: Introduction to Causal Inference (1) Confounding Factors and Randomized Experiments

Introduction to statistical causal inference (randomized experiments controlling for confounding factors to distinguish between causality and pseudo-correlation)
セマンテックウェブ技術:Semantic web Technology

ISWC2004 Papers

Introduction to the collection of papers of the International Semantic Web Conference ISWC2004, which is knowledge information processing used for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks.

Protected: Advanced online learning (1) High accuracy Approach (Perceptron, PA, PA-I, PA-II, CW, AROW, SCW)

Introduction to various methods for improving the accuracy of online learning for digital transformation , artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks (Perceptron, PA, CW, AROW, SCW)

Zen, Temples, and the History of Kamakura (Rinzai Zen and the Five Mountains of Kamakura)

An introduction to Rinzai Zen, one of the roots of Japanese Zen, and the Five Temples of Kamakura (Kenchoji, Engakuji, Fukujuji, Jochiji, and Jomyoji), as well as Eisai, Rankei Doryu, and Mugaku Sougen.

Overview of Shannon’s Information Theory and Reference Books

An Introduction to Shannon's Information Theory as a Basis for Artificial Intelligence Technology

Turing’s Theory of Computation Overview and Reference Books and Neural Turing Machines

An introduction to Turing's theory of computation, the basic computer theory on which artificial intelligence technology is based.

Protected: Basic concept of anomaly and change detection – Neyman-Pearson Decision Rule

An Introduction to Machine Learning for Anomaly and Change Detection Used in Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence Tasks
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