ICT技術:ICT Technology

The “Kaisha Shikiho: Industry Map” source of information on issues in DX and an example of business analysis in the manufacturing industry.

A source of information on issues in DX used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks "Company Quarterly: Industry Map" and examples of business analysis in the manufacturing industry prototyping, workflow analysis, business issue analysis, manufacturing, KPI, KGI, OKR, KJ method, Porter s Five Competitive Analysis, PEST method, SWOT analysis
課題解決:Problem solving

How to write papers and proposals based on paragraph writing and issue analysis

How to write a thesis or proposal based on paragraph writing and issue analysis (scientific thinking, argumentation, PowerPoint, proposal, topic sentence, paragraph, outline, correlation, rhizome, sequential, inverse tree structure, problem statement, conclusion, argumentation, reporting type, argumentation type, thesis issue, KPI, KGI, OKR, PDCA, systems thinking approach, Kazuhisa Todayama, making thesis)
web技術:web technology

Protected: On cloud-native and service-centric development

On cloud-native and service-centric development leveraged for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks inter-organizational, siloed, KPIs, business value, Conway's Law, organizational restructuring, process reform, CNCF Incubating Stage, CNCF Graduate Stage, CNCF Sandbox Stage, Technical Oversight Committee, End User Advisory Board, Cloud Native Application Development, Kubernetes Application Modernization, The Twelve-Factor App, 12 Application Principles, Container Orchestration, APIs, Service Based Architecture, SOA, Service Oriented Architecture, Microservices, Sparse Coupling, Delivery Performance, MTTR, Lead Time, Change Loss Rate, Deployment Frequency, Docker
検索技術:Search Technology

Examples of KPI

Specific examples of KPIs for digital transformation (DX) and machine learning (ML) problem setting and problem solving
組織活性化:revitalize an organization

About KPI,KGI,OKR(2)

The rudiments of KPI, KGI and OKR for problem setting and problem solving for Digital Transformation (DX), Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
課題解決:Problem solving

Overview and practice of KPIs, KGIs and OKRs for problem analysis

Overview and practice of KPIs, KGIs and OKRs for problem analysis and problem solving for digital transformation, machine learning and artificial intelligence (top-down, bottom-up, POC, Fermi estimation, number of customer visits, number of articles sent, response from inquiries, number of new contacts, sales promotion implementation by stores, KRI, KSF, KFI)
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