L-BFGS Method


Protected: Explainable Machine Learning (18)Adversarial Examples

Explainable Machine Learning with Adversarial Sample Approach utilized for Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning tasks Cyber Security, Surrogate Models, Neural Networks, Black Box Attack, Expectation Over Transformation algorithm, EOT, InceptionV3, TensorFlow, Fast gradient method, VGG16 classifier, ImageNet, adversarial patch, 1-pixel attack, L-BFGS method, Fast gradient sign method

Protected: Quasi-Newton Methods as Sequential Optimization in Machine Learning (2)Quasi-Newton Methods with Memory Restriction

Quasi-Newton method with memory restriction (sparse clique factorization, sparse clique factorization, chordal graph, sparsity, secant condition, sparse Hessian matrix, DFP formula, BFGS formula, KL divergence, quasi-Newton method, maximal clique, positive definite matrix, positive definite matrix completion, positive define matrix composition, graph triangulation, complete subgraph, clique, Hessian matrix, triple diagonal matrix Hestenes-Stiefel method, L-BFGS method)

Protected: Overview of Gaussian Processes(4)Hyperparameter Estimation and Generalization of Gaussian Process Regression

Hyperparameter estimation using the gradient descent method of Gaussian process regression for stochastic generative models utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (SCG method, L-BFGS method, global solution using MCMC)
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