Latent Variables


Protected: Applied Bayesian inference in non-negative matrix factorization: model construction and inference

Non-negative matrix factorization as a construction and inference of applied Bayesian inference models used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks Poisson distribution, latent variable, gamma distribution, approximate posterior distribution, variational inference, spectogram of organ performance data, missing value interpolation, restoration of high frequency components, super-resolution, graphical models, hyperparameters, modeling, auxiliary variables, linear dimensionality reduction, recommendation algorithms, speech data, Fast Fourier Transform, natural language processing

Protected: Bayesian inference by variational and collapsed Gibbs sampling of Gaussian mixture models

Bayesian inference with variational and collapsed Gibbs sampling of Gaussian mixture models utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks inference algorithms, analytic integral approximation, complex models, Gauss-Wishart distribution, clustering, multi-dimensional Student's t-distribution, categorical distribution, Poisson mixture models, Dirichlet distribution, approximate posterior distribution, latent variables

Protected: Example of Machine Learning with Bayesian Inference: Variational Inference for Poisson Mixture Models

Examples of machine learning with Bayesian inference utilized for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks: variational inference for Poisson mixed models (Gibbs sampling, variational inference, algorithm, ELBO, computation, variational inference algorithm, latent variable parameters, posterior distribution, Dirichlet distribution, gamma distribution)

Protected: An example of machine learning by Bayesian inference: inference by Gibbs sampling of a Poisson mixture model

Examples of machine learning with Bayesian inference utilized for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks: inference by Gibbs sampling of Poisson mixed models (algorithm, sampling of unobserved variables, Dirichlet distribution, gamma distribution, conditional distribution, categorical distribution, posterior distribution, simultaneous distribution, superparameter, knowledge model, latent variable) categorical distribution, posterior distribution, simultaneous distribution, hyperparameters, knowledge models, data generating processes, latent variables)
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