Margin Loss


Protected: Overview of C-Support Vector Machines by Statistical Mathematics Theory

Support vector machines based on statistical mathematics theory used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks C-support vector machines (support vector ratio, Markov's inequality, probability inequality, prediction discriminant error, one-out-of-two cross checking method, LOOCV, the discriminant, complementarity condition, main problem, dual problem, optimal solution, first order convex optimization problem, discriminant boundary, discriminant function, Lagrangian function, limit condition, Slater constraint assumption, minimax theorem, Gram matrix, hinge loss, margin loss, convex function, Bayes error, regularization parameter)

Protected: Representation Theorems and Rademacher Complexity as the Basis for Kernel Methods in Statistical Mathematics Theory

Representation theorems and Rademacher complexity as a basis for kernel methods in statistical mathematics theory used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks Gram matrices, hypothesis sets, discriminant bounds, overfitting, margin loss, discriminant functions, predictive semidefiniteness, universal kernels, the reproducing kernel Hilbert space, prediction discriminant error, L1 norm, Gaussian kernel, exponential kernel, binomial kernel, compact sets, empirical Rademacher complexity, Rademacher complexity, representation theorem
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