Maximum Flow Problem


Protected: Maximum Flow and Graph Cutting (2)Maximum Flow Algorithm

Ford-Fulkerson's algorithm and Goldberg-Tarjan's algorithm for the maximum flow problem for directed graphs used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks, pre-flow and push methods, increasing path algorithms, and residual networks
Symbolic Logic

Protected: Maximum flow and graph cut (1) Maximum volume and minimum s-t cut

Application of undermodular optimization, an optimization method for discrete information used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks, to minimum cut and maximum flow problems for directed graphs

Protected: Algorithms for Network Flow Problems

The solution of the maximum communication volume problem by Ford-Fulkerson's algorithm and its relation to the minimum cut problem, the maximum matching problem for nipartite graphs which is a special case of the maximum flow problem, the general matching problem and the minimum cost flow problem are described.
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