
ICT技術:ICT Technology

Overview of Kubernetes, environment setup, and reference books

Overview and configuration of Kubernetes used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks, reference books (Microservices, Spinnaker, Blue, Containers, Cloud Natives, Skaffold, Clair, Security, BuildKit, Kaniko, Operator, Helm, Chart, Sock Shop, YAML, Prometheus, Grafana, Pod, Minikube)

Deploying and Operating Microservices – Docker and Kubernetes

Deployment and operation of microservices leveraged for digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks - Docker and Kubernetes minikube, containers, deployment, kube-ctl, rolling-upgrade, auto-bin packing, horizontal scaling, scale-up, scale-down, self-healing, kubelet, kube-apiserver, etcd, kube-controller- manager, kube- scheduler, pod, kube-proxy, Docker CLI, the Docker Registry, cgroups, Linux kernel, kernel namespace, union mount option, Hypervisor
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