Nonparametric Bayesian


Protected: Nonparametric Bayes from the viewpoint of point processes – Poisson and gamma processes

Nonparametric Bayes from the viewpoint of point processes as an application of stochastic generative models used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks - Poisson and gamma processes additive processes, Poisson random measures, gamma random measures, discreteness, Laplace functional, point processes

Protected: Application of Nonparametric Bayesian Structural Change Estimation

Nonparametric Bayesian structural change estimation using Gibbs sampling as an application of probabilistic generative models for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks

Protected: Non-patometric Bayes and clustering (2) Stochastic model of partitioning and Dirichlet processes

Clustering using nonparametric Bayes, one of the applications of probabilistic generative models utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learningtasks (Chinese restaurant process and Dirichlet process and concentration parameter estimation, bar-folding process)

Protected: Non-parametric Bayesian and clustering(1)Dirichlet distribution and infinite mixture Gaussian model

Analysis with a mixed Gaussian model that extends the Dirichlet distribution to infinite dimensions as a nonparametric Bayesian approach in stochastic generative models used in digital transformation artificial intelligence, and machine learning
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