ICT技術:ICT Technology

The “Kaisha Shikiho: Industry Map” source of information on issues in DX and an example of business analysis in the manufacturing industry.

A source of information on issues in DX used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks "Company Quarterly: Industry Map" and examples of business analysis in the manufacturing industry prototyping, workflow analysis, business issue analysis, manufacturing, KPI, KGI, OKR, KJ method, Porter s Five Competitive Analysis, PEST method, SWOT analysis

Web server and DB integration(4) Connect the WEb server to the DB

ImImplementation in Clojure for web server and DB integration, server and DB integration, server application
課題解決:Problem solving

Overview and practice of KPIs, KGIs and OKRs for problem analysis

Overview and practice of KPIs, KGIs and OKRs for problem analysis and problem solving for digital transformation, machine learning and artificial intelligence (top-down, bottom-up, POC, Fermi estimation, number of customer visits, number of articles sent, response from inquiries, number of new contacts, sales promotion implementation by stores, KRI, KSF, KFI)
検索技術:Search Technology

Search Tool FESS

Explains how to use FESS, an open source search engine tool that can be used as a tool for digital transformation (DX) verification, at a level that beginners can use.
検索技術:Search Technology

Introduction of reference books on search technology: “Basics of Information Retrieval” and “New Horizons in Search”.

This course covers an overview of search technology for beginners in search that can be used for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML). The contents include crawling as data collection, machine learning as data processing, indexing, and search evaluation. Especially, the evaluation of search
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