地理空間情報処理 Protected: Cooperation between R and QGIS Actual collaboration between QGIS and R (rgdal, raster, dismo, dplyr, deldir), an open source of map spatial information for digital transformation and artificial intelligence task utilization 2021.10.13 地理空間情報処理
地理空間情報処理 Protected: Introduction to Geospatial Information Using QGIS Overview of QGIS, an open source for processing and displaying map spatial information used in digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks 2021.10.09 地理空間情報処理
Uncategorized Geospatial Information Processing Free software for geospatial information that can be used for digital transformation (DX) and artificial intelligence (AI) tasks (QGIS), R) and information on the development of business and other applications. 2021.09.20 Uncategorized