Search engine

Symbolic Logic

Overview of the Knowledge Graph and summary of related presentations at the International Society for the Study of Knowledge Graphs (ISWC)

Overview of knowledge graphs used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks and summary of related presentations at the International Society for the World Wide Web Conference ISWC (ISWC, natural language processing, reasoning techniques, data analytics, robotics, IOT, search engine, inference engine Entity Extraction, Picture Entity Linking, Relational Learning, Deep Learning, Fusion of Logic and Probability, Relationship Extraction, Topic Models, Chatbots, Question Answering, Semantic Web Technologies, Knowledge Information Processing, RDF Store, SPARQL, Ontology Matching, Database Technologies)
検索技術:Search Technology

Protected: n-grams (another search pattern matching method)

Search technology for use in digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML). Overview of n-grams for search pattern matching.

Building a basic UI using the search tool elasticsearch -reactive search

Search technology that can be used for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML). Building a UI for elastic search, the de facto tool for search, and using reactiveserach and full-text search.
検索技術:Search Technology

Search tool :ElasticSearch: reference books

Search technology that can be used for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML). Introduction to elasticsearch technology, the de facto tool for search.
web技術:web technology

Protected: Search engine matching algorithm(Search engine string matching)

Overview and history of search engine pattern matching algorithms that can be used for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML), meta words, indexing, and string matching.
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