

Communication using Discord

Overview of Discord Discord is a free voice, text and video chat tool developed and operated by the US so...

Data Visualization with Cytoscape.js

Data Visualization with Cytoscape.js Cytoscape.js is a graph theory library written in JavaScript that ...

Data Visualization with Gephi

Data Visualization with Gephi Gephi is an open source graph visualization software that makes it a part...

Methods for plotting high-dimensional data in lower dimensions using dimensionality reduction techniques (e.g., t-SNE, UMAP) to facilitate visualization

Methods for plotting high-dimensional data in lower dimensions using dimensionality reduction techniques...

Method for Analyzing Graph Data that Changes Over Time

A method for analyzing graph data that changes over time Methods for analyzing time-varying graph data hav...

Overview of Unity and its integration with external systems

Unity Overview Unity is an integrated development environment (IDE) for game and application development de...

Overview of automatic statement generation using Huggingface

Huggingface Huggingface is an open source platform and library for machine learning and natural language pro...

Implementation using Clojure’s graphical tools seesaw and Quill

UI (graphics, libraries, Quill, tutorial, user interface, Java, Swing) with simple graphical tools using Clojure/seesaw utilized for digital transformation (DX), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) tasks.
web技術:web technology

Protected: On cloud-native and service-centric development

On cloud-native and service-centric development leveraged for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks inter-organizational, siloed, KPIs, business value, Conway's Law, organizational restructuring, process reform, CNCF Incubating Stage, CNCF Graduate Stage, CNCF Sandbox Stage, Technical Oversight Committee, End User Advisory Board, Cloud Native Application Development, Kubernetes Application Modernization, The Twelve-Factor App, 12 Application Principles, Container Orchestration, APIs, Service Based Architecture, SOA, Service Oriented Architecture, Microservices, Sparse Coupling, Delivery Performance, MTTR, Lead Time, Change Loss Rate, Deployment Frequency, Docker
web技術:web technology

Protected: Setup of Terraform, an infrastructure management tool

Setup of Terraform, an infrastructure management tool used for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (git-secrets, dockernized Terraform, AWS credentials, team development tfenv, Homebrew, AWS CLI, AWS Management Console, access key ID, secret access key, python, Identity and Access Management, AWS, environment setup)
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