
機械学習技術 人工知能技術 デジタルトランスフォーメーション技術. センサーデータ&IOT ICT技術 ストリームデータの処理と機械学習 ICTインフラ技術 本ブログのナビ 確率的生成モデル Clojure サポートベクトルマシン スパースモデリング 異常検知・変化検知技術 関係データ学習 時系列データ解析



カルマンフィルターは以前述べた隠れマルコフモデル(hidden markov model)と類似した隠れ状態とそれらから生成される観測データを持つ状態空間モデルで、状態は連続であり、状態変数の変化はガウス分布に従う雑音を用いて統計的に記述されるものとなる。

カルマンフィルターに用いられるLinear Dynamic System(LDS)モデルは以下の式で表される。


LDSでは尤度p(yt|xt)、条件付き分布p(xt|xt-1)、事前分布p(x1)はすべて(多変量)正規分布の形をとる為、事後分布の計算は forward-backward(メッセージ伝搬)計算により解析的に行うことができる。


\[x_0\sim Norm(\mu_0,V_0)\\x_t=A\cdot x_{t-1}+\delta_{t-1}\quad \delta_{t-1}\sim Norm(0,C)\\y_t=C\cdot x_t+\epsilon_t\quad \epsilon_t\sim Norm(0,R)\quad(2)\]


  • μo: 初期状態の平均値
  • V0: 初期状態の分散値
  • A: 遷移行列
  • Q: 遷移分散行列
  • C: 観測値生成行列
  • R: 観測値分散行列


\[A=\begin{bmatrix} cos\omega&-sin\omega\\sin\omega&cos\omega\end{bmatrix}\quad Q=qI_2\quad C_{1,2}\sim Dirichlet(0.1,\dots,0.1)\quad R=rI_D\quad(3)\]


まず”lein new app gr-test(任意のプロジェクト名)”でプロジェクトファイルを作成し、プロジェクトフォルダー内のproject.cljファイルを以下のように設定する。

(defproject gr-anglican "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "FIXME: write description"
  :url ""
  :license {:name "EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0"
            :url ""}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.1"]
                 [anglican "1.1.0"]
                 [org.clojure/data.csv "1.0.1"]
                 [net.mikera/core.matrix "0.62.0"]
                 ;[plotly-clj "0.1.1"]
                 ;[org.nfrac/cljbox2d "0.5.0"]
                 ;[quil "3.1.0"]
  :main ^:skip-aot gr-anglican.core
  :target-path "target/%s"
  :plugins [[org.clojars.benfb/lein-gorilla "0.6.0"]]
  :profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all
                       :jvm-opts [""]}})

作成したディレクトリのトップでターミナルを使って”lein gorilla”と入力し、gorilla replサーバーを動作させ、表示されたURL(自動生成されたアドレス)/worksheet.html)をブラウザに入力してGorilla Replを動作させる。


(ns kalman-test
  (:require [gorilla-plot.core :as plot]
            [gorilla-repl.image :as image]
            [ :as io]
            [clojure.core.matrix :as mat
             :refer [matrix identity-matrix zero-vector 
                     shape inverse transpose
                     mul mmul add sub div]]
  (:import [javax.imageio ImageIO])
  (:use [anglican core emit runtime stat]))


;; Utility 

(mat/set-current-implementation :vectorz)

(def +plot-colors+ ["#05A" "#A05" "#0A5" "#50A" "#A50" "#5A0"])

;; number of time points
(def +T+ 100)
;; dimension of observation space
(def +D+ 20)
;; dimension of latent space
(def +K+ 2)

;; parameters
(def +init-state+ [0. 1.])
(def +omega+ (/ (* 4.0 Math/PI) +T+))
(def +trans-matrix+ (rotation-matrix +omega+))
(def +q+ 0.01)
(def +trans-cov+ (mul +q+ (identity-matrix +K+)))
(def +obs-matrix+ 
      (repeatedly 2 #(sample* (dirichlet (repeat +D+ 0.1)))))))
(def +r+ 0.01)
(def +obs-cov+ (mul +r+ (identity-matrix +D+)))
(def +init-mean+ +init-state+)
(def +init-cov+ +trans-cov+)
(def +parameters+ [+init-mean+ +init-cov+
                   +obs-matrix+ +obs-cov+
                   +trans-matrix+ +trans-cov+])

 ;; sample state sequence and observations
(def +states+
  (let [trans-dist (mvn (zero-vector +K+) +trans-cov+)]
    (reduce (fn [states _]
              (conj states
                    (add (mmul +trans-matrix+ (peek states))
                         (sample* trans-dist))))
            (range 1 +T+))))

(def +observations+
   (let [obs-dist (mvn (zero-vector +D+) +obs-cov+)]
     (map (fn [state]
            (add (mmul +obs-matrix+ state)
                       (sample* obs-dist)))


(defn get-limits 
  ([points pad]
  (let [xs (mat/reshape points [(mat/ecount points)])
        x-min (reduce min xs)
        x-max (reduce max xs)
        x-pad (* pad (- x-max x-min))]
    [(- x-min x-pad) (+ x-max x-pad)]))
    (get-limits points 0.1)))

(def +x-limits+ (get-limits +states+))
(def +y-limits+ (get-limits +observations+))

;; plot latent states
(plot/list-plot (map #(into [] %) +states+) 
                :joined true
                :color (first +plot-colors+)
                :plot-range [+x-limits+ +x-limits+])



;; plot observations
(apply plot/compose
  (for [[ys color] (map vector 
                        (transpose +observations+)
    (plot/list-plot ys
                    :joined true 
                    :color color
                    :plot-range [:all +y-limits+])))


(with-primitive-procedures [mmul add sub shape matrix identity-matrix zero-vector]
  (defquery kalman
    "A basic Kalman smoother. Predicts a state sequence 
    from the posterior given observations"
    [observations obs-matrix obs-cov 
     trans-matrix trans-cov init-mean init-cov]
    (let [;; D is dimensionality of data,
           ;; K is dimensionality of latent space
           [D K] (shape obs-matrix)
           ;; prior on observation noise
           obs-dist (mvn (zero-vector D) obs-cov)
           ;; prior on initial state
           start-dist (mvn init-mean init-cov)
           ;; prior on transition noise
           trans-dist (mvn (zero-vector K) trans-cov)]
        (reduce (fn [states obs]
                  (let [;; sample next state
                         prev-state (peek states)
                         state (if prev-state
                                 (add (mmul trans-matrix prev-state)
                                      (sample trans-dist))
                                 (sample start-dist))]
                    ;; observe next data point (when available)
                    (observe (count states) 
                             (sub (mmul obs-matrix state) obs))
                    ;; append state to sequence and continue with next obs
                    (conj states state)))
                ;; start with empty sequence
                ;; loop over data

次にそれらを用いて推論する。Mac M1環境で9498.048292 msecsかかる。

(def samples
  (->> (doquery :smc
              +obs-matrix+ +obs-cov+ 
              +trans-matrix+ +trans-cov+ 
              +init-mean+ +init-cov+]
             :number-of-particles 1000)
       (take 10000)


(defn empirical-moments [predict-id samples]
  (let [weighted-states (collect-by predict-id samples)]
    {:mean (empirical-mean weighted-states)
     :var (empirical-variance weighted-states)}))

(def moments (empirical-moments :result samples))


(defn plot-moments [moments color]
  (let [mean (:mean moments)
        err (mul 2 (mat/sqrt (:var moments)))
        [T K] (shape mean)]
     (plot/list-plot (into [] (mat/slice mean 1 0))
                     :joined true
                     :plot-range [:all +x-limits+]
                     :color color)
     (plot/list-plot (into [] (mat/slice (add mean err) 1 0))
                     :plot-range [:all +x-limits+]
                     :joined true
                     :color (second +plot-colors+))
     (plot/list-plot (into [] (mat/slice (sub mean err) 1 0))
                     :plot-range [:all +x-limits+]
                     :joined true
                     :color (second +plot-colors+))
     (plot/list-plot (into [] (mat/slice mean 1 1))
                     :plot-range [:all +x-limits+]
                     :joined true
                     :color color)
     (plot/list-plot (into [] (mat/slice (add mean err) 1 1))
                     :plot-range [:all +x-limits+]
                     :joined true
                     :color (second +plot-colors+))
     (plot/list-plot (into [] (mat/slice (sub mean err) 1 1))
                     :plot-range [:all +x-limits+]
                     :joined true
                     :color (second +plot-colors+)))))


(plot-moments moments (nth +plot-colors+ 0))


比較の為に隠れマルコフモデルの推論アルゴリズムであるForward-Backward Algorithm(FBA)での計算を行う。

;; Parameters (following Matlab implementation by Murphy)
;; m0   init-mean
;; V0   init-cov
;; C    obs-matrix
;; R    obs-cov    
;; A    trans-matrix
;; Q    trans-cov

;; Filtering notation
;; y    observation y(t)            
;; mf   filtering expectation mf(t) = E[x(t) | y(1:t)]
;; Vf   filtering covariance Vf(t) = Cov[x(t) | y(1:t)]
;; mp   prior predictive expectation mp(t) = E[x(t) | y(1:t-1)]
;; Vp   prior predictive covariance Vp(t) = Cov[x(t) | y(1:t-1)]

(defn kalman-filter
   obs-matrix obs-cov 
   trans-matrix trans-cov 
   init-mean init-cov]
  (let [;; set-up some shorthands
        C obs-matrix
        Ct (transpose C)
        R obs-cov
        A trans-matrix
        At (transpose A)
        Q trans-cov
        I (apply identity-matrix (shape init-cov))
        z (zero-vector (first (shape obs-matrix)))]
    (loop [ys observations
           mp init-mean
           Vp init-cov
           mfs []
           Vfs []
           cs []]
      (if-let [y (first ys)]
        (let [S (add (mmul C (mmul Vp Ct)) R)
              Sinv (inverse S)
              ;; K(t) = Vp(t) Ct (C Cp Ct + R)^-1
              K (mmul Vp (mmul Ct Sinv))
              ;; mf(t) = mp(t) + K(t) (y(t) - C mp(t))
              e (sub y (mmul C mp))
              mf (add mp (mmul K e))
              ;; Vf(t) = (I - K(t) C) Vp(t)
              Vf (mmul (sub I (mmul K C)) Vp)
              ;; c(t) = N(y(t) | C mp(t), C Vp Ct + R)
              c (observe* (mvn z S) e)]
          (recur (rest ys)
                 ;; mp(t+1) = A mf(t)
                 (mmul A mf)
                 ;; Vp(t+1) = A Vf At + Q
                 (add (mmul A (mmul Vf At)) Q)
                 (conj mfs mf)
                 (conj Vfs Vf)
                 (conj cs c)))
        [mfs Vfs cs]))))

;; Backward pass notation
;; ms   smoothing expectation ms(t) = E[x(t) | y(1:T)]
;; Vs   smoothing covariance Vs(t) = Cov[x(t) | y(1:T)]
;; mpp  predictive expectation mpp(t) = mp(t+1) = E[x(t+1) | y(1:t)]
;;      (shifted by one relative to mp in filtering pass)
;; Vpp  predictive covariance Vpp(t) = Vp(t+1) = Cov[x(t+1) | y(1:t)]
;;      (shifted by one relative to Vp in filtering pass)

(defn kalman-backward
  [trans-matrix trans-cov mfs Vfs]
  (let [;; set-up shorthands
        A trans-matrix
        At (transpose A)
        Q trans-cov]
    (loop [mfs (pop mfs)
           Vfs (pop Vfs)
           mss (list (peek mfs))
           Vss (list (peek Vfs))]
      (if (empty? mfs)
          [mss Vss]
          (let [;; mpp(t) = mp(t+1) = A mf(t)
                mpp (mmul A (peek mfs))
                ;; Vpp(t) = Vp(t+1) = A Vf(t) At + Q
                Vpp (add (mmul A (mmul (peek Vfs) At)) Q)
                ;; J(t) = Vf(t) At Vp(t+1)^-1
                J (mmul (peek Vfs) (mmul At (inverse Vpp)))
                Jt (transpose J)
                ;; ms(t) = mf(t) + J (ms(t+1) - mp(t+1))
                ms (add (peek mfs) (mmul J (sub (peek mss) mpp)))
                ;; Vs(t) = Vf(t) + J (Vs(t+1) - Vp(t+1)) Jt
                Vs (add (peek Vfs) (mmul J (mmul (sub (peek Vfs) Vpp) Jt)))]
            (recur (pop mfs)
                   (pop Vfs)
                   (conj mss ms)
                   (conj Vss Vs)))))))

(defn kalman-smoother
   obs-matrix obs-cov 
   trans-matrix trans-cov 
   init-mean init-cov]
  (let [[mfs Vfs cs] (kalman-filter observations
                       obs-matrix obs-cov 
                       trans-matrix trans-cov 
                       init-mean init-cov)
        [mss Vss] (kalman-backward trans-matrix trans-cov mfs Vfs)]
       [mss Vss cs]))


(def true-moments 
    (let [[mean covar _]
            (kalman-smoother +observations+
                             +obs-matrix+ +obs-cov+
                             +trans-matrix+ +trans-cov+
                             +init-mean+ +init-cov+)]
    {:mean (matrix mean)
     :var (matrix (map mat/diagonal covar))})))


  (plot/list-plot (map #(into [] %) (:mean true-moments)) 
                  :joined true
                  :plot-range [+x-limits+ +x-limits+]
                  :color (nth +plot-colors+ 2))
  (plot/list-plot (map #(into [] %) (:mean moments)) 
                  :joined true
                  :plot-range [+x-limits+ +x-limits+]
                  :color (nth +plot-colors+ 0)))



(plot-moments true-moments (nth +plot-colors+ 2))


(with-primitive-procedures [mmul mul add sub shape matrix identity-matrix zero-vector rotation-matrix]
  (defquery kalman-params
    "A basic Kalman smoother. Predicts a state sequence from the posterior
    given observations"
    [observations obs-matrix obs-cov init-mean init-cov]
    (let [;; D is dimensionality of data,
          ;; K is dimensionality of latent space
          [D K] (shape obs-matrix)
          ;; prior on observation noise
          obs-dist (mvn (zero-vector D) obs-cov)
          ;; prior on initial state
          start-dist (mvn init-mean init-cov)
          ;; sample transition matrix
          omega (sample (gamma 1.0 10.0))
          trans-matrix (rotation-matrix omega)
          ;; sample transition covariance
          q (sample (gamma 1.0 100.0))
          trans-cov (mul (identity-matrix K K) q)
          ;; prior on transition noise
          trans-dist (mvn (zero-vector K) trans-cov)]
      ;; loop over observations
      (reduce (fn [states obs]
                  (let [;; sample next state
                        prev-state (peek states)
                        state (if prev-state
                                  (add (mmul trans-matrix prev-state)
                                       (sample trans-dist))
                                  (sample start-dist))]
                    ;; observe next data point (when available)
                    (observe (count states) 
                             (sub (mmul obs-matrix state) obs))
                    ;; append state to sequence and continue with next obs
                    (conj states state)))
                ;; start with empty sequence
                ;; loop over data
      ;; output parameters
      {:omega omega
      :q q})))

サンプル推定を行う。所要時間は9909.22075 msecsとなる。

(def param-samples
  (->> (doquery :smc
              +obs-matrix+ +obs-cov+ 
              +init-mean+ +init-cov+]
             :number-of-particles 10000)
       (take 10000)

ωの推定値を出力する。”[0.12566370614359174 {:mean 0.12840811816524908, :var 8.02931252691968E-5}]”が得られ、初期設定値である0.1256…が分散を持って与えられていることが推論できる。

[+omega+ (empirical-moments (comp :omega :result) param-samples)]

次にqの推定を出力する。”[0.01 {:mean 0.013420267138197581, :var 1.564053612139262E-5}]”初期設定値である0.01が分散を持って与えられていることが確認できる。

[+q+ (empirical-moments (comp :q :result) param-samples)]


  1. […] Clojureを用いた状態空間モデル:カルマンフィルターの実装 […]

  2. […] Clojureを用いた状態空間モデル:カルマンフィルターの実装 […]

  3. […] Clojureを用いた状態空間モデル:カルマンフィルターの実装 […]

  4. […] Clojureを用いた状態空間モデル:カルマンフィルターの実装 […]

  5. […] “Clojureを用いた状態空間モデル:カルマンフィルターの実装“でも述べているカルマンフィルタは、状態空間モデルの推定に広く用いられるアルゴリズムとなる。カルマンフィルタ […]
