one hot vector and category vector with Clojure

Artificial Intelligence Technology    Machine Learning Technology    Natural Language Processing   Clojure 

Clojure implementation of one-hot-vector and category vector, used in machine learning for natural language processing. (Except for morphological analysis and CSV input/output, it is implemented without using external libraries as much as possible.

(ns test01.core
  (:require [ :as csv]
           [ :as io]
           [clojure.string :as str])
  (:import ( File FileInputStream InputStreamReader BufferedReader StringReader
                    BufferedWriter OutputStreamWriter FileOutputStream)
           (org.apache.lucene.analysis.ja JapaneseAnalyzer JapaneseTokenizer)
           (org.apache.lucene.analysis.ja.tokenattributes PartOfSpeechAttribute)
           (org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes CharTermAttribute OffsetAttribute)
           (org.apache.lucene.analysis.util CharArraySet)))

;;Read data from csv
(def data-reads
  (with-open [reader (io/reader "data/in/test-data.csv")]  ;;read test-data from folder
     (csv/read-csv reader))))

;;morphological function
(defn morphological-analysis
  (let [analyzer (JapaneseAnalyzer. nil
        rdr (StringReader. src)]
    (with-open [ts (.tokenStream analyzer "field" rdr)]
      (let [^OffsetAttribute       offsetAtt (.addAttribute ts OffsetAttribute)
            ^PartOfSpeechAttribute posAtt    (.addAttribute ts PartOfSpeechAttribute)
            _       (.reset ts)
            surface #(subs src (.startOffset offsetAtt) (.endOffset offsetAtt))
            pos     #(.getPartOfSpeech posAtt)
            tokens  (->> #(if (.incrementToken ts)
                            [(surface) (pos)]
                         (take-while identity)
            _       (.end ts)]

;;Transform morphological analysis results into (part of speech, word) form
(defn simple-morph [n]
  (map #(list (first (str/split (% 1) #"-")) (% 0))
       (morphological-analysis n)))

;;pick up named entity
(defn meisi-token [n]
      (= "名詞" (first %)) (second %)
      :else nil)(simple-morph n)))
;;Create a dictionary of words that appear by extracting stop word data (stop-word-num.txt, etc.))
(def word-dic-raw3
   (distinct (flatten (map #(meisi-token (nth (nth data-reads %) 1))(range (count data-reads)))))
   (remove (set (read-string (slurp "data/in/stop-word-num.txt"))))
   (remove (set (read-string (slurp "data/in/stop-word-kana.txt"))))
   (remove (set (read-string (slurp "data/in/stop-word1w.txt"))))))

;;Number of word-dic
(def count-word-dic (count word-dic-raw3))

;;Creating zipmap data with word-dic
(def word-dic3
   (range (count word-dic-raw3))

;;Extract the category No. that matches the mth word of the nth sentence
(defn pickup-category-num [n m]
  (->> word-dic3
       (filter #(= (second %) (nth (meisi-token (nth data-reads n)) m)))

;;Apply to all words in the nth sentence of each (create a category vector)
(defn category-vec [n]
  (map #(pickup-category-num n %)
       (range (count (meisi-token (nth data-reads n))))))

;;Transformation of category-vector (map extracting frequencies of category vectors)
(defn frequencies-category-vec [n]
  (frequencies (category-vec n)))

;;Set the nth word to 1 out of the m words in the raw data to create one-hot-vector.
(defn one-hot-vec [n m]
   (vec (take (- n 1) (repeat 0)))
   (vec (take (- m n) (repeat 0)))))

;;Create one-hot-vector in matrix form (create one-hot-vector with nth sentence)
(defn doc-one-hot-vec [n]
  (vec (map #(vec (one-hot-vec % count-word-dic))(category-vec n))))

;;Same one-hot-vector count and matrix-to-vector (squashed one-hot-vec)
;;Vector addition
(defn sum-doc-one-hot-vec [n]
  (loop [x (rest (doc-one-hot-vec n))
         y (first (doc-one-hot-vec n))]
    (if (empty? x)
      (recur (rest x)(map + y (first x))))))

The data created by these methods can be used for various types of classification and deep learning processes.


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