Overview and implementation steps for Laravel and PHP

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PHP Overview

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a scripting language for web development that runs mainly on the server side and is used to create dynamic web pages and develop web applications, such as embedding HTML code, accessing databases, and processing forms. It is used to create dynamic web pages and develop web applications, such as embedding HTML code, accessing databases, and processing forms.

PHP was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994 and has been developed by the open source community since then. PHP has a simple and intuitive syntax that makes it easy to integrate with other programming languages. It is also widely used and is supported by many web hosting services and frameworks.

The main characteristics of PHP are as follows

  • Simplicity: PHP syntax is similar to C and Perl, making it easy to learn and intuitive.
  • Dynamic Web page generation: PHP supports embedding HTML code, which can be used to generate dynamic content.
  • Database Access: PHP is easy to work with many databases and supports integration with major database systems such as MySQL.
  • Security: PHP has extensive security features and can implement a variety of security measures.
  • Open Source: PHP is open source and has extensive community support.

PHP is used for a variety of purposes, mainly in web development, where it is widely used to develop dynamic web pages, web applications, and CMS (Content Management Systems). However, recent trends in web development have seen the popularity of other languages such as JavaScript and Python, which can be used for both front-end and back-end development, offering a more modern and high-performance development approach. However, PHP is still used in many web applications, and its extensive community and resources available make it a strong choice.

PHP frameworks

PHP frameworks provide a set of tools to streamline the development of PHP applications and provide reusable code and handling of common development tasks. Several popular PHP frameworks are discussed below.

  • Laravel: Laravel is currently one of the most popular PHP frameworks. It has a simple and elegant syntax and offers many features such as routing, session management, authentication, and database access. It also has a built-in template engine and ORM (Object-Relational Mapping).
  • Symfony: Symfony is a robust full-stack framework suitable for developing large applications. It features a component-based design and provides features such as routing, security, database access, and form processing.
  • CodeIgniter: CodeIgniter is a lightweight and fast framework that is easy for beginners to handle. It features a simple design and a rich library, and provides basic functionality such as routing, database access, and form processing.
  • CakePHP: CakePHP is a robust and easy-to-use framework that improves coding productivity, offering CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality, database migration, and much more.
  • Zend Framework: Zend Framework is a highly flexible and extensible framework. It has a module-based architecture that allows you to use only the components you need.

These frameworks provide tools to speed up the development of PHP applications and improve maintainability and extensibility.

PHP Development Procedure

Although PHP development procedures vary depending on the size and requirements of the project, the following is a general PHP project development procedure.

  1. Define project requirements: Define the goals and requirements of the project, including the required functionality, budget, and timeline. The requirements definition is important to provide direction for the development and to ensure a common understanding among the developers and stakeholders.
  2. Structuring the project: Design the directory structure of the project and create the necessary files and folders. This includes source code, images, style sheets, templates, and other resources needed for the project.
  3. Database Design: If the project will use a database, design the database. Here, tables, columns, relationships, etc. will be defined to create the necessary data structure.
  4. Backend Development: Develop the backend of the project using PHP. This includes configuring routing, database access, and implementing business logic. If a framework is used, it is also important to follow the framework’s configuration and coding conventions.
  5. Front End Development: Develop the front end of the project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This includes design, user interface creation, and client-side validation.
  6. Testing and Debugging: Testing the developed code to identify and fix bugs and errors. Appropriate testing techniques are applied here, such as unit testing, integration testing, and security testing.
  7. Deployment and Production: Once development is complete, the application is deployed to the production environment. Server configuration, database migration, security measures, etc. are performed and the application is put into production. Periodic maintenance and updates will also be performed as needed.
  8. Documentation: Create documentation for the project. This includes source code comments, API documentation, user manuals, etc. Good documentation helps the project to be maintainable and understandable by other developers.

The PHP implementation first requires the following environment setup.

Procedures for building a PHP development environment

The general steps for setting up a PHP development environment are as follows

  1. PHP Installation: In order to run PHP, you will first need to install PHP; download and install the latest stable version from the official PHP website (https://www.php.net/). Follow the installer to select the appropriate options and complete the installation.
  2. Web Server Installation: Since PHP runs primarily on the server side, a web server is required for local development. Common options include Apache, Nginx, and IIS. Install and configure the selected web server.
  3. Database Installation: If your PHP project uses a database, you will need to install an appropriate database server. Common choices include MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, etc. Install and configure the database of your choice.
  4. Select a development environment: Choose a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE). For general PHP development, Visual Studio Code, PHPStorm, Sublime Text, etc. are used. Install the development environment of your choice and configure the necessary extensions and settings.
  5. Project Setup: Depending on the project to be developed, install the necessary libraries and dependencies; Composer can be used to facilitate PHP package management.
  6. Build a test environment: To test the project, install a test framework such as PHPUnit and build an appropriate test environment.

The use of Laravel, one of the most popular PHP frameworks, is described below.

About Laravel

Laravel is the most popular PHP framework. Below we discuss some of Laravel’s features and benefits.

  • Elegant syntax: Laravel allows writing intuitive and readable code and provides a simple and elegant syntax. This allows developers to be more productive.
  • MVC Architecture: Laravel employs a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. This separates the logic and presentation of the application, improving maintainability and scalability.
  • Routing and Request Handling: Laravel’s routing capabilities are very powerful and flexible, allowing you to easily define routes and handle requests. It also supports RESTful routing, making it suitable for API development.
  • Database Access and ORM: Laravel provides useful tools to facilitate database access: the Eloquent ORM allows mapping database tables to object models for easy database manipulation.
  • Template Engine and Blade: Blade, Laravel’s default template engine, provides efficient and powerful template processing. It supports control structures such as conditional branches and loops to simplify view creation.
  • Authentication and Session Management: Laravel has useful built-in features to facilitate authentication and session management. This makes it easy to implement user authentication, access control, password resets, etc.
  • Caching and Performance: Laravel provides a caching mechanism to improve performance. This allows database queries, view results, etc. to be cached, reducing processing time.
  • Community and Resources: Laravel has a very active community with many resources and packages available. There is a wealth of official documentation, forums, tutorials, and packages to support learning and development.

Although Laravel is popular and used for a wide range of projects, the choice of framework should be considered according to the requirements of the project and the experience of the developer.

Laravel Development Procedure

The Laravel development procedure is based on the general PHP development procedure, but also includes Laravel-specific elements. Below are the general development steps for a Laravel project.

  1. Install Laravel: First, install Laravel, which requires the command line tool Composer.
composer global require laravel/installer

2. Project Creation: After the Laravel installation is complete, run the following command to create a new Laravel project.

laravel new Project Name

3. Database configuration: If your project uses a database, configure the database connection settings in the .env file. Specifically, specify the database type, host, port, user name, password, etc.

4. Migration: Migration is used to create database tables. Migration defines the schema of the database and creates a migration file to create the tables.

php artisan make:migration create_table_name --create=table_name

After creating the migration file, execute the following commands to perform the migration.

php artisan migrate

5. Model Creation: Create an Eloquent model to map to the database tables.

php artisan make:model ModelName

6. Configure routing: Use the routes/web.php and routes/api.php files to define the routing for your application, including the mapping between URLs and controller methods.

7. Create a controller: Create a controller in the app/Http/Controllers directory.

php artisan make:controller ControllerName

8. Create views: Create view files in the resources/views directory. View files manage the application’s displays and templates.

9. Front-end configuration: Laravel comes with a build tool called Laravel Mix by default. This allows you to configure it to compile and bundle CSS and JavaScript, as well as integrate front-end frameworks (e.g., Vue.js, React).

10.Testing: Laravel allows unit and integration testing using PHPUnit. Here, we create test cases and add the necessary test methods.

Finally, I will discuss specific implementation using Laravel. First, we will discuss the integration with Mediawiki.

Example implementation of integration with Mediawiki using Laravel

MediaWiki is a widely used CMS, as described in “Getting up and running with MAMP and media wiki“. However, MediaWiki is a proprietary framework, and integration with Laravel is not direct. However, we will discuss how to use Laravel to integrate with MediaWiki.

  1. Installing MediaWiki: First, install MediaWiki. This is done by downloading the latest version from the official MediaWiki site and extracting it to your web server. Next, follow the MediaWiki installation instructions to configure the necessary settings.
  2. Create a Laravel project: Next, create a Laravel project. To do so, use the following command
laravel new mediawiki-project
cd mediawiki-project
  1. Configure routes: Set up a Laravel route and define a route to handle requests to MediaWiki. To do so, edit the routes/web.php file.
<?php use IlluminateSupportFacadesRoute; Route::get('/wiki/{any}', function ($path) { return redirect('http://your-mediawiki-site/wiki/' . $path); })->where('any', '.*');

The above example defines a route that receives and redirects requests to MediaWiki, replacing your-mediawiki-site with the MediaWiki site URL.

  1. Web server configuration: Configure your web server (Apache, Nginx, etc.) to properly serve both Laravel and MediaWiki.

For example, if you are using Apache, add the following VirtualHost configuration

    ServerName your-laravel-site
    DocumentRoot /path/to/mediawiki-project/public

        AllowOverride All
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        Require all granted
  1. Restart server: After changing the web server settings, restart the server to reflect the settings.
  2. Test: Access http://your-laravel-site/wiki/Main_Page in a browser to verify that the Laravel route redirects to the MediaWiki page.

In the above procedure, Laravel and MediaWiki are set up independently and redirected from Laravel to MediaWiki; if you want to manipulate MediaWiki’s data and functions directly in Laravel, you need to use MediaWiki’s API for integration. is necessary.

Next, we describe the implementation of a chatbot using Laravel.

Example of chatbot implementation using Laravel

An example of how to implement Chatbot using Laravel is shown below.

  1. Project Setup: First, create a Laravel project.
laravel new chatbot-project
cd chatbot-project
  1. Installing the required packages: In order to implement Chatbot, additional Laravel packages are required. Here we will use BotMan, which is described in “BotMan, a production-oriented chatbot system using PHP/Laravel“, and install the necessary packages using the following commands.
composer require botman/botman
composer require botman/driver-web
  1. Botman configuration: Create a config/botman/botman.php file. The following is a simple example.
<?php return [ 'conversation_cache_time' => 60,
    'user_cache_time' => 30,
    'locale' => 'en',
    'drivers' => [
        'web' => [
            'matchingData' => [
                'driver' => 'web',
  1. Configure routes: Edit the routes/web.php file to define Chatbot routes.
<?php use BotManBotManBotMan; use BotManBotManBotManFactory; use BotManBotManDriversDriverManager; DriverManager::loadDriver(BotManDriversWebWebDriver::class); $botman = BotManFactory::create(config('botman')); $botman->hears('Hello', function (BotMan $bot) {
    $bot->reply('Hi! How can I assist you?');

$botman->fallback(function (BotMan $bot) {
    $bot->reply('Sorry, I did not understand.');

  1. Start the local server: Use the following command to start the local server
php artisan serve
  1. Test Chatbot: Once the local server is up and running, go to http://localhost:8000/botman/tinker in your browser and test your interaction with Chatbot. This would be, for example, typing “Hello” and receiving “Hi! How can I assist you?

In the code above, a simple response was defined using the Botman package. The logic of the response can be freely customized, and logic can be added so that Chatbot responds to specific keywords or phrases and responds appropriately to the user.

The above example uses the web driver, but other drivers (Facebook Messenger, Slack, etc.) can also be used. For more information on setting up detailed drivers, please refer to Botman’s official documentation.

Example implementation of Laravel and Elasticsearch integration

In order to integrate Elasticsearch and Laravel as described in “Overview of Search System and Examples of Implementation with Elasticsearch“, it is necessary to perform several steps. Below is an example of a typical implementation of linking Laravel and Elasticsearch.

  1. Install and configure Elasticsearch: First, install and configure Elasticsearch as required, following the official Elasticsearch documentation to complete the installation procedure and configuration.
  2. Install the Elasticsearch package in your Laravel project: In your Laravel project, you will need to install a package to handle Elasticsearch. This is usually done using an official package called Laravel Scout. Use the following command to install Laravel Scout
composer require laravel/scout
  1. Configure Laravel Scout: Configure Laravel Scout. First, activate the following service providers in the config/app.php file.
'providers' => [
    // ...

Next, edit the config/scout.php file to use the Elasticsearch driver.

'scout' => [
    // ...
    'driver' => env('SCOUT_DRIVER', 'elasticsearch'),
    'prefix' => env('SCOUT_PREFIX', ''),

'elasticsearch' => [
    'index' => env('ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX', 'your-index-name'),
    'hosts' => [
        env('ELASTICSEARCH_HOST', 'http://localhost'),

In the above example, the Elasticsearch host and index name are set. If necessary, the values should be set appropriately.

  1. Configure the model: add a Searchable Trait to the model that uses Elasticsearch. For example, to make the AppModelsProduct model searchable by Elasticsearch, modify as follows
use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel;
use LaravelScoutSearchable;

class Product extends Model
    use Searchable;

    // ...
  1. Indexing and Synchronization: Create an Elasticsearch index and synchronize the data in the Laravel model. To do so, it is necessary to execute the following commands in order.
php artisan scout:import "AppModelsProduct"
php artisan scout:flush "AppModelsProduct"
  1. Performing a search: Use the following code to search for data using Elasticsearch.
 use AppModelsProduct;

$products = Product::search('keyword')->get();

In the above example, the keyword ‘keyword’ is used to search for products.

Reference Information and Reference Books

For more information on PHP and Laravel, see “PHP and Web Development Frameworks.

Reference books include”Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript

Design Patterns in PHP and Laravel


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