Life tips & Miscellaneous

Here we discuss life tips, travel, history, sports, art, classics, various books, technology and other miscellaneous articles on problem solving and various religions, which are mapped below.

The details are described below.

Problem solving methods and thinking and experimental design

    This presentation will cover the basic concept of problem solving, various methods of problem analysis, hypothesis formulation and estimation for problem solving, and specific steps of problem solving.

    Next, we will discuss the “billiard method” of problem analysis, which is a method for analyzing problems, the systems thinking approach, and the KPI, KGI, OKR, and other methods that are often used in corporate improvement activities.

    Next, we will discuss Fermi estimation for quantifying issues and target values, and then we will discuss deduction, induction, projection, analogy, abduction, and other reasoning methods for formulating hypotheses to solve problems, followed by methods for verifying these hypotheses without falling into the “confirmation bypass”.

    Finally, PDCA, a specific problem-solving approach, and the concept of experimentation within PDCA are described based on causal inference methods.

    In the following pages of this blog, we describe these problem-solving techniques, thinking methods, and experimental designs in detail.

    How to write a paper/report

      Writing a paper or report involves many steps: (1) selecting a topic, (2) researching, (3) outlining, (4) drafting, (5) reviewing and revising, and (6) formatting.

      The following pages of this blog describe in detail the approach required for each step.

      Zen thought and history, Mahayana Buddhism, Taoist thought, Christianity

      Zen, derived from the Zen sect of Buddhism, is a form of Buddhism that developed mainly in China and Japan, as well as a system of thought and practice with its own unique training methods and philosophy. Zen is also known as a unique form of Buddhist teaching that emphasizes the direct experience of the practitioner in order to realize one’s true nature.

      Furthermore, in recent years, Zen has been used as a tool (replaced by the term “mindfulness” by Google and others) to change one’s perspective on the world and to reevaluate one’s way of life, with a direct tree to the effect of regulating the rhythm of life.

      Zen is also known as a unique cultural and philosophical tradition with profound influence in a wide variety of fields, influencing religions, philosophy, psychology, art, and artificial intelligence technology outside of Buddhism.

      The following pages of this blog discusses these Zen topics as well as other religions (Mahayana Buddhism, the philosophy of the Way, Christianity), and provide information that allows us to think deeply about the ideological backgrounds of these religions.

      Philosophy and related topics

        Philosophy, which has developed over many cultures and eras from ancient Greece and other ancient civilizations to the present day, is a branch of study that deeply examines fundamental questions of human knowledge, existence, truth, ethics, and meaning, and seeks rational clarification through logical analysis and argumentation.

        Philosophy is a discipline that emphasizes methodology and logical analysis to delve into questions, and it is a study that deeply examines human thought and knowledge and pursues insight into abstract concepts and complex questions. It is also closely related to other disciplines such as religion, science, ethics, political science, and psychology.

        In the following pages of this blog, we discuss philosophy and various topics related to it.

        Read the classics again

        The term “classic” refers to a work in a field of literature, thought, or art that is representative or well-known in that field, or a work that has been read and loved by many people over the years. Classical works continue to be read and studied by many people today because they reflect the history, culture, values, and philosophy of the field, and because they have been accepted by so many people.

        Reading the classics has a variety of significance, including new discoveries, changes in perspective, evolution of meaning, rediscovery of literary value, and confirmation of one’s own personal growth. The following pages of this blog introduce various classics.

        Travel and History

        Travel and history are closely related. History becomes the study of knowledge through the study of human past events, culture, society, politics, and economics. Travel, on the other hand, becomes an act for humans to visit new places and experience different cultures and histories.

        In the following pages of this blog, we mainly focus on “Kaido yuku” by Ryotaro Shiba, a historical novelist who was also mentioned in “Ryotaro Shiba, Shotaro Ikenami, and Historical Novels,” and various travelogues are described in relation to the history of the region.

        Art, Sports and Gourmet

        Art is artistic work or activity expressed through human creativity and sensitivity in a wide variety of forms and genres, including painting, sculpture, photography, music, performing arts, literature, architecture, etc. Art can inspire and delight people, open new perspectives, provoke deep thought and empathy, and form a cultural heritage. It is also a place that forms and reflects the spirit and identity of a particular era or region.

        Sports are an important activity that can encompass the physical, social, and cultural aspects of human life, and can bring joy and stimulation to many people. In addition to being enjoyed as competitions and entertainment, sports can also function as a platform for building social connections, contributing to economic revitalization and tourism promotion.

        Food culture plays an important role in people’s lives and is one of the great ways to promote social interaction and cultural ties, reflecting the unique characteristics of a particular region or culture and allowing people to experience the tastes and traditions that are unique to that region.

        In the following pages of this blog, we will describe various information and reflections on this art and sports and gourmet.

        Economics, Financial Engineering, Business and Artificial Intelligence Technology

        Economics is the study of the efficient use of resources and the mechanisms of production, distribution, and consumption, aiming at optimal value creation and distribution, while financial engineering studies the pricing of financial markets and products, risk assessment, and portfolio management using mathematical models and statistical methods to minimize risk and maximize profits. It will develop strategies and methods for risk minimization and profit maximization. Furthermore, business is the activity of providing goods and services for profit, and contribution to society is also important. Marketing, financial management, human resource management, and strategic decision making are important concepts in business.

        In the following pages of this blog, we discuss various topics related to this economy, financial engineering, and business, as well as examples of applications of artificial intelligence technology.

          Technology Discussion – A discussion of various new technologies

          In the following pages of this blog, we discuss various topics related to the latest technologies (biotechnology, energy, physics, agriculture, chemistry, astronomy, brain science, quantum sensing, robotics, etc.) other than artificial intelligence technology, which is the subject of this blog.

          Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Space, Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence

            Physics studies the properties and interactions of matter, energy, time, and space, and includes the fields of mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, optics, and quantum mechanics. Chemistry studies the composition, properties, and reactions of matter, and biology explores the origin, evolution, structure, function, and classification of life. Astrophysics and astronomy are the study of the nature, origin, structure, and motion of the universe as a whole, and will be conducted through observation, theory, and experimentation. Each of these is closely related to mathematics and artificial intelligence technologies.

            The following pages of this blog discuss these physics, chemistry, biology, and cosmology topics and the role of mathematics and artificial intelligence.

              Books & TV & movies & music

                Books, TV, movies, and music bring a variety of benefits to our lives.

                Books, TV, movies, and music are important tools that provide information and knowledge. By being exposed to content of various genres and themes, we can gain new ideas and perspectives, and acquire new skills and expertise. They can also develop a rich imagination by stimulating their imaginations.

                Those contents can also provide visual/aural experiences and allow people to empathize emotionally with the stories and experience joy, sadness, excitement, and much more.

                The following pages of this blog discuss several contents.

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