

Protected: Optimization Using Lagrangian Functions in Machine Learning (2) Extended Lagrangian Method

Overview of optimization methods and algorithms using extended Lagrangian function methods in machine learning for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks proximity point algorithm, strongly convex, linear convergence, linearly constrained convex optimization problems, strong duality theorem, steepest descent method, Moreau envelope, conjugate function, proximity mapping, dual problem, dual ascent method, penalty function method, barrier function method

Protected: Two-Pair Extended Lagrangian and Two-Pair Alternating Direction Multiplier Methods as Optimization Methods for L1-Norm Regularization

Optimization methods for L1 norm regularization in sparse learning utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks FISTA, SpaRSA, OWLQN, DL methods, L1 norm, tuning, algorithms, DADMM, IRS, and Lagrange multiplier, proximity point method, alternating direction multiplier method, gradient ascent method, extended Lagrange method, Gauss-Seidel method, simultaneous linear equations, constrained norm minimization problem, Cholesky decomposition, alternating direction multiplier method, dual extended Lagrangian method, relative dual gap, soft threshold function, Hessian matrix

Protected: An example of machine learning by Bayesian inference: inference by collapsed Gibbs sampling of a Poisson mixture model

Inference by collapsed Gibbs sampling of Poisson mixed models as an example of machine learning by Bayesian inference utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks variational inference, Gibbs sampling, evaluation on artificial data, algorithms, prior distribution, gamma distribution, Bayes' theorem, Dirichlet distribution, categorical distribution, graphical models

Protected: Batch Stochastic Optimization – Stochastic Dual Coordinate Descent

Stochastic dual coordinate descent algorithms as batch-type stochastic optimization utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks Nesterov's measurable method, SDCA, mini-batch, computation time, batch proximity gradient method, optimal solution, operator norm, maximum eigenvalue , Fenchel's dual theorem, principal problem, dual problem, proximity mapping, smoothing hinge loss, on-line type stochastic optimization, elastic net regularization, ridge regularization, logistic loss, block coordinate descent method, batch type stochastic optimization

Machine Learning by Ensemble Methods – Fundamentals and Algorithms Reading Notes

Fundamentals and algorithms in machine learning with ensemble methods used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks class unbalanced learning, cost-aware learning, active learning, semi-supervised learning, similarity-based methods, clustering ensemble methods, graph-based methods, festival label-based methods, transformation-based methods, clustering, optimization-based pruning, ensemble pruning, join methods, bagging, boosting

Protected: Optimality conditions and algorithm stopping conditions in machine learning

Optimality conditions and algorithm stopping conditions in machine learning used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning scaling, influence, machine epsilon, algorithm stopping conditions, iterative methods, convex optimal solutions, constrained optimization problems, global optimal solutions, local optimal solutions, convex functions, second order sufficient conditions, second order necessary conditions, first order necessary conditions

Protected: Unsupervised Learning with Gaussian Processes (1)Overview and Algorithm of Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models

Overview and algorithms of unsupervised learning using Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models GPLVM, an application of probabilistic generative models used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, Bayesian Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models ,Bayesian GPLVM

Protected: Application of Variational Bayesian Algorithm to Mixed Gaussian Distribution Models

Application of variational Bayesian algorithms to mixed Gaussian distribution models for the computation of stochastic generative models utilized in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks (Dirichlet distribution, isotropic Gaussian distribution, free energy calculation)

Protected: Application of Variational Bayesian Algorithm to Matrix Decomposition Models

Variational Bayesian learning and empirical variational Bayesian learning algorithms for matrix factorization models as computational methods for stochastic generative models utilized in digital transformation , artificial intelligence , and machine learning tasks

Protected: Dynamic Programming Algorithms and Data Structures

Algorithms and data structures of dynamic programming (memoization, Fibonacci sequence, knapsack problem), a fundamental technique of machine learning used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks.
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