Protected: React practice starting with the basics of modern Javascript – Modern Javascript features (1)

Front-end technologies for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks, functional overview of modern Javascript (variables, functions, split assignments)

Protected: Bootstrap5 Front-end Development Textbook – Introduction and Introduction to Bootstrap

Overview of Bootstrap5, a flexible front-end framework used for digital transformation and artificial intelligence tasks (fluid grids, fluid images, media queries, grid systems) and its actual implementation

Adjusting web layouts (CSS)(1)

An introduction to CSS as a web layout adjustment. Used for building column structure and adjusting the layout of the search UI (reactiveserach) for elastic search that I created last time.

Adjusting web layouts (CSS)(2)

Introduction to CSS as a web layout adjustment. Introduction to reference books, used to adjust the layout of the search UI (reactiveserach) for elastic search that I created last time.
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