
web技術:web technology

Reasoning Web 2008 Papers

Machine Learning Technology  Artificial Intelligence Technology  Natural Language Processing Technology  Semantic Web Te...
Stream Data Processing

Protected: Time Series Data Analysis (1) – State Space Model

Overview of various state-space models linear and Gaussian state-space models, AR models, autoregressive and moving average ARMA models, component decomposition models, and time-varying coefficient models) for time series data analysis used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks

Protected: Structural Regularization Learning with Submodular Optimization (3)Formulation of the structural regularization problem with submodular optimization

Application of submodular function optimization, an optimization method for discrete information, to structural regularization problems and formulations using submodular optimization (linear approximation and steepest effect methods, accelerated proximity gradient method, FISTA, parametric submodular minimization, and splitting algorithms)

Protected: Structural regularization learning using submodular optimization (2) Structural sparsity obtained from submodular functions

Structural regularization learning (coupled Lasso and Lovász extensions) by structural sparsity obtained from submodular functions in submodular optimization, an optimization method for discrete information used in digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks.
web技術:web technology

Protected: Introduction to Amazon Web Services Networking (3) Overview and Deployment of EC2 Instances

Overview of EC2 and procedures for launching AWS cloud services for digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning tasks

Protected: Web page development using Laravel (5) Application architecture

Overview of application architecture (MVC, ADR) in Laravel, a web application framework in PHP used for digital transformation , artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks

Travel , History , Sports and Arts

About Travel , History , Sports and Arts The quality of digital game character AI is also determined by the basi...

On the Road – Koshu Kaido and the Edo Shogunate

From Ryotaro Shiba's Kaido yuku, it describes the vastness of Musashino as recited by Ota Dokan, the Bando people in "Sarashina Nikki", the story of Hideyoshi and Ieyasu's companion, Hachioji Sen-nin Doshin and Isamu Kondo and finally Tokugawa Yoshinobu.
Symbolic Logic

Knowledge Graphs and Big Data Processing

Machine Learning Technology  Artificial Intelligence Technology  Natural Language Processing Technology  Semantic Web Te...
Symbolic Logic

Reasoning Web 2007 Papers

Machine Learning Technology  Artificial Intelligence Technology  Natural Language Processing Technology  Semantic Web Te...